Global Warming vs Globalization: Difference and Comparison

With all of your success, money, and way of life, you have to deal with the repercussions.

Using all of the resources available, such as water, food, and wood, has negative implications that we can see now, such as pollution and climate change, and two of the most major parts of these are global warming and globalization.

Key Takeaways

  1. Global Warming refers to the rise in the Earth’s average surface temperature due to human activities, while Globalization refers to the integration of economies and cultures worldwide.
  2. Global Warming is a major environmental concern, and different groups view Globalization positively and negatively.
  3. Global Warming requires immediate action to mitigate its effects, while Globalization requires policies to manage its impacts on different sectors.

Global Warming vs Globalization

Global warming is the gradual increase in temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere and oceans due to the burning of fossil fuels which releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Globalization, means the interconnectedness and interdependence of economies and societies across the world.

Global Warming Vs Globalization

Global warming is a process wherein world temperatures are increasing and are predicted to climb more in the rest of the century.

The rise in high-temperature greenhouse gases such as carbon has indeed been related to the emergence in temperature.

Scientists including Ralph David Keeling, who discovered that carbon dioxide levels were continuously increasing year after year, anticipated global warming as a reality in the 1960s.

Globalization is the process whereby the globe becomes more homogeneous in terms of technology, economy, and culture.

The very same way of life or beliefs is now being spread over the world as a result of globalization, resulting in the formation of single world culture.

Economic globalization, cultural globalization, and political globalization are the three major areas of a theoretical framework that separate globalization.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonGlobal WarmingGlobalization
PhenomenaGlobal warming has been a climatic phenomenon caused by the physics of heat-capturing substances.Globalization is a societal movement that is mostly influenced by economics.
CauseNon-anthropogenic activities such as rising magmatism might trigger global warming.Globalization is, by definition, a human concern.
Effect on ClimateClimate change is unavoidable as a result of global warming.The consequences of globalization on climate are determined by what is globalized.
Human InvolvementHumans are unknowingly contributing to global warming.Multinational firms and individual nations are consciously enacting globalization all over the planet.
Positive ConsequencesThe positive effects of global warming are much less apparent.The benefits of globalization are clear.
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What Is Global Warming?

Once carbon dioxide (CO2) as well as other harmful emissions accumulate in the stratosphere, they absorb light and renewable power that has rebounded off the earth’s crust, resulting in global warming.

Usually, the energy might disperse into space, but contaminants, which could also linger in the atmosphere for years or centuries, trap the heat and lead the earth to warm.

These heat-trapping contaminants, namely carbon dioxide, methanol, nitrogen oxides, liquid water, and artificial fluorinated gases, are referred to as greenhouse gas emissions, and their effects are referred to as the greenhouse effect.

Though natural variations and oscillations have led the earth’s temperature to alter several times over the previous 800,000 years, the current age of climate change is directly related to human activity—specifically, the use of fossil fuel, which emits greenhouse factors.

The thawing of snow in arctic and alpine regions has been significantly influenced by rising temperatures.

The bulk of the world’s mountain glaciers are receding, and ice sheets are melting.

This is predicted to raise sea levels, affecting low-lying countries including Bangladesh and the Netherlands.

Weather events such as storms, flooding, and wildfires may become more severe as a result of global warming.

One of the suggested solutions would be to scale out the need for fossil fuels by migrating from a fossil-fuel-based society to a non-fossil-fuel-based civilization based on solar and wind power.

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This strategy entails cutting carbon emissions directly, which seems to be the cause of global warming. 

global warming

What Is Globalization?

Globalization refers to the consolidation of regional industries into a single world economy.

This has resulted from the reduction of barriers to trade and also regional and international policies that make doing business in several nations easier.

The advent of a worldwide capitalist system has provided many countries with access to trade that they would not have had otherwise.

Many countries were able to strengthen their economies as a result of this.

Multinational firms also create jobs in poorer nations, which has boosted the local economy.

Economic globalization, on the other hand, has made it harder for the working and middle classes in richer nations because their labor is being outsourced to places where workers may be paid less.

Globalization’s implications include the fact that globalization has had both positive and negative impacts.

Since the advent of industrialization and the rise of capitalism, there has been an improvement in the standard of living for people all over the world, as well as a reduction in absolute poverty.

On the other hand, globalization has led to challenges such as environmental deterioration and a rising imbalance between the rich and the poor.

Another conclusion is that global culture may not be ecologically responsible on such a large scale. 


Main Differences Between Global Warming and Globalization

  1. Global warming is a meteorological phenomenon induced by the physics of heat-absorbing compounds, whereas globalization is a sociological process impacted primarily by economics.
  2. Global warming could be triggered by non-anthropogenic activity such as growing partial melting, even though globalization is, by nature, a human failing.
  3. As a consequence of global warming, climatic changes are inevitable, whereas the effects of globalization on the weather are dictated by what has been globalized.
  4. Mankind unwittingly contributes to global warming, whereas global corporations and individual states deliberately implement globalization across the globe.
  5. Global warming’s beneficial benefits are less obvious, whereas globalization’s benefits are obvious.
Difference Between Global Warming and Globalization
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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.