Hindi vs Hindustani: Difference and Comparison

The term Hindi and Hindustani refers to two different languages that are spoken in different regions. These languages are mainly differentiated based on their way of speaking.

Language is the main method of communication that is used to showcase feelings or gestures. Different languages are spoken in different parts of the world.

Also, every country and its respective states have their language to communicate. There are approximately 6,500 languages spoken in the whole world.

Key Takeaways

  1. Hindi is the official language of India, while Hindustani is not.
  2. Hindi is primarily spoken in the northern and central parts of India, while Hindustani is spoken in North India and Pakistan.
  3. Hindi is written in Devanagari script, while Hindustani is written in both Devanagari and Persian scripts.

Hindi vs Hindustani

Hindi is a standardized form of the Hindustani language and is the official language of India. It is primarily spoken in northern and central India and is written in the Devanagari script. Hindustani is a broader term that is a mixture of Hindi and Urdu. It is a language that evolved in the northern parts of the Indian subcontinent.

Hindi vs Hindustani

Hindi is widely spoken and is also the National language of India. Hindi is one of the versions of the language of Hindustani. The Hindi language consists of more Sanskrit words.

The script of the Hindi language is known as the Devanagari script. Hindi mainly originated from the Indo-Aryan language. Hindi is spoken in the regions of Northern, Eastern, Western, and Central India.

The use of the Hindi language came with the advent of the 4th century A.D.

On the other hand, Hindustani has been termed the main language of Pakistan. Hindustani language is the main branch of Hindi and Urdu. The Hindustani language consists of Persian words.

Hindustani language originated mainly from the Indo-European languages. The script of the Hindustani script is known as the Arabic Script.

Hindustani is mainly spoken in the Southern Asia region. The use of Hindustani came into use in the 13th century CE in the cities of Delhi and Meerut.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonHindiHindustani
Definition Hindi is a widely spoken language and is also known as the National language of India. Hindustani is a widely spoken language of Pakistan.
WordsThe Hindi language consists of Sanskrit words.Hindustani language consists of Persian words.
ScriptThe script of Hindi is known as the Devnagri script.The script of Hindustani is known as the Arabic script.
OriginThe Hindi language is mainly originated from the Indo-Aryan languages.Hindustani language is mainly originated from the Indo-European Languages.
Emergence of useThe Hindi language came into use in the 4th century A.D.Hindustani language came into use in the 13th century CE.
Widely Spoken Region Hindi is spoken in the regions of Northern, Eastern, Western, and Central India. Hindustani is spoken in the Southern Asia region.

What is Hindi?

Hindi is a widely spoken language and is also known as the National language of India. Hindi is termed the national language of India, as it is a widely spoken language across the country to communicate with each other.

The Hindi language consists of Sanskrit words. Most Hindi words are derived from Sanskrit words, or the word itself is a Sanskrit word. It is mostly associated with the Sanskrit language.

The script of Hindi is known as the Devanagari script. That is, the writings or the script used to write the Hindi script is known as the Devanagari script. Hindi mainly originated from the Indo-Aryan languages.

The Hindi language came into use in the 4th century A.D. The people started using the Hindi language in this century. There are about 260 million native speakers of Hindi.

A large number of people from the Hindus, Muslims as well as other communities are speakers of the Hindi language.

Hindi is spoken in the regions of Northern, Eastern, Western, and Central India. In almost every part of India, people speak Hindi to communicate with others therefore, it is termed as the National Language of India.

Further, the Indian languages are subdivided into different languages, like the local languages.


What is Hindustani?

Hindustani is a widely spoken language in Pakistan. It is the main branch of the two languages that is, Hindi and Urdu. Or in other words, Hindi and Urdu are two versions of the Hindustani language.

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The Hindustani language was used during the early period of the partition.

Hindustani language consists of Persian words. Mostly the Hindustani language is derived from Persian words. The Hindustani script is known as the Arabic script. That is, the writing script of the Hindustani language is known as the Arabic script.

Hindustani mainly originated from Indo-European languages.

Hindustani language came into use in the 13th century CE. The people started using the Hindustani language in the 13th century. Hindustani is spoken in the Southern Asia region.

There are about a 250million native speakers of the Hindustani language. The pronunciation of the Hindustani language is a mix of Hindi and Urdu.

A large number of people from the Hindus, Muslims as well as other communities are speakers of the Hindustani language.


Main Differences Between Hindi and Hindustani

  1. Hindi is a widely spoken language and is also known as the National language of India. On the other hand, Hindustani is a widely spoken language in Pakistan.
  2. The Hindi language consists of Sanskrit words. On the other hand, the Hindustani language consists of Persian words.
  3. The script of Hindi is known as the Devanagari script. On the other hand, the Hindustani script is known as the Arabic script.
  4. Hindi mainly originated from the Indo-Aryan languages. On the other hand, Hindustani mainly originated from Indo-European languages.
  5. The Hindi language came into use in the 4th century A.D. On the other hand, the Hindustani language came into use in the 13th century CE.
  6. Hindi is spoken in the regions of Northern, Eastern, Western and Central India. On the other hand, Hindustani is spoken in the Southern Asia region.
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  1. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=89aPZJ3qCD4C&oi=fnd&pg=PA81&dq=hindi+vs+hindustani&ots=66u7Q_Oqsx&sig=FaElBU3kiqX6sgSzCArVR-6_Umk
  2. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=jJOXzRXsSK0C&oi=fnd&pg=PP11&dq=hindi+vs+hindustani&ots=v4GDEqfUv7&sig=kN-_PGAmcm1rB_oVN6sthD0_fzY

Last Updated : 17 August, 2023

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22 thoughts on “Hindi vs Hindustani: Difference and Comparison”

  1. This article offers a scholarly examination of the linguistic variances between Hindi and Hindustani. The comprehensive analysis is greatly beneficial for readers interested in the nuances of language differences.

  2. This article is very informative and provides a clear distinction between Hindi and Hindustani. It’s great to learn about the origin of both languages and how they are used in different regions.

  3. The article effectively dissects the linguistic disparities between Hindi and Hindustani, offering a detailed comparison of their scripts, origins, and spoken regions. It’s a commendable piece of work.

    • The research and analysis presented in this article provide a nuanced understanding of the differences between Hindi and Hindustani.

  4. The article provides a comprehensive overview of the linguistic aspects of Hindi and Hindustani, highlighting their origins, scripts, and spoken regions. It’s a valuable read for anyone interested in language studies.

  5. The comprehensive approach to dissecting the linguistic differences between Hindi and Hindustani in this article is truly impressive. It’s a valuable resource for anyone seeking in-depth knowledge about these languages.

    • The article provides a scholarly perspective on the distinctions between Hindi and Hindustani, making it an enriching read for language enthusiasts.

  6. The analysis of Hindi and Hindustani in this article is quite enlightening and offers a comprehensive understanding of their linguistic differences. It’s a well-researched piece.

    • The in-depth coverage of the script and origin of both languages makes this article a valuable resource for linguistic enthusiasts.

  7. While the article provides an extensive comparison of Hindi and Hindustani, the historical context and linguistic details add depth to the discussion. It’s a commendable piece of scholarly work.

  8. It’s fascinating to read about the history and emergence of both languages. The comparison table is especially useful for understanding the differences between Hindi and Hindustani.


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