Black vs Galvanized Pipe: Difference and Comparison

In every household, from the basic level to every factory on a more elevated level, pipes are required to transport water or gas from one place to the other. Two of the most common pipes that are used are black pipes and galvanized pipes.

Now the confusion is what is best suitable for each use and under what circumstances.

Key Takeaways

  1. Black pipe is a type of steel pipe with a dark-colored, iron oxide coating commonly used for natural gas and propane gas distribution and in low-pressure steam applications.
  2. Galvanized pipe is a steel pipe coated with a layer of zinc, protecting against corrosion and rust, used for water supply lines and in various outdoor applications.
  3. The key difference between black and galvanized pipes lies in their protective coatings, with black pipes featuring a dark iron oxide coating and galvanized pipes having a zinc coating for corrosion resistance.

Black vs. Galvanized Pipe

Black pipes are used for supplying natural gas, water and oil consisting of black oxide scale coating for protection from corrosion. Galvanized pipes are used for supplying water, natural ga and oil, coated with zinc for advanced protection from water and corrosion in the areas where water is highly corrosive.

Black vs Galvanized pipe

Black pipes are also known as steel pipes. They are primarily used for carrying gas from one place to another. It is also used to connect appliances to their power supply. Galvanized pipes are steel pipes with zinc coating.

It increases the durability of the pipe and makes it corrosion resistance. It is majorly used for water systems. If it is used for gas lines, it can clog the line and begin to flake.

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Comparison Table

Parameter of ComparisonBlack pipeGalvanized pipe
ColorThey are pure blackThey are silver gray because of the zinc coating
UsageUsed for transportation of gasUsed for transportation of water
CoatingThere is no paint or zinc coatingIt is coated with zinc
PriceIt is reasonably pricedIt is costly as it is coated with zinc
DurabilityIt is less durable as it is not resistible to corrosion.It is very durable as it is coated with zinc.
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What is Black Pipe?

Black pipes are made up of steel. They are also known as steel pipes.

They do not have any zinc or paint coating. It has a dark color surface that is formed by iron oxide in the process of manufacturing.

Black pipes require very little maintenance and are very high in strength. They are mostly used to transport gas in rural and urban areas for conduits, protect the electric wiring, and deliver high-pressure and steam.

Industries also use them for transporting large quantities of oil and petroleum in remote areas. However, the black pipes are never used for transporting water as the pipe tends to rust in water, and the minerals within the pipe will dissolve, eventually clogging.

Black steel pipe is cast from several grades of tough and malleable iron. A black pipe can be used for underground and submerged applications; black pipes are undercoated.

black pipes

What is Galvanized Pipe?

Galvanized pipes are made out of steel. They have undergone the galvanization process preventing them from aging and rusting.

They are dipped in a zinc coating as a protective layer. Galvanized pipes came into occurrence in the year 1960.

The galvanized pipe can resist corrosion. It does not rust by water or other elements; long-term exposure can eventually lead to the pipe eroding.

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The pipe can be exposed to the outer environment. The zinc coating acts as a barrier and prevents it from any damage or indoor humidity.

The layer of zinc will rust before the steel beneath it rusts. The thicker the pipe, the longer the pipe will last.

Often the zinc coating reacts to the minerals in the water, leading plaque to build up within the inside walls of the pipe, and the inner coating flacks out over time, which may result in the clogging of the pipes. These pipes are slightly darker in color.

A galvanized pipe can also release iron leading to the discoloration of water. Galvanized pipe is costlier because of the zinc coating.

galvanized pipes

Main Differences Between Black and Galvanized Pipe

  1. We can distinguish between the pipes by looking at their color, as the black pipe is pure black, whereas the galvanized pipes are silver-gray because of their zinc coating.
  2. Black pipes transport gases from one place to another as they are the best suitable for it. However, galvanized pipes are used to transport water from housing and complex. They are used for this purpose as they are rust preventive.
  3. Black has no external paint or zinc coating. They are made of pure steel, whereas galvanized pipe has zinc coating.
  4. The black pipes are quite budget-friendly. On the other hand, the galvanized pipes are quite expensive as they have zinc coating.
  5. Black pipes are not durable as they are not rust preventive. Any level of moisture or water will lead it to rust. Galvanized pipes are more durable, and they are resistant to rust. Moister or water will not make it rust and erode. A galvanized pipe can be used for 50-100 years.
Difference Between Black and Galvanized Pipeblack pip
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Piyush Yadav
Piyush Yadav

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.


  1. The article is very dry and factual, lacking any real engaging element to keep the reader interested in the topic.

  2. I’m disappointed with the oversimplification of the differences. This is a complex topic that requires a more thorough analysis.

  3. Great article! Provided me with valuable information about the differences between black and galvanized pipes and their uses.

  4. The comparison table provided a clear summary of the main differences between the two pipe types, very helpful indeed.

  5. The simplicity and straightforwardness of the article’s explanations make it accessible and informative for a wide audience.

  6. This article hardly scratches the surface of the complexities associated with black and galvanized pipes, it’s a missed opportunity to delve deeper.

  7. The explanations provided are clear, concise, and easy to understand, making this a valuable resource for gaining knowledge on this topic.

  8. The article lacks depth and a detailed explanation of the applications and significance of the differences between the two types of pipes.

    • I can see where you’re coming from, there could be more emphasis on the practical uses of each type of pipe.

    • I agree, it would be helpful to have more specific examples of scenarios for using black or galvanized pipe.

  9. The article is a great starting point for gaining some basic understanding of black and galvanized pipes, but there’s definitely a need for further detailed information.

  10. An insightful piece of writing, it’s good to understand the different applications and limitations of black and galvanized pipes.

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