Cadbury Gems vs Smarties: Difference and Comparison

Chocolate is a renowned and well-liked treat all across the globe. With such an increase in popularity, a variety of colorful chocolates have embraced the consumer market.

Cadbury Gems and Smarties are two such examples of chocolate buttons that are currently offered to customers.

While the colors and variety of Cadbury Gems and Smarties appear to be identical, there are significant variances.

Key Takeaways

  1. Cadbury Gems are candy-coated chocolate pieces by British confectionery company Cadbury.
  2. Smarties are similar candy-coated chocolate pieces made by the Swiss company Nestlé.
  3. Both candies are popular worldwide but have distinct flavor profiles and packaging.

Cadbury Gems vs Smarties

The difference between Cadbury Gems and Smarties is that Cadbury gems are an Indian product that is button-shaped chocolate candy, covered with a colored coating. Smarties, on the other hand, is made by Nestle and is slightly oval and distinguished on the point that it contains natural colors to it.

Cadbury Gems vs Smarties

Cadbury Gems are chocolate flavor luscious chunks. What distinguishes Gems is the manner the chocolate has been crafted to seem like colorful candy.

Gems can be utilized to decorate desserts, cakes, pastries, handcrafted chocolates, and cookies.

It’s colorful, savory, and entertaining. Sprinkle to any dessert for a special touch, or consume it plain for a guaranteed blast of taste in your mouth.

Smarties are colorful covered chocolate candy in solo, multi-pack, and special event sizes. It was originally known as ‘Chocolate Beans’.

Constant product advancements, such as the elimination of artificial flavors and colors, guarantee that the Smarties brand stays a popular option for both children and adults.

Comparison Table

Parameter of comparisonCadbury Gems Smarties 
Produced byCadbury Nestle 
Launching year 19671949
Colors available The colors available in Cadbury gems are pink, blue, red, green, yellow, and purple. There are eight colors to choose from- red, orange, blue, green, yellow, pink, violet, and brown.
Artificial colorsContains artificial colors and flavors.No artificial colors or flavors.
Shape Round Oval 
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What are Cadbury Gems?

Cadbury Gems are Cadbury’s exquisite chocolate-flavored buttons. Cadbury Gems are vegetarian balls that are round in shape. They are described as colorful and lively on the outside and sweet and chocolaty on the inside.

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The gems are available in a variety of colors, namely pink, orange, blue, purple, and yellow. They are a particularly popular delicacy among kids.

Cadbury Gems are used for a variety of reasons. They are suitable for decorating desserts, cookies, chocolates, and brownies. Cadbury Gems are a well-liked type of chocolate.

Sugar, milk solids, emulsifiers, hydrogenated vegetable fat, chocolate solids, refined wheat flour, liquid glucose, and glazing ingredients make up each Cadbury Gem.

Cadbury Gems must be kept in cold, dry, and sanitary conditions, according to the producers. Cadbury Gems are offered in a variety of sizes and packs.

Cadbury Gems is widely promoted on television, the web, newspapers, and billboards. Cadbury Gems are manufactured in India in chocolate plants in Indore, Bangalore, and Pune.

The sugar content, on the other hand, is one of the Cadbury Gems’ significant downsides. Because the whole button is chocolate, consuming significant amounts of the gems is harmful to children’s dental health.

The wholesome milk and cocoa solids that make up the gems make it bad chocolate to eat.


What are Smarties?

Nestlé’s Smarties are food products composed mostly of chocolate which has been covered in a colored crust composed of sugar as well as other components.

These are especially widespread in the U.K., Canada, Spain, Italy, Germany, and the Netherlands.

They have a round form and are about the size of a flattened sphere, measuring about 15 millimeters in diameter and 5 mm in height.

Rowntree’s of York, a British confectionery brand that Nestlé purchased in 1988, originated Smarties in 1882; although they are no longer produced in York, but are manufactured in all other locations such as Germany, Australia, and Canada.

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Smarties are not available in the United States, where the Smarties Candy Company owns the rights to the brand and makes its hard pill candy underneath the protected trademark Smarties.

Smarties were not titled by this name until 1937 and were initially known as ‘chocolate beans,’ while versions of this old phrase have been utilized as titles for other kinds of comparable candy that are not manufactured by Nestlé.

Smarties eventually transitioned from synthetic to natural colors beginning in 2006, leading blue to be replaced with white till a natural alternative was discovered.

These are consumed as a sweet treat and are occasionally used as a garnish for ice cream or as a creative baking ingredient.

Smarties can be purchased commercially in cylinder-shaped or hexagonal packages, containers, or in combination with ice cream, chocolates, or other confectionery.

smarties 1

Main Differences Between Cadbury Gems and Smarties

  1. Gems are produced by Cadbury while Smarties are produced by Nestle.
  2. Gems were launched in 1967 while Smarties was launched in 1949.
  3. Cadbury gems are available in six colors- blue, red, pink, yellow, purple, and green. Smarties, on the other hand, have eight colors- orange, brown, red, pink, yellow, green, blue, and violet.
  4. Cadbury gems contain artificial colors and flavors while Smarties are free from it.
  5. Cadbury gems are round in shape while Smarties have an oval shape.
Difference Between Cadbury Gems and Smarties
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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.