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If rainfall is reduced, the plants will dry up, causing drought and global warming. On the one hand, rainfall is vital for life’s sustainability, but on the other, it leads to acid rain being destroyed.

Key Takeaways

  1. Global warming results from increased greenhouse gases, while acid rain occurs due to the release of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides.
  2. Global warming leads to rising temperatures and climate change, whereas acid rain harms aquatic life, vegetation, and infrastructure.
  3. Measures to combat global warming include reducing greenhouse gas emissions, while acid rain mitigation focuses on controlling sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions.

Global Warming vs Acid Rain

Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the climate system on the Earth, and it is caused by the greenhouse effect, ultraviolet rays and fossil fuels. Acid rain is any kind of rain that contains high levels of H ions or low pH and is caused by volcanic emissions, lightning and biological processes.

Global Warming vs Acid Rain

Global warming, created by greenhouse gases that trap atmospheric solar radiation, might transform the world map, move places, flood numerous countries, and kill many types of life.

Smoke from a fire or fumes from a car exhaust contain more than just the obvious sooty grey bits; they also contain several unseen gases that can be far more detrimental to our environment.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonGlobal WarmingAcid Rain
DefinitionGlobal warming refers to an increase in the earth’s climate system’s average temperature.Acid rain refers to any kind of rain or rain that contains high levels of H+ ions or low pH, includes snow, fog, rainwater, and dull.
Causes1-Ultraviolet Rays
2-Green House Effect
t3-Using Fossil Fuels
1-Volcanic Emissions
2-Biological Processes
Impact 1-Risk to some ecosystem
2-Negative effects for some regions.
1-Toxification of soil.
2-Degradation of plant chlorophyll.
IndicatorsHumidity, Temperature over oceans, sea level, and many more.Mosses are good indicators of acid rain. Ex- Neckera Crispa
Ways to reduce1-Stop the use of fossil fuels, especially coal, oil, and gas.
2-Create new electricity sources.
1- do not consume gas (carbon dioxide, natural gas)
2- Plantation of trees.

What is Global Warming?

Global warming has a hazardous impact on our environment now. The rising of global warming causes quick Modernization, population growth, and pollution.

With various natural occurrences occurring throughout the world impacting each live creature, the indication of global warming is already apparent.

Industrialization, urbanization, deforestation, and advanced human activities are the most obvious reasons for global warming.

Global warming is an alarming issue that has a major effect on life. Severe global warming leads to natural disasters, which are very obvious.

global warming

What is Acid Rain?

Acid Rain is rich in acidic pollutants, in particular sulphuric and nitric acid, rainfall, snowfall, hailstorms, and mist. Acid Rain is created mostly by releases from different sources of sulfur and nitrogen oxide.

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Types of Acid Rain:

Wet disposition: When acid falls onto the surface as rain, snowfall, or mist, it eliminates acid from the air and places it on the land.

Dry deposition: When acidic contaminants merge to dust or smoke and smoke, they attach to the earth as well as other surfaces like buildings, automobiles, houses, plants, and landmarks as dry particles. 

Natural and human sources are the primary causes of acid rain. However, the causes of Acid Rain are mainly related to the combustion of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and NO2 released in the air of fossil fuels.

acid rain

Main Differences Between Global Warming and Acid Rain

  1. Global warming indicators include moisture, temperature over oceans, ocean level, and many others, whereas acid rain indicators include mosses.
  2. Stopping the use of fossil fuels, particularly coal, oil, and gas, can help to reduce global warming, while not using carbon dioxide natural gas and planting trees can help to minimize acid rain.
Difference Between Global Warming and Acid Rain

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By Piyush Yadav

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.