Chlamydia vs Strep Throat: Difference and Comparison

Bacterial infections are the proliferation of bacteria inside the body, which is harmful to the body. The causative bacterium spreads quickly in the body and produces toxins.

It has the potential to damage other tissues and organs. Two common types of bacterial infections are Chlamydia and Strep throat.

Key Takeaways

  1. Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection caused by Chlamydia trachomatis, whereas Strep Throat is a bacterial infection caused by Group A Streptococcus bacteria.
  2. Symptoms of Chlamydia include pain during sex, unusual discharge, and abdominal pain, whereas symptoms of Strep Throat include sore throat, difficulty swallowing, and fever.
  3. Chlamydia can be treated with antibiotics, whereas Strep Throat can also be treated with antibiotics to prevent complications like rheumatic fever.

Chlamydia vs Strep Throat

The difference between Chlamydia and Strep Throat is that Chlamydia is a bacterial infection that affects the genital region or even the respiratory region, while Strep throat is a bacterial infection that affects the mouth and throat region. Chlamydia is caused by a causative bacterium called Chlamydia trachomatis, while Strep throat is caused by a causative bacterium called Streptococcus pyogenes.

Chlamydia vs Strep Throat

Chlamydia is popularly known as a silent infection. Chlamydia does not have major symptoms in the initial stages. The infection can be diagnosed with molecular tests to depict the genetic material.

The bacterial infection can be easily treated with antibiotics if diagnosed at early stages.

On the other hand, Strep throat has symptoms like viral fever, such as pain during swallowing, inflammation of the tonsils with patches, fever, rashes, and inflammation of the lymph nodes.

Antigen tests are carried out to diagnose the infection and can be cured at early stages.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonChlamydiaStrep Throat
Causative agentChlamydia trachomatisStreptococcus pyogenes
Symptoms Burning sensation during urination, pain in the abdomen, pain during sexual intercourse, yellow-white or green discharge, fever, cough, headache, or rashesPain or soreness in the throat, pain during swallowing, inflammation of tonsils with patches, fever, rashes, inflammation of the lymph nodes, the appearance of red spots at the back of the roof of the mouth, nausea, vomiting, and body aches
Treatment Professionals in specific doses prescribe prescription of antibiotics like Azithromycin or Doxycycline.Prescriptions of antibiotics like Amoxicillin, Penicillin, Erythromycin, Azithromycin, and Clindamycin are given depending upon the type of condition.
Complications It can spread and cause infection in the cervix, throat, anus, and rectum and inflammatory disease of the testicles in men and pelvis in women.It can cause infection in the sinus, blood, skin, tonsil, and even the middle ear and inflammatory illnesses like scarlet fever, rheumatic fever, post-streptococcal reactive arthritis, and even inflammation of the kidney.
PreventionHaving protected sex and maintaining distance from sick individualsHabits like regular handwashing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use of an alcohol-based sanitiser, covering the mouth, not sharing personal items, and maintaining distance from infected persons
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What is Chlamydia?

Chlamydia is a type of STI (Sexually Transmitted Infection) or other respiratory infection. It is caused by bacteria called Chlamydia trachomatis.

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It is a serious infection that can cause other health complications later. According to research, about 90% of women and 70% of men did not have any outward symptoms in the early stages.

The major cause of chlamydia is unprotected sex or oral sex. It can even spread through touching infected genitals. Babies can acquire Chlamydia from their mothers too.

It is found that women acquire the infection at a higher rate than men. Since there are no major symptoms, sexually active women and men must get screened yearly to avoid any risk factors.

Some of the major symptoms of Chlamydia are a burning sensation during urination, pain in the abdomen, pain during sexual intercourse, and yellow-white or green discharge.

Chlamydia can even spread to the anus, leading to pain or bleeding. Unprotected oral sex can even cause Chlamydia in the throat and lead to symptoms like cough, sore throat, or even fever.

The bacterial infection can be easily treated with antibiotics. Professionals in specific doses prescribe drugs like Azithromycin or Doxycycline.

The bacterial infection is curable through proper medication and treatment.

To determine the bacterial infection, professionals carry out tests like vaginal swabs, urine tests, observation of source discharges, or unusual spots to detect the infection and its spread.

Many medicinal plants like Goldenseal and Echinacea help in boosting immunity and reduce inflammation.

What is Strep Throat?

Strep throat is a type of infection caused by the bacteria Streptococcus pyogenes. The infection can make the throat feels scratchy and sore. Strep throat can cause serious complications and affect the kidney and the liver.

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Though the infection is most common in children, people of all age groups get affected by strep throat. The main type of bacteria that causes strep throat is Group A streptococcus.

Some common symptoms of strep throat can be pain or soreness in the throat, pain during swallowing, inflammation of tonsils with patches, fever, rashes, inflammation of the lymph nodes, the appearance of red spots at the back of the roof of the mouth, nausea vomiting and body aches.

The symptoms are quite similar to viral infection, so a proper diagnosis is essential to determine the complexity.

Since the bacteria is contagious, the infection can easily spread through droplets or close contact with the infected person. Strep throat cancer spreads and causes infection in the sinus, blood, skin, tonsil, and even middle ear.

It can even cause inflammatory illnesses like scarlet fever, rheumatic fever, post-streptococcal reactive arthritis, and even inflammation of the kidney.

Some extreme complications can even show symptoms of neuropsychiatric disorders. The infection is contagious and can be prevented with proper precautions.

Habits like regular handwashing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or the use of an alcohol-based sanitiser, covering the mouth, not sharing personal items, and maintaining distance from infected persons can prevent infection.

Main Differences Between Chlamydia and Strep Throat

  1. Chlamydia affects the genital or respiratory regions, while Strep throat affects the mouth and throat regions.
  2. Chlamydia is a bacterial infection caused by a bacterium called Chlamydia trachomatis, while Strep throat is a bacterial infection caused by a bacterium called Streptococcus pyogenes.
  3. The causative bacterium agent of Chlamydia has a gram-negative cell wall, while the causative bacterium agent of Strep throat has a gram-positive cell wall.
  4. Chlamydia is diagnosed with tests like a vaginal swab, urine test, observation of source discharges, or molecular test, while Strep throat is diagnosed with antigen tests or swabs from the throat.
  5. Sexually active people or sexual promiscuity are prone to Chlamydia, while young children are prone to Strep throat during the fall or winter season.
Difference Between Chlamydia and Strep Throat
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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.