Coyote vs Wolf: Difference and Comparison

Multiple animals are pretty alike. Dogs, coyotes, and wolves are classic animals that look very similar. It is possible that people may not be able to identify the differences among these animals.

The most difficult will be differentiating between a coyote and a wolf, as the coyote is considered a closer relative of a grey wolf.

Key Takeaways

  1. Coyotes are smaller and more slender than wolves, with a lighter build, a narrower snout, and a bushy tail.
  2. Wolves are larger and more robust, with a broader snout, powerful jaws, and a straight, thick tail.
  3. Coyotes and wolves have distinct appearances, behaviors, and ecological roles despite their similarities as canids.

Coyote vs Wolf

Coyotes are long, short, and sleek wild canines with narrow features mainly found in North America. They are lighter on their feet. A wolf is a large canine native to Eurasia and North America that have larger, blockier muzzles and shorter more rounded ears. They are also bushier with shorter tails.

Coyote vs Wolf

However, the above is not the only difference. A comparison between both the terms on specific parameters can shed light on subtle aspects:


Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonCoyoteWolf
FaceNarrow and pointedBroad
NoseSmall noseLarge nose
SoundHigh pitchedLow pitched
EarsTall and pointedShort and round
SizeSmaller in sizeLarge in size
WeightWeight is less; Around 10-50 poundsWeight is more; Around 60-150 pounds
HeightSmaller in heightLonger in height
Coat colourReddish-brown or greyGrey or black
FeetSmallerLarger feet
TracksShorter, having crisp edgesFluffy and longer as much as a hand of a human being
Food choiceCan eat any food, not just meatWolves only eat meat
Adaptation to humansCoyotes have adapted to multiple environments, including urban environments, where humans stay.Wolves largely stay in forests
PopulationIncreasing day by day and is at an all-time highThey have become extinct to a certain degree
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What is Coyote?

Coyote belongs to the family of Canis latrans. Coyotes are omnivorous mammals. A coyote is known as a wise and clever animal.

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Coyotes are found everywhere, including forests, mountains, and deserts. Modern-day coyotes can also be seen in cities all over North America and have primarily adapted to human environments.

The standard weight of a coyote is around 25 pounds, but some may even weigh around 50 pounds. The average length of a coyote will be around 40 to 50 inches from nose to tail.

The head and body of a coyote measure around 32 to 37 inches, and a tail of 16 inches.

Coyotes can eat anything. They are not just dependent on meat.

Coyotes can hunt and eat rabbits, deer, frogs, fish, and snakes.  Coyotes are considered not picky about food when it comes to diet.

Coyotes form packs when they hunt, especially in winter. Coyotes are extremely quick in the running (they can run up to 40 miles per hour) and possess strong vision and an acute sense of smell.

The average survival age of a coyote could be 6 to 10 years or maybe even longer but commonly around 14 years. The howling of coyotes is a high-pitched sound.

Coyote faeces could contain bones and hair. The coyote population is increasing daily and is at an all-time high.

As coyotes stay in urban environments, there is a chance, although less, that they could be a threat to human beings and pets. It is also possible that Coyotes can attack and eat dogs.

As per one study, more than 30 breeds of dogs have been pounced on by coyotes. Coyotes are commonly active during dusk and dawn.

If coyotes stay in forests, they could be hunted by human beings.

coyote 1

What is Wolf?

Wolf is the most prominent Dog family member of a family known as Canis lupus. Wolf is not a domesticated or cultivated animal.

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Wolf is known as Gray Wolf. Wolf is a carnivore.

The average length of time for which a Wolf will survive is around 6 to 8 years. Wolf is very heavily built and weighs around 40 to 175 pounds.

Wolf is not suited to domestic environments as Wolf is a meat-eater.

Grey wolves are widespread in the Northern Hemisphere. Wolf is a ferocious wild animal which is never tamed.

Taming a wolf is illegal in many places. The relationship between wolf and man is fraught and characterized by conflict or opposition.

The two common wolf species are the red Wolf and Gray Wolf. The red Wolf is smaller than the grey Wolf.

Wolf is considered one of the finest intelligent animals in this world. Wolf has unique features such as solid physical attributes, self-sustaining ability, and precision hunting.

Wolf can also stay in groups. Wolves can live and hunt in groups and travel large distances (maybe 20 km a day).

Wolves are considered great team players, and many videos have been shot to demonstrate team player skills to human beings.

The best feature of wolves is that they can always survive in inhospitable or uninviting atmospheres. An exciting part of a Wolf is that it can continue to live or exist without eating for more than seven days.

However, wolves do not eat in moderation. Wolf can consume around 20 pounds of meat at a single time.


Main Differences Between Coyote and Wolf

  1. Coyote has narrow and pointed face. Wolf has a broad front.
  2. Coyotes are smaller in size. Wolf is larger.
  3. Coyote is shorter in height. Wolf is taller.
  4. Coyote ears are pointed and tall. Wolf’s ears are rounded and short.
  5. Coyotes can eat things apart from meat. Wolf only eats meat.
  6. Coyote stays in many environments. Wolf only stays in the forest.
Difference Between Coyote and Wolf

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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.