Driving vs Traveling: Difference and Comparison

A number of people move from one place to another at regular time intervals for many reasons. They might be moving for an adventurous trip, or they might be moving for their education or job, etc.

But one thing that remains common is that all of these people use two ways to reach their desired location or to move from one place to another as per their terms and requirement. 

These two ways are Driving and Travelling. While these two are quite different from one another, they are widely used as a similar thing by most people. Even those people who do these activities almost every day sometimes get confused as to the meaning these terms denote.

This article shall shed light upon all the aspects that make these things go in different directions. 

Key Takeaways

  1. Driving involves operating a motor vehicle while traveling and encompasses a broader range of activities, including walking biking, or public transportation.
  2. Traveling implies movement between geographical locations for leisure or business, whereas driving focuses on controlling a vehicle.
  3. Driving is a skill that requires training and licensing, while traveling doesn’t require specific qualifications.

Driving vs Traveling 

The difference between Driving and Traveling is that the former denotes an activity of moving from one place to another in which a person is responsible for the movement and moves at his own convenience. While on the contrary, the latter denotes the activity of moving from one place to another in which a person is dependent upon some other person for the said movement. 

Driving vs Traveling

Driving refers to the activity in which a person moves a vehicle from one place to another and may carry other passengers too. It happens to be a controlled operation, and the driver is responsible for all the things happening during the movement.

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The driver happens to be the one in charge, and his action determines whether or not the movement will be convenient and on time. 

On the contrary, Travelling refers to the activity of movement too, but the difference is that in Travelling, the person who travels is the passenger, not the driver, and he is dependent upon the driver of the vehicle for his movement.

Travelling can be done on feet as well as the term means the movement of a person between two different places.  

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonDriving  Traveling  
Meaning  Refers to the activity in which a person moves a vehicle from one place to another and may carry other passengers too. Refers to the activity of movement, too, but the person who travels is the passenger, not the driver.  
Control of person The person who drives has control of the journey. The person who is traveling has no control over the course of the journey as he is not in control of the vehicle. 
Means  Driving can be done by car, bike, cycle, train or plane, etc. Travelling can be done on foot as well apart from bus, car, train, etc. 
License requirement  To drive, one very essential requirement is a license. Travelling does not require any license as the person traveling does not happen to be responsible for the movement of the vehicle. 
Skills required If one is looking forward to driving, he must know the driving skills really well and should be able to drive efficiently.  Apart from this, he should have general awareness, good eyesight, and a sense of directions and routes. To travel, one must only know the basics of traveling. He must know what his destination is and how to reach there while taking care of him. 
Example  A person driving his car from one place to another and his family sitting with him. Traveling in a car which your family member is driving. 
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What is Driving? 

Driving, as an activity, happens to be a hobby for many people, while for some people, it happens to be their job and livelihood. In literal words, this term refers to the action in which a person is moved from one place to another along with a vehicle.

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And the person moving happens to be responsible for such movement. 

Such a person is called the driver. He knows all the basics of driving and drives the vehicle to reach the destination location.

It might be a bus, car, bicycle, train, or even plane that this person drives. However, unlike other activities, in driving, one must possess a driving license issued by the competent authority and must know how a vehicle is driven. 

If one is looking forward to driving, he must know the driving skills really well and should be able to drive efficiently. Apart from this, he should have general awareness, good eyesight, and a sense of directions and routes. 


What is Traveling? 

Travelling is a word with which we all are familiar. Some do it for the sake of their livelihood, education, or job, while some do it for fun. The term refers to the activity in which a person boards a vehicle that carries him to his desired location.

However, travelling can also be done on foot. 

The person who is travelling has no control over the course of the journey as he is not in control of the vehicle. The traveller does not need any license for travelling and can travel freely almost anywhere.

To travel, one must only know the basics of travelling. He must know what his destination is and how to reach there while taking care of him. 

This can better be explained by an example- A person gets an interview letter from a company, and he needs to travel to the location where the company is situated. He does not own a vehicle or does not like driving one, so he decided to travel by train to the destination.

This activity here is called travelling. 


Main Differences Between Driving and Traveling 

  1. While on one side, Driving refers to the activity in which a person moves a vehicle from one place to another and may carry other passengers too. But on the other side, Travelling refers to the activity of movement too, but the person who travels is the passenger, not the driver. 
  2. The person who drives has control of the journey. But in travelling, a traveller has no control over the journey. 
  3. While Driving and Travelling can both be done by car, bike, cycle, train or plane, etc., travelling is the one that can be done on foot as well. 
  4. To drive, one very essential requirement is a license. While travelling, one must only wake up enough to understand the nature of his movement only. 
  5. In driving, one must know the basics of driving, whereas, in travelling, there is no such need. 
Difference Between Driving and Traveling
  1. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9780203931950-54/traveling-cultures-james-clifford
  2. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0965856404000941

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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.