Jung vs Freud: Difference and Comparison

It is believed that both Jung and Freud have developed theories, but they disagree with some of the matter. So we can tell that Jung’s and Freud’s theories differ slightly.

Key Takeaways

  1. Differing views on the unconscious: Freud believed in the existence of a personal unconscious, while Jung expanded the concept to include a collective unconscious shared by all humans.
  2. Disagreement on sexuality: Freud considered sexual desires a primary driving force in human behaviour, whereas Jung saw them as just one aspect of a person’s psyche.
  3. Distinct therapeutic approaches: Freud’s psychoanalysis emphasized the importance of early childhood experiences, while Jung’s analytical psychology focused on individuation and self-realization.

Jung vs. Freud

Jung presented a theory related to the human psyche. According to Jung’s theory, there are two consequences which are personal and collective. Jung practices psychology two days a week. Freud presented the same theory but with different perspectives. According to Freud’s theory, there are three structural levels of psychology which are conscious, preconscious, and unconscious. Freud practices psychology regularly.

Jung vs Freud

Carl Jung is acknowledged as one of the most influential psychiatrists to date. The name Jung has been pronounced as young, and Jungian is pronounced as a youngin.  Jung started his career as a follower of Sigmund Freud, but they had different ideas. 

He was the first expert who gave analytical psychology to explore the religious nature behind human psychology. Sigmund Freud founded the psychodynamic approach to psychology, looking at insensible drives to explain human behavior.

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Freud’s theories explain that the human mind is responsible for both conscious and unconscious decisions that humans make based on psychological drives.

Comparison Table

Parameters of Comparison Jung Freud 
Understand science Jung used to believe in religion, spiritual and cultural ideas.Freud used to be that psychology is an empirical science.
Religion and spirituality Jung has a positive impact on religion. His theories tell that religion plays a key role in individual development.Freud rejected the idea of religion and spirituality. He believes religion should be separate from research and the psychological.
Practicing psychology Jung used to practice twice a week.Freud used to practice regularly. He sees his patient six sessions a week.
Interaction Jung used to believe in having the face to face contact with the patient.Freud believes that patients will be more comfortable sharing emotions if they are facing away from the psychologist and lying comfortably.
Dream Interpretation Jung used to believe that dreams can reflect many different aspects of human life.Freud used to believe that dreams can manifest an innermost human desire.
Conscious mind theory Jung believes that the conscious mind constructively works on our emotions.  Freud believes that the conscious mind actively crushes our emotions.
Unconscious mind theoryJung believes that our lived emotions influence the unconscious mind.Freud believes that the unconscious mind is driven by aggression and sex.
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What is Jung’s Theory?

Jung rejected Freud’s ideas; his theory tells that the unconscious mind is influenced by a person’s future aspirations and lived expiration. He rejected Freud’s theory by introducing the idea of collective consciousness.

Jung tells human behavior to explore the sense of link that we feel about our actions and emotion. His idea was mainly influenced by his extensive knowledge of philosophy, religion, and mythology. According to Jang, four personalities are thinking, judging, sensation, and introversion.

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jung theory

What is Freud’s Theory?

Freud tells about the unconscious mind and its link with our disturbing memories, primal human drives, aggression, sex, and suppressed thoughts.

Freud’s theory describes that psychological development in the child takes place in five psychological stages anal, oral, genital, phallic, and latency, known as psychosexual stages, as all stages represent the fixation of libido on every different area of the human body.

As per his theory, he says that the human psyche is divided into the ego, the superego, and the id. He further says that it links with our unconscious mind, and the ego is connected with our conscious mind.

Finally, the superego mediates human behavior by balancing the ego and id impulses. However, Freud is mainly known for theorizing the Oedipus complex.

freud theory

Main Differences Between Jung and Freud

  1. Jung’s and Freud’s theories concern a human’s conscious and unconscious mind.
  2. Jung used to believe in religion, spiritual and cultural ideas. On the other hand, Freud used to believe that psychology is an empirical science.
  3. Jung has a positive impact on religion. His theories tell that religion plays a key role in individual development. On the other hand, Freud rejected the idea of religion and spirituality. He believes religion should be separate from research and the psychological.
  4. Jung used to practice twice a week. On the other hand, Freud used to practice regularly. He sees his patient six sessions a week.
  5. Jung used to believe in having the face to face contact with the patient. On the other hand, Freud believes that patients will be more comfortable sharing emotions if they are facing away from the psychologist and lying comfortably.
  6. Jung used to believe that dreams can reflect many different aspects of human life. On the other hand, Freud believed that dreams could be a manifestation of an innermost human desire.
  7. Both Jung’s and Freud’s theories repressed human emotion influencing behavior. 
  8. Jung believes that the conscious mind constructively works on our emotions. On the other hand, Freud believes that the conscious mind actively crushes our emotions.
  9. Jung believes that our lived emotions influence the unconscious mind. On the other hand, Freud believes that the unconscious mind is driven by aggression and sex.
  1. The Schism between Freud and Jung over Schreber: Its Implications for Method and Doctrine
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Emma Smith
Emma Smith

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.


  1. The contrasting perspectives of Jung and Freud in their theories of the unconscious mind and religious impact highlight the multifarious nature of psychology. Their divergence serves as an invaluable source of scholarly inquiry and discussion.

    • Indeed, the differences between their theories offer a rich tapestry for scholarly exploration, contributing to a nuanced and expansive understanding of psychological theory.

    • The dichotomy in their theories paves the way for comprehensive scholarly analysis and discussion, furthering the layered complexity of psychological thought.

  2. Jung’s theory of collective unconscious and the significance he places on religion provides an interesting alternative to Freud’s more empirical approach. The differences in their practices and methods are certainly thought-provoking.

    • It’s intriguing to dissect the contrast between their practices, as it highlights the diverse ways in which psychology can be approached.

    • The substantial differences between Jung and Freud’s theories offer valuable insights into the evolving nature of psychological thought and the varying perspectives within the field.

  3. The divergent views between Jung and Freud regarding conscious and unconscious mind theories underscore the richness of psychological thought. Their contrast provides a compelling lens through which to explore the complexities of the human psyche.

    • Undoubtedly, the differences in their theories offer a captivating avenue for investigating the nuanced facets of psychological theory, contributing to the depth and breadth of the field.

    • Their divergence enriches the landscape of psychology and prompts an enriching discourse on the complexities and multifaceted nature of the human mind.

  4. Freud’s and Jung’s theories differ greatly in their approach to the unconscious and how it influences human behavior. It’s fascinating to see how two prominent figures in psychology can have such divergent views.

    • Absolutely, the variance in their approaches underscores the complexity of human psychology and the multitude of perspectives that exist within the field.

  5. Exploring the differences in Jung and Freud’s theories provides a compelling insight into the diverse theoretical vantages within psychology. Their contrasting viewpoints offer fertile ground for academic discourse and intellectual inquiry.

    • The substantial contrast in their theories provides a rich foundation for continued scholarly exploration and discussion, expanding the depth of psychological inquiry.

    • Absolutely, the divergence between Jung and Freud unlocks a wealth of opportunities for exploratory academic investigation, enriching the discourse on the multifaceted nature of psychological theory.

  6. The differences between Jung and Freud’s theories are quite substantial, particularly when it comes to their thoughts on the unconscious mind and religion. Jung’s emphasis on the collective unconscious and the role of religion in development offers a unique perspective.

    • I agree, the divergence between their views on these aspects of psychology is quite significant and calls for further examination.

  7. The contradiction between Jung and Freud’s theories is quite profound, particularly in their respective beliefs on consciousness, religion, and the practice of psychology. Their differing outlooks have certainly contributed to the richness of psychological inquiry.

    • Indeed, the dichotomy between their views has sparked a wealth of scholarly discussion and inquiry, enriching the field of psychology.

  8. The divergence between Jung and Freud’s theories showcases the enriching complexity of psychological thought, inviting a robust discussion and exploration of the evolving dimensions within the field.

    • Indeed, the contrasting viewpoints of these influential figures in psychology offer an invaluable lens through which to scrutinize and understand the multifarious nature of psychological theory.

  9. Jung’s and Freud’s theories present distinctively different views, particularly in their approaches to dream interpretation and unconscious thought. This contrast illuminates the myriad ways in which psychology can be understood and practiced.

    • I completely agree, the differences in their interpretations of psychological concepts expand the scope of inquiry and understanding within psychology, stimulating further exploration.

    • The differing perspectives between Jung and Freud offer valuable insight into the evolving nature of psychological thought, emphasizing the diverse methodologies that contribute to the richness of the field.

  10. The differences in practice, interaction with patients, and views on the purpose of psychology truly highlight the divergence between Jung’s and Freud’s theories. Their contrast unlocks layers of complexity in psychological theory.

    • Absolutely, the richness of the debate between Jung and Freud serves as a testament to the multifaceted nature of psychology, showcasing the diverse perspectives that come together to form the field.

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