Bergamot vs Kaffir Lime: Difference and Comparison

There are many citrus fruits that have been cultivated for many centuries all over the world. These types of fruits have a pulpy and thick rind center.

The citrus fruits are filled with juice which is full of nutrients. Bergamot and kaffir are two types of citrus fruits which have some significant distinguishable characteristics which make them different from each other.

Key Takeaways

  1. Bergamot is a citrus fruit with a unique, fragrant aroma used in flavoring and perfumery. At the same time, Kaffir lime is a citrus fruit with a distinctive, bumpy skin and strong flavor, used primarily in Southeast Asian cuisine.
  2. Bergamot is the key ingredient in Earl Grey tea and is used in various cosmetic products, while Kaffir lime leaves and rind are used in Thai and Indonesian dishes for their intense flavor and aroma.
  3. Both bergamot and Kaffir lime have various medicinal properties, such as antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, and are used in traditional medicine and aromatherapy.

Bergamot vs Kaffir Lime

Bergamot is a small, yellow-green citrus fruit that is grown in Italy and France. It’s a tangy, bitter flavor and a fragrant aroma. Kaffir lime is a small, bumpy citrus fruit with a deep green color that is native to Southeast Asia. Its leaves and rind are used to add a distinctive, citrusy flavor.

Bergamot vs Kaffir Lime

Bergamot is the known name of Citrus bergamia and has a yellowish peel. The size of the fruit is like an orange. 80 percent of the bergamot is cultivated in South Italy and Calabria.

It is cultivated mainly for producing essential oil which is obtained from the peel of the fruit.

Kaffir lime is a fruit that belongs to the citrus family and possesses a thicker peel which is a source of Pectin. Its size is the same as a western lime.

Kaffir lime is round-shaped dark green colored fruit and in the stem end of the fruit, there is a distinct nipple. The color of the fruit gets lighter, yellowish-green when it gets older.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonBergamotKaffir Lime
Scientific nameCitrus bergamiaCitrus hystrix
OriginSouthern Italy.Southern China and Southeast Asia
AppearanceSize is similar to orange and green in colorRound-shaped dark green colored fruit with thick, wrinkled, and knobby skin
ToxicityBergamot oil has some anti-inflammatory properties.Kaffir lime contains furanocoumarins which can cause skin inflammation
Culinary usagesUsed to add flavor to Earl Gray tea, sauce, pizza, and so on.The rind and leaves are used in Indonesian, Southeast Asian, Cambodian, and Laotian cuisines.
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What is Bergamot?

Bergamot is a fruit that comes from a tropical plant named Citrus bergamia which blossoms in winter. Bergamot fruits have an orange-like size and look like lime.

The juice of the fruit tastes more bitter compared to grape and sour compared to lemon. This fruit originated from Southern Italy. The fruit is now commonly grown in the Southern part of Calabria.

It is also cultivated in the Southern part of Turkey for its marmalade and Ivory Coast and Southern France for producing essential oil.

Bergamot oil possesses some active chemicals which are used as aromatherapy. The chemicals present in the bergamot oil can make your skin sensitive to sunlight.

The fruit possesses a citrusy, distinctive fragrance that is used in both women’s and men’s product care. It can be found in cologne, cosmetics, perfumes, and toiletries.

Edible bergamot oil is used as a drink and food flavoring and it also has some medicinal benefits. Several compounds present in the bergamot oil have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.

For this, people who do not have sensitive skin can use bergamot oil for curing acne. The bergamot oil also can tame and sthe curls of the hair and also can soothe the irritated scalp.


What is Kaffir Lime?

Kaffir lime refers to a rough and bumpy citrus fruit that originated in Southern China and Southeast Asia. It is also known as makrut lime. The name comes from the Arabic word ‘kafir’.

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The rinds and juice of kaffir lime are used in traditional medicine making in some countries of Asia. The juice of the fruit is used in making shampoo.

The juice is also used as a cleanser for hair and clothing in Thailand. The oil of kaffir lime is used in many industries like cosmetic, sanitary, agronomic, perfume, and food.

The leaves of kaffir lime are extensively used in cooking. Kaffir leaves are used in Indonesian, Southeast Asian, Cambodian, and Laotian cuisines.

The peel of this lime is mainly used in Thai and Lao curry paste which adds an astringent and aromatic flavor.

According to a study, the main compounds in kaffir lime peel are beta-pinene, sabinene, and limonene and the kaffir leaves contain citronellal.

The kaffir leaves and peel are rich in antioxidants and phenolic compounds. However, the main part of kaffir lime is the juice which is rich in flavonoids and has strong antioxidants.

Kaffir lime is a good source of dietary fiber, vitamin C, folate, calcium, vitamin B1, B6, potassium, riboflavin, magnesium, pantothenic acid, and phosphorus.

According to a study, kaffir lime has hesperidin and naringenin which are potent flavonoids that help in enhancing cardiovascular health.

kaffir lime

Main Differences Between Bergamot and Kaffir Lime

  1. The scientific name of the bergamot is Citrus bergamia, on the other hand, the scientific name of the kaffir lime is Citrus hystrix.
  2. Bergamot originated from Southern Italy, whereas kaffir lime is native to Southern China and Southeast Asia.
  3. Size of bergamot is similar to an orange and it is green in color, whereas kaffir lime is a round-shaped dark green colored fruit with thick, wrinkled, and knobby skin.
  4. Bergamot oil has some anti-inflammatory properties, on the contrary, kaffir lime contains furanocoumarins which can cause skin inflammation.
  5. Bergamot is used to add flavor to Earl Grey tea, sauce, pizza, and so on. The rind and leaves of kaffir lime are used in Indonesian, Southeast Asian, Cambodian, and Laotian cuisines.
Difference Between Bergamot and Kaffir Lime


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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.