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Honda Motor Company Limited is a motorbike and automobile manufacturer based in Japan. It is the world’s largest motorbike manufacturer and the world’s sixth-largest automobile manufacturer.

Aside from bikes and automobiles, it also manufactures marine engines, power generators, garden equipment, robotics research, and aerospace. The DX and the LX are two of the most popular trim levels. 

Key Takeaways

  1. DX and LX are trim levels in vehicles, with DX being the base level and LX being a higher trim level.
  2. LX models have additional features and amenities compared to DX models.
  3. LX models are more expensive than DX models due to their added features.

Dx vs Lx 

The DX model is two trim levels available for Honda vehicles that come with basic features such as manual windows, locks, and mirrors. The LX model is a two-trim level available for Honda vehicles that includes power windows, locks, mirrors, air conditioning, and an upgraded sound system.

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The DX is the base trim with a normal manual transmission, while an automatic transmission is available if desired. It has the fundamental features and equipment found in Honda automobiles.

It’s the cheapest Honda automobile on the market, with standard features including power windows, window defroster, and remote trunk release. Air conditioning and an audio system can also be fitted. 

The LX is a more advanced version of the DX, with additional functions in addition to those found in the DX. Its value package includes air conditioning and an audio system, as well as body-coloured doors and mirrors.

It has the same engine as the DX but also features a color TFT screen and intelligent, multi-information display (i-MID) controls. It also comes equipped with the same airbags, seat belts as the DX, LATCH, and ABS. 

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Comparison Table

Parameters of Comparison Dx Lx 
Version Dx is the basic version of trim available by Honda  Lx is the upgraded version of trim available by Honda  
Features Dx does not contain an audio or air conditioning system. Lx does contain an audio or air conditioning system. 
Remote entry security system Dx does not contain a Remote entry security system which does not make it a secure choice. Lx contains a Remote entry security system which makes it a secure choice for the users.  
Color The color of windows and doors in dx comes in black color.  The color of windows and doors in Lx comes in the same as the body color. 
Cost  Dx is cheaper than Lx in the market. Lx is expensive than Dx in the market. 

What is Dx? 

The DX is the entry-level trim provided by the Honda company, which comes with a standard manual transmission. It can be upgraded to an automatic transmission if needed after purchase.

It has the same basic features and equipment as Honda vehicles already come in the market. It’s the most affordable Honda on the market, which can be bought by any person who seeks and can come out of their comfort zone.

It also provides equipment like electric windows, window defrosters, and remote trunk release as standard while launching the vehicle. There is also the option of installing air conditioning and an audio system if anyone wants to in their vehicle.

It provides extra comfort to the passengers. 

The company provides no audio or air conditioning system in Dx. Dx does not have a remote entry security system, making it a risky choice for users.

In dx, the color of the windows and doors is black, making It fashionable and good-looking. In the market, Dx is less expensive than Lx, making it an affordable choice for users.

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People can watch, try the comfort and then choose whether it is made for them or not. 


What is Lx? 

The LX is a more sophisticated version of the DX, providing many extra features not seen or available in the DX.

It comes with comfort features like air conditioning, an audio system, and body-colored doors and mirrors as part of the value package, which makes it exclusive and different from dx. 

 It has the same engine as the DX, but it also includes a color TFT screen, which makes it more elite than the dx, and controls for intelligent, multi-information displays (i-MID), which is not available in the dx.

It also has LATCH and ABS, as well as the same airbags and seat belts as the DX, making them similar. 

The firm provides an audio and air conditioning system in Lx, making it more luxurious. Lx also has a remote entrance security system, making it a safer option for customers’ families and friends.

The color of the windows and doors in Lx is the same as the body color, making it trendy and attractive. 

 Lx is more costly than Dx on the market but is also a more comfortable and feature-rich option. People may observe and test the comfort before deciding whether it is suitable for them. 

honda civic lx scaled

Main Differences Between Dx and Lx 

  1. The distinction between Dx and Lx is dependent on the Honda company’s available variants. On Honda automobiles, the DX and LX trim levels are offered, with the DX being the most basic, and the LX is an enhanced version of the DX made by Honda. 
  2. Dx does not contain an audio or air conditioning system, whereas Lx does contain an audio or air conditioning system. 
  3. Dx does not contain a Remote entry security system, which does not make it a secure choice, whereas Lx contains a Remote entry security system which makes it a secure choice for the users. 
  4. The color of windows and doors in Dx comes in black color whereas the color of windows and doors in Lx comes in the same as the body color. 
  5. Dx is cheaper than Lx in the market, whereas Lx is more expensive than Dx in the market. 

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By Piyush Yadav

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.