Bournville vs Dairy Milk: Difference and Comparison

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Cadbury is one of the biggest producers of chocolate and other cocoa-based products in the world.

The company operates in over 50 countries across the world and its products are enjoyed by millions of people, every single day. Cadbury is owned by Mondelez International and is headquartered in Uxbridge, west London.

Key Takeaways

  1. Bournville is a brand of dark chocolate produced by Cadbury, while Dairy Milk is a brand of milk chocolate also made by Cadbury.
  2. Bournville has a higher cocoa content and a more intense flavor than Dairy Milk.
  3. Dairy Milk is creamier and sweeter than Bournville, catering to different tastes.

Bournville vs Dairy Milk

The difference between Bournville and Dairy Milk is that Bournville is a brand of dark chocolate, which contains a higher cocoa content and has a bitter-sweet taste. Dairy Milk on the other hand is a brand of milk chocolate that contains more sugar and has a higher milk content.

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Bournville is a brand of dark chocolate owned by Cadbury. It has a higher cocoa content and has a bitter taste.

The chocolate has a deep and rich chocolate flavor due to the higher amount of cocoa, as well as a dark appearance. The sugar content is also very low in the individual chocolate bars.

Dairy Milk is the most popular brand of chocolate produced by Cadbury. It is a type of milk chocolate and has a sweet, caramelly taste.

The milk content in this chocolate is very high, and due to the high amount of sugar present, the bitterness of cocoa is absent in the final product.

Comparison Table

Parameters of Comparison BournvilleDairy Milk
Description Bournville is a brand of Dark chocolate owned by Cadbury Dairy Milk is a brand of Milk chocolate owned by Cadbury 
Cocoa contentBournville has a minimum of 36% cocoa contentDairy Milk has about 20-24% cocoa content 
Sugar content Bournville chocolate bars have about 48% sugar present  Dairy Milk chocolate bars have about 60% sugar present 
TasteBournville has a deep and rich bitter-sweet taste Dairy Milk has a sweet and caramelly taste  
Price Bournville is more expensive Dairy Milk is not as expensive as Bournville
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What is Bournville?

Bournville is a brand of dark chocolate produced by Cadbury. This chocolate is known for its rich and deep cocoa flavor and its distinct dark appearance.

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The chocolate bars hit the market shelves of England in 1908 and quickly became popular as a luxury chocolate brand in the country.

The chocolate has a deep and rich flavor. This is due to the high amount of cocoa present in the chocolate bars. Individual bars contain almost 36% of cocoa. This gives the chocolate an intense cocoa flavor.

The milk content in Bournville is very low and hence the texture of the chocolate bars is also very rough. The chocolate bars are brittle and break with a distinct snap. 

The sugar content in the chocolate bars is also very low. The low sugar content complements the bitter taste of cocoa and the final product has an intense dark flavor.

Bournville is marketed as a luxury chocolate brand and hence it is more expensive than other chocolate bars in the market.

There are different types of Bournville bars produced by the company, that contain different amounts of cocoa content and with the addition of different ingredients, such as nuts and dried fruits.

What is Dairy Milk?

Dairy Milk is the most popular and the best-selling brand of chocolate owned by Cadbury. The chocolate bars are sold in more than 50 countries across the world and are enjoyed by billions every year. 

It is a type of milk chocolate and it contains a higher content of milk than cocoa. Due to this, it has a smooth texture and melts immediately in the mouth.

The higher content of milk fat also gives the chocolate a thick consistency.

Along with the high amount of milk, Dairy Milk also has high sugar content. This high sugar content complements the fat present in the milk solids and gives the chocolate bars a sweet, caramelly flavor.

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The company produces different types of Dairy Milk chocolates by addition of extra ingredients, such as roasted almonds, caramel bits, raisins, as well as other flavorings, such as coffee, vanilla, orange extracts, and so on.

By far the most popular flavors of Dairy Milk are the Roasted Almond Bars, Fruit and Nut Bars, and the traditional regular Dairy Milk Bars. 

The success of the chocolate bars is due to the consistency in taste and texture that the company has maintained since the inception of the chocolate bars in the early 1900s.

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Main Differences Between Bournville and Dairy Milk

  1. Bournville is a brand of Dark chocolate owned by Cadbury. Dairy Milk is a brand of Milk chocolate owned by Cadbury
  2. Bournville has a minimum of 36% cocoa content. Dairy Milk has about 20-24% cocoa content
  3. Bournville chocolate bars have about 48% sugar present. Dairy Milk chocolate bars have about 60% sugar present 
  4. Bournville has a deep and rich bitter-sweet taste. Dairy Milk has a sweet and caramelly taste
  5. Bournville is more expensive. Dairy Milk is not as expensive as Bournville
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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.