IBM vs Oracle: Difference and Comparison

Even though IBM and Oracle are new to the cloud, they have a large presence in the IT market. On one side is Oracle Corporation, one of the leading players in the enterprise IT sector.

Then there’s IBM, a well-known computer and technology business that’s also a major player in the cloud.

Key Takeaways

  1. IBM specializes in hardware, software, and IT services, while Oracle primarily focuses on database management systems and cloud services.
  2. IBM’s main product offerings include mainframes, storage systems, and cloud computing, whereas Oracle is known for its database software and technology, cloud-engineered systems, and enterprise software products.
  3. Both companies serve various industries, but IBM has a more diverse product portfolio than Oracle.

IBM vs Oracle

IBM is a multinational technology company that provides a wide range of hardware, software, and consulting services to businesses, providing hardware solutions such as servers and storage devices. Oracle is a software company that specializes in database management systems and enterprise software.

IBM vs Oracle

IBM is a worldwide technology firm that specializes in providing hardware, software, and services based on cloud and cognitive computing.

It was previously known as Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company when it was founded in 1911 by Charles Ranlett Flint after the amalgamation of four enterprises in New York State.

In 1924, the company was renamed IBM. Given the company’s long history, it’s not surprising that it has had to adapt to changing technology developments throughout the years.

The Oracle Corporation created Oracle, a relational database management system.

Oracle’s RDBMS can handle any data model and comes in a variety of product editions, including Standard, Enterprise, Express, and Personal editions, from which the customer may select the database system that best suits their needs.

When compared to other databases on the market, Oracle systems are scalable and secure, with excellent performance capabilities.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonIBMOracle
LocationArmonk, New YorkRedwood City, California
FounderCharles Ranlett FlintLarry Ellison, Bob Miner, and Ed Oates
ServicesHardware and software, services based on cloud, cognitive computing, hosting, and consulting services.Software, hardware systems, and services.
ProfileThe Cloud computing platform is made up of servers, storage, and virtualization components.Offers a wide range of enterprise-grade cloud computing services, such as PaaS, IaaS, and SaaS.  
Founding year19111977
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What is IBM?

IBM is an information technology firm that leverages its knowledge to create client solutions.

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The corporation works in a single industry, with multiple separate divisions creating value by providing a variety of solutions, such as technology, systems, goods, services, software, and finance (10-K report).

Three key hardware product areas make up the company’s main business.

Technology, personal systems, and business systems are the three categories. They also have a worldwide services division, a software division, a global finance division, and an enterprise investments division (Ibid).

The Systems division delivers infrastructure platforms to clients to assist them in handling the demands of hybrid multi-cloud and corporate AI workloads.

In partnership with IBM Research, the Systems sector develops innovative semiconductor and systems technologies. IBM’s Db2 product range is a collection of data management tools.

It comprises a well-known relational database management system, which IBM first released in 1983 for its Multiple Virtual Storage mainframe architectures.

IBM’s change from hierarchical database architecture to a relational database model was initially referred to as DB/2. In 2017, IBM renamed their database product line Db2.

DB2 was originally built by IBM for its platform. It has been developing a Universal Database (UDB) DB2 Server since 1990, which may run on any authoritative operating system, including Linux, UNIX, and Windows.


What is Oracle?

Oracle Corporation is a database software firm based in the United States. Oracle is a major provider of information management software, relational database solutions, and, more recently, cloud goods and services.

It is one of the earliest firms that offers database management solutions. The organization has always prioritized Enterprise requirements and recognized the most recent technological advancements.

As a consequence, new features are regularly added to its products. For example, the latest Oracle database 19C is also available on Oracle Cloud.

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To provide a cost-effective solution, Oracle allows users to choose from a variety of database versions that best suit their needs. Oracle Database (Oracle DB) is an Oracle Corporation relational database management system (RDBMS).

Oracle DB, which was created in 1977 by Lawrence Ellison and other engineers, is one of the most extensively used relational database engines for storing, organizing, and retrieving data by type while keeping relationships between them.

The system is based on a relational database foundation that allows users to access data objects directly using a structured query language (SQL).

Oracle is a relational database design that is completely scalable, and it is frequently used by worldwide organizations to handle and analyze data across broad and local area networks.

The Oracle database contains its network component that allows for cross-network connectivity. Oracle DB is frequently referred to as Oracle RDBMS or just Oracle.


Main Differences Between IBM and Oracle

  1. IBM is a prominent computer technology and consulting firm located in Armonk, New York, whereas Oracle Corporation, situated in Redwood City, California, is one of the world’s top corporate IT suppliers and a leading producer of computer hardware products and services.
  2. Larry Ellison, Bob Miner, and Ed Oates created Oracle Corporation as Software Development Laboratories, whereas Charles Ranlett Flint founded IBM as the Computing Tabulating Recording Company (CTR).
  3. In areas ranging from mainframe computers to nanotechnology, IBM provides hardware and software, services based on cloud, cognitive computing, hosting, and consulting services, while Oracle is organized into three businesses: software, hardware systems, and services, which are further divided into several operating segments.
  4. IBM SmartCloud is a cloud computing platform made up of servers, storage, and virtualization components that may be used to create private and hybrid cloud computing environments. Oracle Cloud offers a wide range of enterprise-grade cloud computing services, such as PaaS, IaaS, and SaaS.
  5. Oracle Corporation was founded in 1977, whereas IBM was founded in 1911.
Difference Between IBM and Oracle

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About Author

Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.