Hindi vs Arabic: Difference and Comparison

Many people are unfamiliar with new languages, which creates much confusion in their minds. For example, when we talk about Hindi and Arabic language, then, in a way, we are talking about apples and oranges.

Key Takeaways

  1. Hindi is an Indo-Aryan language, while Arabic is a Semitic language.
  2. Hindi uses the Devanagari script, while Arabic uses the Arabic script.
  3. Hindi is predominantly spoken in India, while Arabic is spoken in the Arab world, from the Middle East to North Africa.

Hindi vs Arabic

Hindi is an Indic language that is in northern India and is derived from Sanskrit. It is the fourth most widely spoken language in the world. Arabic is a Semitic language of the Arabs that is mostly spoken in the Middle East and North Africa by over 150 million people, but it also refers to the literature of the Arabs.

Hindi vs Arabic

Hindi originated in the 7th century. It’s a subgroup of Indo-Iranians. The branch of Hindi is Indic. It comes from the Indo-European language family. Hindi is similar to Urdu.

Arabic originated in 512 CE. It’s a subgroup of Semitic. The branch of Arabic is North Arabic. It comes from the Afro-Asiatic Family, Semitic Family. Arabic is similar to Amharic and Hebrew.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonHindiArabic
DefinitionHindi is the language spoken by Indians. This is an official language of India that is mainly spoken in the northern part of India.Arabic is the language spoken by Arab people.  The Arabic language is heard and spoken more in the Middle East and northern part of Africa.
Speaking ContinentsAsia, OceaniaAfrica, Asia
Regulated byHindi is regulated by the central Hindi directorate.Arabic is regulated by the Academy of the Arabic language, the Arabic language of the international council.
Similar toHindi is similar to UrduArabic is similar to Amharic and Hebrew
ScriptHindi is scripted in Devanagari.Arabic is scripted in Arabic itself.

What is Hindi?

Hindi is mainly prevalent in the southern districts of Delhi, India, Western Pradesh, and Uttarakhand. When the Mughals ruled, it was seen and used as Urdu or the language expressed orally in the courts of the domain.

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It was completely dependent on Khariboli’s local language, and it became a common language after India annexed it. After generalization, it was considered separate from the Urdu language.

This is also equivalent to the Persian hind. On 14 September 1949, Hindi was declared an official language and 14 September was also celebrated as Hindi Day.

Hindi is regulated by the Central Hindi directorate. The branch of Hindi is Indic. It comes from the Indo-European language family. Hindi is similar to Urdu. It is scripted in Devanagari.


What is Arabic?

The Arabic language is the language spoken by the Arab people. This language came to light in the 6th century AD.

The Arabic language is heard and spoken more in the Middle East and the northern part of Africa. It has many varieties, and other languages ​​that have been greatly influenced by this language are the dialects of Hebrew, Hindi, and Egyptian.

Furthermore, Arabic is not considered to be in its early stage due to the influence of Greek, Hebrew, and Syriac dialects, yet its solid setting makes the language more interesting. 

Arabic is regulated by the Academy of the Arabic Language, the Arabic language of the international council. The branch of Arabic is North Arabic.


Main Differences Between Hindi and Arabic

  1. Hindi is regulated by the central Hindi directorate, whereas Arabic is regulated by the Academy of the Arabic language, the Arabic language of the international council.
  2. Hindi is similar to Urdu, whereas Arabic is similar to Amharic and Hebrew.
Difference Between Hindi and Arabic
  1. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-94-017-8545-7_4
  2. https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W04-1502.pdf
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Last Updated : 21 August, 2023

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21 thoughts on “Hindi vs Arabic: Difference and Comparison”

  1. I appreciated the informative approach the writer took in breaking down the main differences between Hindi and Arabic.


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