Good News Bible vs King James: Difference and Comparison

Bibles are a sacred collection for Christians. The doctrines in the Bible had followed by Jews, Lutherans, Protestants, Catholics and Others.

The words that reveal God are Good News Bible and King James Bible. Good News Bible and King James Bible are the sacred collections of Bibles belief by the Christian religion.

Key Takeaways

  1. The Good News Bible is a modern translation of the Bible that aims to make the text easy to understand, while the King James Version is an older translation that uses more traditional language.
  2. The Good News Bible may be more accessible to readers unfamiliar with the biblical language or who speak English as a second language.
  3. The King James Version is widely regarded as a literary masterpiece and has significantly impacted the English language. Still, its archaic language can be difficult to understand for some readers.

Good News Bible vs King James

The Good News Bible was published in 1966, and the complete Bible was published in 1976, where King James Version had published in the 16th century. The words that reveal God are Good News Bible and King James Bible. Good News Bible and King James Bible are the sacred collections of Bibles belief by the Christian religion.

Good News Bible vs King James

Good news Bible had finalized to publish in 1976 by the American Bible Society. Good News Bible is translated into English by the American Bible Society to understand.

The Translation Bible is the first New Testament published in 1966 under Good News for Modern Man. Good News Bible had published in 1966 and finalized published in 1976. 88% of people like to follow the Good News Bible.

On the other hand, the American Bible Society published King James’ Bible in the 16th century. King James’ Bible was also known as the English Version Bible of 1611.

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It is an Authorized Bible and an English-translated bible for the people of England. In Geneva and Switzerland, Protestant Reformers followed Hebrew Bible, the first sacred book. It influenced James to write the King James Bible.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonGood News Bible  King James    
Meaning  Good News Bible is an English translation bible published in 1966. Good News Bible is the first new testament bible below the name of Good News for Modern Man.  King James Bible is also known as King James Version. It is an English Translation Bible for England people.    
Published  Published by the American Bible Society in 1966 and finalized published in 1976.  The American Bible Society published them under the sponsorship of James IV and me in 1601.    
  Beliefs  The Readers believe that Good News Bibles is the New Testament from the Old Testament. The message in the Good News Bible is the words of Jesus Christ.  Evangelicals and Baptists believe the King James Bible is the most significant translated into English. King James’ Bible had published after the holiness movement.   
  Collection  Translated from Old Testament.   King James consists of 39 books of the Old Testament, 27 books of the New Testament, and 14 books of the Apocrypha.    
Followed by  Catholics, Presbyterians, Baptists and some other denominations followed her.  Protestant Reformers in Geneva, Switzerland, used to read original Hebrew, which influenced King James Version’s writing.       

What is Good News Bible?

In the early period, the Christian community was divided into several denominations. The trust rules of several denominations are different. Several denominations follow the sacred books in the name of God.

Bible is a sacred book for Christians, and the Christian community follow the doctrines of the Bible. To acknowledge different denominations, the head of the denominations translated the bible into the English language.

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Good News Bible had translated into English from Old Testament. The Bible was partially published in 1966, whereas Good News Bible was finalized to publish in 1976. Good News Bible had published by the American Bible Society in the 19th century.

Catholics, Presbyterians, Baptists, and other denominations follow the Good News Bible—promises made by God and relation with People. Christian communities strongly believe that the words and doctrines are directly from God.

good news bible

What is King James?

Bibles are a sacred collection for Christians. The doctrines in the bible had followed by Jews, Lutherans, Protestants, Catholics and Others.

King James Version, also known as King James Bible, had published by the American Bible Society under the sponsorship of James IV and me. The Bible had published in the 16th century. The denominations in the Christian Religion follow the King James Bible.

King James Version had published, especially for the England people in the early period. In Geneva and Switzerland, Protestant Reformers followed Hebrew Bible, the first sacred book. It influenced James to write the King James Bible.

King James Bible is a collection of 39 books of the Old Testament, 14 books of the Apocrypha, and 27 books of the New Testament. Evangelicals, Baptists, and protestants believe King James’ Bible is the Greatest translated into English.

king james

Main Differences Between Good News Bible and King James

  1. Good News Bible had finally published in 1976 by the American Bible Society. In contrast, the American Bible Society published King James’ Bible in the 16th century under the sponsorship of James IV and me.
  2. Good News Bible was translated into English from Old Testament, the first New Testament Bible.
  3. King James’ Bible had been translated into English for England Christian community. King James Bible is a collection of 39 books of the Old Testament, 27 Books of the New Testament, and 14 books of the Apocrypha.
  4. Catholics, Baptists, Presbyterians and other denominations follow the Good News Bible. Good News Translation is the message of God.
  5. Evangelicals, Baptists, Protestants and other denominations follow the King James Bible.
Difference Between Good News Bible and King James

Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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24 thoughts on “Good News Bible vs King James: Difference and Comparison”

  1. While the article offers a detailed comparison between the Good News Bible and the King James Version, a more critical analysis of their translational approaches and interpretative nuances could have enriched the depth of the discussion.

    • I agree with your observation, Finley63. A deeper scrutiny of their translational approaches would have elevated the article’s scholarly rigor.

    • Indeed, exploring their interpretative nuances could have provided a more comprehensive understanding of the translations’ intrinsic differences.

  2. The article effectively delves into the genesis and publication timelines of the Good News Bible and King James Version, shedding light on the contextual background of these translations. A commendable effort in elucidating their historical significance.

  3. The post provides an interesting comparison between the Good News Bible and the King James Version, highlighting their differences in accessibility and language. It’s a great source of information for those wanting to learn more about these important translations.

  4. While the article provides valuable insights into the Good News Bible and King James Version, it could benefit from more detailed analysis on the theological significance and interpretation differences between the two translations.

    • I understand your point, Keeley87. A deeper exploration of the theological implications would indeed enhance the article’s comprehensiveness.

  5. While the article offers a comprehensive overview of the Good News Bible and King James Version, it could have incorporated a more in-depth analysis of the doctrinal implications of these translations to enrich its scholarly value.

    • I concur with your assessment. A deeper exploration of their doctrinal significance would undoubtedly elevate the scholarly appeal of the article.

    • Absolutely, delving into the doctrinal differences would have added another layer of depth to the discussion.

  6. This article effectively highlights the extensive history and impact of both the Good News Bible and the King James Version. It’s a must-read for anyone seeking a comprehensive understanding of Christian translations and their evolution.

  7. The article effectively elucidates the historical context, publication timelines, and denominational influences on the Good News Bible and the King James Version, providing a comprehensive understanding of their foundational aspects.

    • Absolutely, the multifaceted approach to understanding the translations’ historical and denominational contexts enhances the reader’s comprehension.

  8. The article offers a nuanced understanding of the historical and theological underpinnings of both the Good News Bible and the King James Version. It’s a thought-provoking read for those interested in Christian translations.

  9. The author lucidly outlines the distinctions between the Good News Bible and the King James Version. The comprehensive comparison table provides a clear snapshot of their differences.

    • Absolutely, the comparison table enhances the article’s clarity and aids in understanding the nuances of each translation.

  10. This article effectively articulates the historical and theological significance of both the Good News Bible and the King James Version, offering valuable insights into their distinct contributions to Christian literature and traditions.

    • Absolutely, it’s a commendable effort to provide a comprehensive understanding of the historical and theological dynamics at play in these translations.


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