Conduct vs Perform: Difference and Comparison

Conduct is a noun, and perform a verb, but if we talk about conduct, Perform is a synonym for conduct in action topic. In some cases, you can use “Perform” instead of the verb “Conduct” when it comes to topics like hold, function, act, and execute.

Conduct is a synonym for performing in behaviour topics. Sometimes you can use “Conduct” instead of the verb “Perform” if it concerns topics such as hold, function, act, or execute.

Key Takeaways

  1. Conducting involves directing or overseeing an activity while performing, which refers to doing or executing the task itself.
  2. Conducting is common in fields like music and research while performing is associated with arts and professional tasks.
  3. A conductor guides and coordinates others, whereas a performer focuses on their role in the activity.

Conduct vs Perform

Conduct refers to the manner in which a person behaves or carries out an activity, especially in a professional or formal context, subjecting to regulation. Perform means to carry out an action or task, with a specific goal or objective in mind, and can refer to a wide range of activities.

Conduct vs Perform

The word conduct comes from Middle English, which is derived from Old French, which comes from the Latin word conductus, which means ‘brought together.’ It is derived from the verb conducere.

The word’s original form was the conduit, which was conserved particularly in the sense of ‘channel’ (see conduit); the spelling was affected by Latin in subsequent applications.

The term initially signified an arrangement for safe passage and safe conduct; then, the verb sense of ‘lead & guide’ emerged, hence ‘manage’ and ‘management’ (late Middle English), later it became ‘management of oneself, behaviour’ (mid 16th century).

The term Perform comes from Anglo-Norman French Parfourmer, a Middle English adaptation (by association with forme ‘form’) of Old French Parfournir, which appears from par ‘complete’ + fournir ‘furnish, provide.

Taking responsibility for a group’s actions and accomplishments is referred to as conduct. Conducted agreement management straightforward handling, manipulation, or manoeuvring concerning an applicable goal.

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Whereas completing the activity or taking action is referred to as performing.

Comparison Table

Parameters of Comparison ConductPerform
OriginOld FrenchAnglo-Norman French
Derived fromConductusParfourmer
MeaningTo organize and perform a particular activityTo do or execute something
SynonymsManage, control, direct, guide, operate, handleAccomplish, achieve, execute, fulfill, discharge
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 What is Conduct? 

Conduct is a noun, meaning to plan and do something, such as an activity. Conduct is defined as a manner or standard of personal behaviour, particularly when founded on moral ideas.

Conducting is a Middle English word that comes from the Latin conductus, which is the past participle of concern, which means “to bring together, link, hire, be advantageous, be favourable to” (Medieval Latin also to lead, escort, provide a channel for [water])

Manage, control, Direct, operate, handle, and guide are some synonyms for conduct, and they all indicate utilizing one’s power to lead, guide, or dominate.

Conduct implies accepting responsibility for a group’s actions and accomplishments. Management means that something is handled directly and that it is being manipulated or manoeuvred toward the desired outcome.

Control denotes regulating or restraining to stay within limits or on track. To achieve smooth operation, Direct requires constant directing and controlling.

Antonyms of conduct are abandoning, disorder, obey, disorganize, mismanagement, misbehave, act up, misconduct, cut up, and so on.

Some examples of conduct :

  • I like how the company conducts business.
  • The committee was against conducting hearings in May.
  • A panel investigated & checked her conduct, and she got subsequently fired.
  • The President was not happy to leave the conduct of foreign affairs to his secretary of state.

What is Perform? 

Perform is a verb that means executing or taking action on some activity. Perform is defined as adhering to and fulfilling the terms used to characterize someone or something’s effectiveness or success.

Perform word was First recorded in 1250–1300 in Middle English performed, in Anglo-French from the word performer, it is a modification (by association with forme form) of Middle French, Old French parfournir “to accomplish”.

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Perform, execute, discharge, accomplish, achieve, effect, and fulfil are all verbs that signify to carry out or put into action.

Perform is used to follow established patterns or procedures or meet agreed-upon conditions, frequently indicating a particular skill. Execute emphasizes carrying out what has been planned or intended.

The term “Discharge” refers to the act of carrying out and completing assigned obligations or tasks. Accomplish emphasizes the successful completion of a procedure over how it is carried out.

Achieve adds the implication of overcoming problems to accomplish. The effect adds to achieving a focus on the agent’s inherent force, which allows it to overcome hurdles. A complete realization of ends or possibilities is implied by the word “fulfil”.

Antonyms of performing abstain, ignore, avoid, neglect, stop, deny, destroy, discontinue, give up, refuse, and many more.

Some examples of performing:

  • The doctor had to perform surgery immediately.
  • The band will perform songs from their new album.
  • She is a wonderful singer who loves to perform before a live audience.
  • You are required to perform 50 hours of community service.

Main Differences Between Conduct and Perform

  1. Conduct is a form of the noun, and perform a verb.
  2. Conduct originated from old French, and performance is from Anglo-Norman French.
  3. The word conduct is derived from the Latin word conducts, which means ‘brought together’, whereas perform is derived from the word Performer.
  4. Conduct means to organize & perform a particular activity, on the other hand, perform means to do or to execute something.
  5. Manage, control, direct, guide, operate or handle are the synonyms of conduct. Also, synonyms of the term perform are accomplished, achieve, execute, fulfil and discharge, etc.
Difference Between Conduct and Perform

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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.