a Cover Letter vs Letter of Interest: Difference and Comparison

For a job applicant, a well-formatted cover letter can be very helpful in grabbing the attention of the readers. Similarly, a letter of interest can also help you show interest in a company about employment.

Both are business letters written for job purposes and have similarities. However, there are some differences that you have to keep in mind while writing them.

Key Takeaways

  1. A cover letter accompanies a job application tailored to a specific position, while a letter of interest expresses interest in a company without a specific job posting.
  2. Cover letters focus on qualifications and skills relevant to a job, while letters of interest highlight the applicant’s general interest and passion for a company.
  3. Both documents serve as an introduction to potential employers and can enhance the chances of securing a job interview.

Cover Letter vs Letter of Interest

The difference between a cover letter and a letter of interest is that a cover letter is used for a job application. On the other hand, a letter of interest is used to express interest in joining a company or institution. A cover letter is written for a specific job, while a letter of interest showcases an applicant’s interest without mentioning any specific job.

Cover Letter vs Letter of Interest

A cover letter is a kind of formal letter that addresses a specific job. A cover letter contains the resume of the applicant and the experience of the job seeker in that particular field.

The job seeker must highlight the skills and must have to explain the position for which he is applying. In a cover letter, you have to put your professional details.

When a company is not actively looking for employees, you need to show interest by writing a letter of interest to the company.

The letter of interest is particularly focused on the deep interest in the company. It is a kind of document to showcase the interest in working in a company without focusing on any specific job vacancy.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of Comparison  Cover Letter  Letter of Interest  
Meaning  You submit a formal letter with your CV or resume for a job application.  A formal letter to showcase the interest of a candidate in a company.  
Purpose  To highlight the skills and experience of a job applicant.  To highlight the interest of a candidate to work with the company.  
When to write  When a job vacancy is posted.  Anytime without any job vacancy post.  
Who should write  A job applicant.  Jobseeker, contractor, vendor, or lender.  
Other names  Application letter.  Prospecting letter, letter of inquiry.  
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What is Cover Letter?

A cover letter is a document that you submit with your job application alongside your resume or CV. It is a one or half-page document written by the job applicant.

It acts as a personal introduction and helps the candidate to explain his experiences and skills.

The main purpose of a cover letter is to highlight all the skills and experiences that the candidate has. If you are writing a cover letter, then you should write it in a well-maintained format.

There are two main things in a cover letter, why you are the perfect candidate for this vacancy and why you are passionate about the job.

Candidates should always use fonts like times new Roman, Aerial, and Calibri body for their cover letter, and it should not be more than one page.

It states which position you are applying for. You can write a cover letter only when the company advertises for an open position or job vacancy.

A cover letter contains additional information such as professional experience, general skills, education, work experience, etc. The content of a cover letter should be specific to the post of vacancy.

It is also called an application letter, and job applicants can only use it. It must be well written as it is meant to highlight one’s qualifications for a job.

What is a Letter of Interest?

A letter of interest is a formal letter that is sent along with the resume or CV to enquire about a job opening or to show interest in a particular company about employment.

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A candidate can write a letter of interest to a company without any specified job. A letter of interest can help you search for a new job.

A letter of interest contains a lot of the same information, such as a cover letter, but the opening of a letter of interest is different. In this letter, you must outline your interests, qualifications, and skills.

A letter of interest is written to convey a candidate’s desire to work for a company that has not posted any job vacancy.

A letter of interest is specifically written without a specific job in mind. It will help you to showcase your interest in a company. This letter highlights your interest in the hiring manager.

A letter of interest should be addressed directly to a company’s hiring manager or hiring authority.

It is not necessary to send a CV or resume with your letter of interest. A letter of interest can be sent by anyone, such as a contractor, an employee, a job seeker, or a vendor.

A letter of interest, also known as an inquiry or prospecting letter, is written without focusing on any specific job vacancy.

Main Differences Between Cover Letter and Letter of Interest

  1. A cover letter is submitted with a resume for a job application. On the other hand, a letter of interest is written to the company to show the interest of the applicant in that company about employment.
  2. A cover letter is written focusing on a specific job vacancy. On the other hand, a letter of interest is written without focusing on a particular job vacancy. It shows the overall interest of a candidate to work with the company.
  3. A cover letter is only used by job applicants. On the other hand, any contractor, vendor, or lender can also write a letter of interest to a company.
  4. The purpose of a cover letter is to highlight job-oriented skills and grab the hiring authority’s attention for a specific post. On the other hand, a letter of interest states the interest of a sender to work for a company.
  5. A cover letter is also known as an application letter. On the other hand, a letter of interest is also known as an inquiry letter or prospecting letter.
  1. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/bf01014492
  2. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1140/epjc/s10052-019-7259-5
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Emma Smith
Emma Smith

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.


  1. The comparison between a cover letter and a letter of interest was well-detailed. Differentiating the specific purposes and use cases of each document is essential for job applicants.

  2. The explanation on when to write a cover letter and a letter of interest provided a lot of clarity. It’s important to understand the situations that call for each type of document.

  3. The detailed explanation of what a letter of interest is and when to write one was very informative. It’s a valuable tool for job seekers in the right circumstances.

  4. Understanding the differences in the audience for each type of letter is crucial. A cover letter is addressed to a specific job, while a letter of interest is directed at the hiring manager or authority of a company.

  5. The comparison table provides a clear summary of the differences between a cover letter and a letter of interest, great information.

  6. Both cover letters and letters of interest are essential in a job application process. It’s important to understand the differences and when to use each one.

    • I completely agree with you. Knowing how and when to use these documents can make a big difference in job applications.

  7. The description of the main purpose of a cover letter and a letter of interest was very helpful. It’s essential to know the specific focus of each document to create effective job application materials.

  8. The explanation on the fonts to be used in a cover letter was very insightful. It’s important to pay attention to the little details when creating these documents.

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