King James Bible vs New King James Bible: Difference and Comparison

Usually, when choosing and debating whether the Kings James Bible or the New King James Bible may get heated conversational conversation words, people who follow either Bibles do so with great compassion and belief.

But despite all these terms, a person can unite accurately regarding faith by truly understanding the differences between the Bibles.

Key Takeaways

  1. The King James Bible, also known as the Authorized Version, was published in 1611 and was written in Early Modern English. The New King James Bible is a modernized version of the King James Bible that uses contemporary English.
  2. The King James Bible is considered a literary masterpiece and has significantly impacted the English language and culture. At the same time, the New King James Bible is more accessible to modern readers.
  3. The King James Bible and the New King James Bible have similar content, but the New King James Bible uses more gender-neutral language and omits some archaic words and phrases.

King James Bible vs New King James Bible

The difference between the King James Bible and the New King James Bible is that the New King James Bible is an upgraded and modernized version of the King James Bible. Their publish dates differ. The New King James Bible is the most recent version of the Christian Bible.

King James Bible vs New King James Bible

The King James Bible is an updated and translated version of the Christian Bible in English, written in 1604 and published in 1611. The English language was spoken only from the 1600s.

This Bible was published for the people precisely.

The New King James Bible is an entirely highly translated version of the King James Bible. They believe the new King James Bible will have the best of both worlds in one published book.

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Comparison Table

Parameters Of ComparisonKing James BibleNew King James Bible
Year in which it got OriginatedIt got published in 1611 and was later revised in the year 1631.It got published in the year 1979 and was later revised in the year 1892.
Script followedThe King James Bible solely excludes the Alexandrian texts.The New King James Bible solely includes the Alexandrian texts.
InterpretationsFollows olden times beliefs and thoughts.Follows modern-day thoughts and beliefs.
ReadabilityArchaic English is written in the King James Bible. Hence, it is considered very hard to read this bible.Due to the normal English present in the New King James Bible, it is considered easy to read this bible.
Translation PopularityAlmost 38 per cent of Americans prefer the King James Bible.Almost 14 per cent of Americans prefer the New King James Bible despite its easy readability.
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What is King James Bible?

The King James Bible had total exclusions of the Alexandrian scripts. The King James Bible instead relies solely on representing and translating the Latin scripts.

This Bible is considered, by people, hard to read as it contains archaic language, which was used long back and now has been removed from the English language. One of the biggest advantages of the kings James Bible is its familiarity and comfort.

Its biggest drawback is that it is entirely based on Latin Greek manuscripts, also known as Textus Receptus. The King James Bible was later revised in the year 1631.

The King James Bible is yet to be said as the most accurate Bible transition scripted for over 400 years. It took about 45 to 47 scholars to translate Richard Bancroft’s writings and preach them in this Bible.

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This Bible has had a very profound influence on the literature for 400 years now.

king james bible

What is New King James Bible?

The New King James Bible includes all the Alexandrian scripts in an entirely new translated language, directing information on the actual depth of original words. This book was written Precisely to reflect a decade when translating a chant text into personal experience would mean two different things to people.

The New King James was written and published by Thomas Nelson.

The New King James Bible features do not make it liberal, but they surely would match today’s modern thoughts and steps. This book was indeed not driven to prove the King James Bible wrong.

People find it easy to read this Bible as it contains everyday English. The New King James Bible was later revised in the year 1982.

The New King James Bible is a glorified and modernized edition of the thoughts, preaching, and beliefs that are followed and written in the King James Bible.

king james

Main Differences Between King James Bible and New King James Bible

1. The followers who preach the King James Bible would reject the New King James Bible’s ideas and beliefs as it considers today’s thoughts and beliefs. In contrast, the New King James Bible followers would not read the King James Bible because of the language.
2. The New King James Bible included Alexandrian texts, whereas the King James Bible excluded the Alexandrian texts altogether.
3. The King James Bible is hard to read, whereas the New King James Bible is easier to read by people as compared to the King James Bible.
4. The King James Bible is quite a prominent one among adults and older age groups, whereas the New King James Bible is the most popular one among children as they would find it easy to read.
5. The New King James is written to reflect better readability and accurately interpret, whereas the King James Bible is taken despite the language differences.

Difference Between King James Bible and New King James Bible

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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.