CV vs Cover Letter: Difference and Comparison

There are certain documents which are highly crucial in work fields. These official documents are the perfect reflection of someone’s calibre. Hence, they are of immense importance. Such documents are Curriculum Vitae and Cover letters.

Key Takeaways

  1. A CV (curriculum vitae) is a comprehensive document detailing a person’s professional experience, education, and skills. At the same time, a cover letter is a one-page introduction tailored to a specific job application.
  2. CVs are used in academic or research settings, whereas cover letters are standard for most job applications.
  3. A strong cover letter should highlight a candidate’s relevant skills and experience and explain their interest in the position. At the same time, a CV should provide a thorough overview of a person’s professional background.

CV vs Cover Letter

The difference between a CV and Cover Letter is that Bullet points and lists are commonly used in the framework of a resume or a CV. However, on the contrary, a cover letter’s format is broken down into sentences and paragraphs. A curriculum vitae (CV) or resume is a sort of document that contains a lot of information. However, A cover letter is a brief letter.

CV vs Cover Letter

A Curriculum Vitae or CV‘s contents can be condensed to a page or two or much longer. A CV, also known as a resume or curriculum vitae, is a document that is routinely written.

In the Middle East, Europe, Asia, and Africa, a Curriculum Vitae is used to demonstrate to an employer your qualifications when you are looking for work. In the United States, however, CVs are also used extensively in scientific, academic, research, and educational roles.

A cover letter‘s contents must always fit on one page. In general, a cover letter includes a quick introduction to the person, his work history, preferred job profile, and career ambitions.

CL stands for Cover Letter. A cover letter is used to supplement a curriculum vitae, which includes a brief introduction and outlines the applicant’s interests.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonCVCover Letter
Type of Document ComprehensiveCover Letter
Size 2- 2.5 pages 0.5- 1 page
Modifications Remains the same for all employment opportunities. It can be modified based on employment.
Details Specific Details. General information.
Format Bullet points and lists. Sentences and paragraphs.
Content Data and facts. Ideas and examples.
PurposeAcademic jobs.Complementary form to CV, which gives additional information on background.

What is CV?

The contents of a Curriculum Vitae or CV can be contained inside a page or two or perhaps expanded a little further. Bullet points and lists are commonly used in the format of a resume or CV.

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For all types of jobs and job opportunities, the CV or Curriculum Vitae is the same. Only precise details are included in a curriculum vitae. A curriculum vitae (CV) or resume is a form of detailed document.

The contents of the Curriculum Vitae begin with information about the applicant’s name, address, and phone number, followed by educational qualifications, work experience, and any other relevant work abilities.

It also includes a summary of academic qualifications, research and teaching experience, presentations, publications, honours, awards, affiliations, and other pertinent information.

A CV is sometimes referred to as a resume or a curriculum vitae. In the Middle East, Europe, Asia, and Africa, the objective of a Curriculum Vitae is to show the employer while applying for a job.

In the United States, however, CVs are used extensively in scientific, academic, research, and educational roles.


What is Cover Letter?

The contents of a cover letter must always be contained inside a page. In most cases, a cover letter includes a quick introduction to the person, his work history, preferred job profile, and career aspirations. Cover Letter can also be abbreviated as CL.

A cover letter’s objective is to supplement the curriculum vitae, which includes a brief introduction and discusses the applicant’s interests. Only general information is included in the cover letter. A cover letter’s format is divided into sentences and paragraphs.

The format and expectations of the job might be varied in the cover letter. A cover letter is a brief piece of writing. On the contrary, Only precise details make up a curriculum vitae.

For all types of jobs and job opportunities, the CV or curriculum vitae is the same, but Cover Letter can be modified.

woman signing on white printer paper beside woman about to touch the documents

Main Differences Between CV and Cover Letter

  1. The length of the contents in a Curriculum Vitae or CV can be constituted at least a page or two or even can be extended a little more than that. On the other hand, the length of the contents of a cover letter constitutes within a page always.
  2. The contents of the Curriculum Vitae begin with information on Name, contact details, then educational qualification, work experience or any other related and relevant work skills. It also involves a brief of academic details, research and teaching experience, presentation, publications, honours, awards, affiliations and the rest required relevant details. On the other hand, a cover letter comprises a brief introduction to the person, his job experience, preferred job profile and goals in the career that he aspired to.
  3. A CV is commonly written as a Resume or even Curriculum Vitae. On the other hand, Cover Letter is sometimes written as CL as well.
  4. The purpose of a Curriculum Vitae in areas of the Middle East, Europe, Asia and Africa is to show the employer at the time of seeking employment. On the other hand, in the United States, the use of a CV is primary in scientific, academic, research and educational positions as well. On the other hand, the purpose of a cover letter is to complement the curriculum vitae, which includes a brief introduction and explains the interests.
  5. Curriculum Vitae consists only of specific details. On the other hand, Cover Letter consists only of General information.
  6. The format of a resume or CV is written in bullet points and lists. On the other hand, the format of a cover letter is categorised into sentences and paragraphs.
  7. CV or Curriculum Vitae remains the same for all kinds of employment and job opportunities. On the other hand, Cover Letter can be modified according to the employment structure and demands.
  8. Curriculum Vitae/CV/ Resume is a comprehensive type of document. On the other hand, Cover Letter is a concise type of document.
Difference Between CV and Cover Letter
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Last Updated : 11 August, 2023

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25 thoughts on “CV vs Cover Letter: Difference and Comparison”

  1. I appreciate the emphasis on the specific content included in both CVs and cover letters. It’s helpful to understand what to include in each document.

  2. The explanation of the purpose of CVs for academic jobs and cover letters as complementary forms is insightful and important for individuals pursuing diverse careers.

  3. The detailed explanation of the purpose and content of both CVs and cover letters has been very informative and enlightening.

  4. The distinction between academic jobs for CVs and complementary roles for cover letters is crucial for aspiring professionals.

  5. The explanation of CVs and cover letters for different geographical regions is eye-opening. It’s important to know how to tailor these documents based on location.

  6. The breakdown of the key takeaways and the clear explanation of what constitutes a CV versus a cover letter is valuable for job applicants.

  7. The comparison of the length of CVs and cover letters helps to understand the scope of information to include in each document.


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