Jesus vs Mohammad: Difference and Comparison

Over the two millennia, Jesus and Mohammad shaped the destiny of many people. Jesus and Mohmmad are both the figureheads of Christianity and Islam.

Currently, Christianity and Islam are considered as some of the largest religions, with one-and-eight billion and one billion followers, respectively. There are very few things in common between Jesus and Mohammad.

Key Takeaways

  1. Christians consider Jesus the son of God and the savior of humanity, while Mohammad is regarded as the last prophet of God in Islam.
  2. Jesus’ teachings emphasize love, forgiveness, and sacrifice, while Mohammad’s teachings focus on submission to God and the importance of prayer and charity.
  3. Jesus was born in Bethlehem, Palestine, and was crucified in Jerusalem, while Mohammad was born in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, and died in Medina.

Jesus vs Mohammad 

Jesus is the central figure of the Christianity religion, which is believed to have been born between four and six B.C. Many Christians see him as the incarnation of God. Mohammad is the figurehead of the Islam religion who was born in 570 A.D. in Mecca, a town located in Western Arabia.

Jesus vs Mohammad

Jesus or Jesus Christ was the religious leader of the Christians and Christianity, which is considered as one of the largest and oldest religions of the World.

Jesus is regarded as the incarnation of God by many Christians. According to the Christian Gospels, he was born around four B.C., but most of the biblical scholars assume that he was born between four to six B.C. 

Mohammad or Mohammad ibn Abdullah was an Arab social, political, and religious leader who founded the Islam religion. He united Arabia into one Muslim polity with the Quran.

His teachings and practices formed the base of Islamic beliefs. He was born in 570 A.D. in Mecca, a hill town situated in the desert plateau of Western Arabia.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonJesusMohammad
BornAccording to the Christian Gospels, Jesus was born around four B.C., but most biblical scholars assume that he was born in between four to six B.C. 
Mohammad was born in 570 A.D. in Mecca, a hill town situated in the desert plateau of Western Arabia.
LanguageJesus spoke in Aramaic, Hebrew, and Greek.
Mohammad spoke Arabic.
LiteracyJesus was literate but never wrote any book. He commissioned his followers to write down his messages.
Mohammad was literate and wrote the Quran. However, some scholars assert that his followers wrote the Quran to spread his messages.
WarJesus never waged war. According to him, people who live by the sword eventually die by the sword. 
Mohammad ibn Abdullah was a warrior. He waged several jihads, or holy wars, against pagans and infidels.  
Death orderJesus never ordered anyone’s death.
As a warrior, Mohammad ordered the death of many people to promote the message of monotheism.
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What is Jesus?

Jesus or Jesus Christ was a first-century religious leader, a Jewish preacher who founded Christianity, one of the largest and oldest religions of the world.

According to the Christian Gospels, Jesus was born around four B.C., but most biblical scholars assume that he was born between four to six B.C. 

He was a Jewish carpenter who became the master teacher and performed several miracles of deliverance and healing. Jesus is regarded as the incarnation of God by many Christians.

He spoke in Aramaic, Hebrew, and Greek. He was literate but never wrote any book. He commissioned his followers to write down his messages.

The 4 canonical gospels are the major sources for Jesus’s life and messages. New Testament also includes some events of Jesus, like his last supper.

He lived a sinless life and never prayed for forgiveness, instead he forgave everyone. He established Christianity on the basis of love, mercy, and truth and invited everyone to come to him.

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Jesus never waged war. According to him, people who live by the sword eventually die by the sword. Jesus never ordered anyone’s death.

Despite being innocent, he was killed by crucifixion in Jerusalem at the age of 33. 


What is Mohammad?

Muhammad, or Muhammad ibn Abdullah was the founder of Islam. He was born in 570 A.D. in Mecca, a hill town situated in the desert plateau of Western Arabia.

His name means someone who is praised. Mohammad was raised by his mother named, Halima, then by his grandfather and uncle. He was married to 15 wives. 

He plays a significant role in Islamic practice and thought. He never claimed any divine status. His teachings and sword forcefully attracted many people to avoid pagan worship.

Mohammad was literate and wrote the Quran. However, some scholars assert that his followers wrote the Quran to spread his messages.

Mohammad ibn Abdullah was a warrior. He waged several jihads, or holy wars, against pagans and infidels. He led almost 66 battles to spread his message. As a warrior, Mohammad ordered the death of many people to promote the message of monotheism.

Before his death, Mohammad was successful in converting major parts of the Arabian Peninsula to his new faith forcefully.

He had not designated any successor, which resulted in a great struggle over leadership after his death. The Muslims were divided into two major groups- Shiites and Sunnis.

Despite this tension over leadership, a wide empire of Islam was established over the next twelve centuries. 

Main Differences Between Jesus and Mohammad

  1. According to the Christian Gospels, Jesus was born around four B.C., but most of the biblical scholars assume that he was born in between four to six B.C. On the other hand, Mohammad was born in 570 A.D. in Mecca, a hill town situated in the desert plateau of Western Arabia.
  2. Jesus spoke in Aramaic, Hebrew, and Greek. But Mohammad spoke Arabic.
  3. Jesus was literate but never wrote any book. He commissioned his followers to write down his messages. Mohammad was literate and wrote the Quran. However, some scholars assert that his followers wrote the Quran to spread his messages.
  4. Jesus never waged war. According to him, people who live by the sword eventually die by the sword. On the contrary, Mohammad ibn Abdullah was a warrior. He waged several jihads, or holy wars, against pagans and infidels.
  5. Jesus never ordered anyone’s death. As a warrior, Mohammad ordered the death of many people to promote the message of monotheism.
Difference Between Jesus and Mohammad
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Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.