Arabic vs Colombian Coffee: Difference and Comparison

In its onward furtherance, society has given rise to a potent brewed beverage, coffee, which has a remarkable duende that attracts millions of people of all ages universally. It occupies a far more compelling position than any other beverage.

Some say it secures the second position after oil in today’s list of most valuable commodities. It exceeds many subsidiary foods in terms of palatability owing to its rich flavor and aroma.

Key Takeaways

  1. Arabic coffee is a brewing method that uses lightly roasted Arabica beans, cardamom, and sometimes saffron, producing a unique, strong flavor.
  2. Colombian coffee is known for its high-quality Arabica beans, which offer a balanced flavor profile with mild acidity, medium body, and fruity or nutty notes.
  3. While Arabic and Colombian coffee utilize Arabica beans, their brewing methods, flavor profiles, and additional ingredients differ.

Arabic vs. Colombian Coffee

Arabic coffee is a traditional drink made from grilled coffee beans and brewed in a specific way served with dates or other sweets and is a hallmark in Arab culture. Colombian coffee mild- flavored coffee grown in Colombia with healthy acidity. It is a very popular coffee and is exported to many countries.

Arabic vs Colombian Coffee

Coffea Arabica and Coffea Canephora (Robusta Coffee) are the two major crash crops from which coffee beans are derived. Coffea Arabica, or Arabic coffee, is considered the very first coffee species cultivated and has its origin in Yemen.

It constitutes the major portion of the global coffee production. Colombian coffee is made from 100% Arabica beans, which are grown in the farms of Colombia.

Due to the difference in regions of production of the two varieties of coffee crops and considering the changing soil and climate, Arabic and Colombian coffee differ concerning their strength, taste, and preparation process.

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Comparison Table

Parameter of ComparisonArabic CoffeeColombian Coffee
OriginArabian coffee has originated from Arab countries like Yemen, where it was first cultivated, Egypt, and Syria.Colombian coffee is completely made from Arabic coffee beans, which are grown on farms in Colombia.
TasteIt has a strong taste; the isles are bitter and less caffeinated than Robust Coffee.It has a softer and milder taste as compared to the Arabic coffee
ProcessingThe coffee beans extracted from dried cherries are directly roasted without washing.The pulp from coffee beans, extracted from dried cherries, is washed off for 2-3 days via a very skillful process before the beans are roasted.
PreparationIt needs to be brewed before consumption.It is more of an ‘instant coffee’ and may or may not be brewed before consumption.
ServiceIt is served in small decorative cups called ‘finjāns’ up to a few centiliters. It may also be poured into a larger kettle called ‘Della.’There is no traditional or specific way of serving Colombian coffee
Side snacksDates, dried fruits, or candied nuts are served along with this coffee by the traditional Arabic culture.No specific complimentary snacks are served, and it completely depends on the consumer’s taste.
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What is Arabic Coffee?

Arabic coffee, also known as Coffea Arabica, is more acidic, less bitter, and less caffeinated than Robusta coffee. It is the native crop of Arab countries, including Yemen, where it was first cultivated, Egypt, and Syria.

These crash crops are 9-12 m tall, bear white flowers, grow in axillary clusters, and have an open-branching system. Planted at a 1000-1500 m height from the mean sea level, these crops require 1600-2500 mm of annual rainfall and a suitable temperature range of 15-25°C.

The crops require mildly acidic, deep, friable, moisture-retentive soil rich in organic matter. After drying the cherries, the beans are removed and directly roasted, and the beans are not washed.

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Arabic coffee is served boiled in small cups with decorative patterns known as ‘finjāns,’ a few centiliters at a time. It is prepared from beans that are light to heavily roasted and ground and has a dash of cardamom for additional flavor.

It is traditionally black, unfiltered, and sugar-free and needs to be brewed before consumption. While serving, it is complemented with dates and dried fruits.

arabic coffee

What is Colombian Coffee?

Colombian coffee is globally acknowledged for its superior grade and rich taste. It is grown exclusively in Colombia and completely based on Arabic coffee beans.

It may or may not be brewed and can be prepared instantly. The crash crops here receive a desirable amount of approximately 2000 mm of rainfall annually and optimum temperature, humidity, pH and quality of soil, elevation, and other necessary climatic conditions, which makes it one of the best in the world.

Colombian coffee is considered to have the uppermost crust concerning its processing method, which excels that of traditional Arabic coffee. After removal of the beans from the dried cherries, they are washed, making them taste softer and milder.

This involves a highly skilled procedure where the pulp is washed off the beans over a few days or more. Unlike traditional Arabic coffee, there isn’t any specific way of serving Colombian coffee.

Cups of various sizes and designs can be used, and several options for side dishes/ snacks to be served to complete the treat.

colombian coffee

Main Differences Between Arabic and Colombian Coffee

  1. Arabic coffee was first cultivated in Yemen and originated in Arab countries like Egypt, Syria, and Yemen. In contrast, Colombian coffee is made from 100% Arabic coffee beans from crops planted in Colombia.
  2. Arabic coffee is primarily strong in taste, but Colombian coffee, in comparison to this, has a milder taste due to the difference in the two processing.
  3. During the processing of Arabic coffee, beans are not washed and are directly roasted. On the other hand, in the case of Colombian coffee, beans are washed off their pulp before roasting.
  4. Arabic coffee is mandatorily brewed before consumption, while Colombian coffee is instantly prepared and may not be brewed.
  5. Arabic coffee is served boiled in a very small amount in tiny decorated cups, whereas no such specific serving method is adopted in Colombian coffee.
  6. Dates, dried fruits, and candied nuts are traditionally served with Arabic coffee. Still, the idea of complimentary snacks lies at the consumer’s discretion in the case of Colombian coffee.
Difference Between Arabic and Colombian Coffee
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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.