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On Earth, there are many elements present that are further used for several other purposes. But not only this, many other elements have been introduced by mixing the pre-existing elements. And these elements are known as alloys; they have properties of more than a single element and, therefore, are better than pure elements in many cases.

Steel is also an alloy of iron and carbon. This is among the most used and best elements that are used in many appliances and other purposes. There are also types of steel; most are similar, while others can be quite different. For example, Clean Steel and Stainless Steel are both steels but have many differences among them.

Key Takeaways

  1. Clean steel is low-carbon steel with fewer impurities, while stainless steel contains at least 10.5% chromium for corrosion resistance.
  2. Stainless steel is more resistant to rust and staining than clean steel, making it suitable for use in environments where corrosion is a concern.
  3. Clean steel is used in the automotive and construction industries, while stainless steel finds applications in kitchen appliances, medical equipment, and architectural structures.

Clean Steel vs Stainless Steel

The difference between clean steel and stainless steel is in their different properties, such as magnetic properties, resistance to corrosion, and affordability. Clean Steel is more magnetic, it can get relatively easily rusted in the presence of air and moisture and is more affordable due to its inexpensive nature, whereas on the other side, Stainless Steel is less magnetic in comparison, it cannot get easily rusted at all in the presence of air and moisture, and is not easily affordable due to expensive cost. Stainless Steel gets easily damaged on its surface with smudges and scratches, and upon getting dirty due to any reason, it can be difficult to clean otherwise, scratches will be formed, whereas Clean Steel does not get damaged easily and is easier to be cleaned.

Clean Steel vs Stainless Steel

Clean Steel has a low level of solute elements. They contain limited non-metallic inclusions. They can be in terms of anything, size, composition, shape, etc. Clean Steel is a closed substitute for stainless steel due to its similar properties. Although, it can be more beneficial than other steels in some cases. They are used mainly in household items such as utensils, appliances, etc.

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Stainless Steel is an alloy of iron, carbon, chromium, and other elements as well. Due to the presence of so many elements, it has properties of many elements and adds to its benefits or advantage as well. It is among the most recommended and used elements in the world. It is beneficial in terms of quality, and they do not get rusted easily, have a shiny appearance, etc., it is used in places where these benefits are required.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonClean SteelStainless Steel
MagneticIt is magneticNot
Harbour smudgesDifficultyEasy
Resistance to corrosionLess resistanceMore resistance
AffordabilityMore affordableLess affordable

What is Clean Steel?

Clean Steel is a type of steel used for its benefits. Sometimes it is also considered stainless steel due to its similar properties. There are many advantages of using clean steel over any other element. It is similar to steel, as it has a similar appearance, such as shinny, greyish, and a similar composition of elements. But it is slightly different from stainless steel in a few properties, which are not easier to identify by looking at it.

It is easier to clean, one of the major difficulties or problems with stainless steel is that it might be tricky or difficult to be cleaned as it cleaned using normal products, the surface of it might get scratched, whereas clean steel does not have this same problem, it can be cleaned using the same product. Therefore, both of them can be used for the production of the same materials, although there are exceptions, such as it cannot be used for the production of plumbing and drainage equipment as there are chances of it getting corroded. 

What is Stainless Steel?

The following are the uses of Stainless Steel:

  1. Culinary Uses: it is used widely for culinary uses, such as knives, kitchenware, accessories, etc., as it won’t get rusted, is strong, and lasts for a good period. 
  2. Surgical Tools and Medical Equipment: it is used in the production of surgical and medical equipment to avoid any unwanted infections that might take place in case of any other element. 
  3. Industrial Uses: it is also used in industrial and other things. It has a long life and is beneficial for its long-term uses. For example, it is used in 3-D printing machines.
  4. Automotive Uses: it is used in the automotive industry, such as rail cars, auto bodies, and aircraft as well. They are used in these pieces of equipment as it is a strong element. 
  5. Plumbing and Drainage: as it has non-corrosive nature, it won’t get rusty in the presence of water therefore, it is best suited for usage in plumbing and drainage materials or pieces of equipment. 
  6. Sports Equipments: stainless steel is widely used for the manufacturing of sports equipment due to its durability and strong ability. 
clean steel

Main Differences Between Clean Steel and Stainless Steel

  1. The major difference between clean steel and stainless steel is the presence of their magnetic ability or property. In comparison is made on the basis of this property clean steel is more magnetic as compared to stainless steel, which is otherwise also among the least magnetic element.
  2. These elements are used for the production of several things, which require regular cleaning, and for this process, clean steel is an easier option as it does not require any special types of equipment or products, while stainless steel requires easiness and some special pieces of equipment as well for the cleanliness process.
  3. As mentioned above, stainless steel is quite difficult to clean, but along with that, it is easier to get harbour smudges and some starches as well, therefore it is important to look after them with attention so they won’t get damaged while clean steel is comparatively difficult to get harbour smudges and scratches.
  4. Due to their composition and as they are alloy, they are more resistant to corrosion than other elements in general. But if the comparison is made between clean steel and stainless steel, clean steel is less resistant to corrosion than stainless steel is more resistant to corrosion.
  5. Lastly, there is a difference in their cost as well. Stainless steel is far more expensive than affordable, and it is due to its all beneficial properties that are beneficial for several purposes, whereas clean steel is less expensive as it may lack some benefits offered by stainless steel.
Difference Between Clean Steel and Stainless Steel
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By Piyush Yadav

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.