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The condition of our planet is getting worse. The main reason for the worsening of the planet can be attributed to pollution and global warming.

The condition of our planet and its environment is being greatly harmed due to both pollution and global warming.

Key Takeaways

  1. Pollution refers to contaminants introduced into the environment, harming natural resources and living organisms, while global warming denotes the long-term increase in Earth’s average temperature due to human activities.
  2. Fossil fuel combustion, deforestation, and industrial processes contribute to pollution and global warming.
  3. Addressing pollution and global warming requires global cooperation, sustainable practices, and the development of clean technologies.

Pollution vs Global Warming 

Pollution is the process of releasing toxic substances in the surroundings that can cause negative effects on man, animals, and plants. Global warming is the gradual increase in the Earth’s temperature due to greenhouse gases, primarily carbon dioxide, trapping heat in the atmosphere.

Pollution vs Global Warming

The discharge of harmful material and substances into the environment is known as pollution. The harmful substances which are released into the environment are known as pollutants.

Pollution is not always ma made but it can always be natural such as volcanic ash, ground-level ozone, sulfur dioxide, etc. 

Global Warming is a natural phenomenon of an increase in average air temperatures close to the surface of our planet Earth in the last two centuries.

Since, the midst of the 20th-century climatologists, the scientists who specialize in the field of climate, have congregated comprehensive observations of numerous weather phenomena and interconnected impacts on climate. 

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonPollutionGlobal Warming
RegionPollution takes place worldwide however differs from region to region.Global Warming takes place globally. 
RatePollution is increasing at a fast rate. Due to global warming, the Earth’s temperature has increased at an average rate of 0.13 degrees Fahrenheit.
Discovered Pollution was first discovered in 1480.Global warming was discovered in 1896.
Founder The Quelccaya core first records evidence of pollution from Inca metallurgy.The Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius discovered Global Warming.
Effect on Environment May lead to acid rain.May lead to much rise in the temperature of the Earth.

What is Pollution? 

However, the pollutants can also be originated from human activities.

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The human activities which are majorly responsible for the discharge of pollutants in the environment are trash, waste produced by industries, gases-related to vehicles, carbon dioxide, etc.

The pollutants are responsible for harming the quality of air, land, water, and other natural resources.

There are various types of pollution such as air pollution, land pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, etc.

Numerous things which are used by humans to fulfill their needs and desire results being poison for our planet named pollution.

Coal burned by humans for generating electricity causes air pollution, waste like plastic cans, bottles, polybags thrown by humans in water bodies causes water pollution, the noise caused by vehicles, industries causes noise pollution, etc.

Pesticides, a poisonous chemical, used by farmers to kill insects and weeds, seep into water and soil which results in pollution water and soil and even harms wildlife.

Pollution is one of the major global problems that the world is facing right now.

Urban areas are considered to be more polluted than the countryside however, the pollution can be transmitted to remotes areas as well. Smoke from the factories results in heavy air pollution.


What is Global Warming? 

Global warming can also be related to the additional typical phenomenon of climate change, which mentions transformations in the entirely ascribe that elaborate climate.

In inclusion to the transformation in the temperature of the air, climate change also includes transformations in patterns of precipitation, ocean currents, winds, and other factors of climate change.

Ordinarily, climate change can be undertaken as the amalgamation of numerous natural forces taking place over various timescales.

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Global warming takes ace when Carbon dioxide (CO2) and various distinct air pollutants accumulate in the atmosphere of our planet and soak up the light of the sun and solar radiation that have rebounded off the surface of the Earth.

The collected observations show that the climate of the Earth has transformed over nearly every imaginable timescale since the starting of geologic time and those activities of human beings since at the minimum the starting of the Industrial Revolution have a rapid growth impact over the step and area of present time climate change.

Since the appearance or arrival of human civilization, climate change has included anthropogenic.

The word Global Warming is specifically used to mention any form of Warming of close-surface air during the last two centuries that can be tracked down to causes by anthropogenic.

global warming

Main Differences Between Pollution and Global Warming 

  1. Pollution can lead to harmful conditions for living bearings while Global Warming can lead to a rise in sea level, extreme weather conditions, etc. 
  2. Pollution can stay in the environment for around 300 to 1000 years while in Global Warming the greenhouse gases stay in the environment for around 50 to 200 years. 
  3. Pollution is composed of various distinct pollutants while Global Warming is composed of greenhouse gases. 
  4. Pollution can lead to breathing and other problems for human beings whereas global warming can lead to problems for humans’ habitability on Earth. 
  5. Pollution is majorly caused by human activities while Global Warming is a natural phenomenon. 
Difference Between Pollution and Global Warming
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By Piyush Yadav

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.