UTC vs PDT: Difference and Comparison

The planet of earth on which we live is massive. It comprises different parameters such as revolution, rotation etc.

When a specific part or certain place experiences daytime, a particular interest or certain areas experience nighttime. And those time zones are of several types and are categorized by many terms.

Key Takeaways

  1. UTC stands for Coordinated Universal Time, a time standard used worldwide, while PDT stands for Pacific Daylight Time, used in the Pacific Time Zone of North America.
  2. UTC is a time standard based on atomic clocks, while PDT is a time zone based on the Earth’s rotation relative to the Sun.
  3. UTC is used for international aviation, navigation, weather forecasting, and satellite operations, while PDT is used in the western United States and Canada during the summer months.


PDT (Pacific Daylight Time) has an offset of UTC – 7:00, or UTC is 7 hours ahead of Pacific daylight time. While UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) is a time zone that is acknowledged around the world. Atomic clocks serve as UTC’s foundation. It’s used for international aviation, navigation, etc.


The UTC, or the Coordinated Universal Time, was the first-ever time system/zone put forth to the world on 1 January 1960. Several modifications have been done ever since its inception.

In one of its revisions, leap seconds were introduced for feasible future time measurements. The CCIR, too, recommended several suggestions for improving this time system.

PDT, or The Pacific Time Zone, is the time zone that is seven hours behind the Universal Time Zone. Places like Western United States, Western Canada, and Western Mexico follow the Pacific Time Zone.

In Canada and the USA, Pacific Time Zone is also known as the Pacific Standard Time (PST) while observing time from early November to mid-March and is known as the Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) during mid-March to early November.

Comparison Table

Parameters Of ComparisonUTCPDT
Full formCoordinated Universal TimePacific Time Zone
Time Differenceseven hours aheadseven hours behind
Effective since1 January 19602007
Unit/formula used to measureatomic secondsUTC-7 hours or PDT+ 7 hours
Followed by countries/placesEntire worldWestern USA, Western Mexico, Western Canada

What is UTC?

UTC, also known as the Coordinated Universal Time, is a time zone followed by the entire world. It is the primary source of measuring time by which several countries rectify time and clocks.

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This means that the Coordinated Universal Time or the Universal Time Coordinated was called Greenwich Mean Time before 1972. It has been effective since 1 January 1960.

Since its establishment, several modifications have been made to the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). One of those revisions includes adapting leap seconds formulated for feasible future measurements and calculations based on time.

The CCIR, in one of its recommendations, stated that there must be a constant maintained between the frequencies and intervals of time, which should harmonize with the SI definition of the second.

Sir Sandford Flemming put forth the ideologies of global time zones, 24-hour clocks and prime meridian for precision in time measurement. After that, many evolving factors were witnessed in time measurement worldwide.

There exist several uses of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). One of the most fundamental uses is that various countries operate their time using the Coordinated Universal Time as a primary reference source.

The Network Time Protocol synchronizes the time in devices like computers and uses the Coordinated Universal Time for reference. Other than that, The Coordinated Universal Time is used in radio operations, the aviation industry for weather prediction and air traffic control.


What is PDT?

The Pacific Time Zone, or PDT, is the time zone that is seven hours behind the Coordinated Universal Time Zone (UTC). Western USA, Western Canada and Western Mexico are the countries that follow the Pacific Time Zone.

For observation of the standard time, seven hours are subtracted from the Coordinated Universal Time, or seven hours are added to the Pacific Time Zone. The Pacific Time Zone has been in effect since 2007 in the United States of America.

The Pacific Time Zone is divided into Pacific Daylight and Pacific Standard Time. It is referred to as the Pacific Standard Time from early November to mid-March, and it is referred to as the Pacific Daylight Time from mid-March to early November.

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The Pacific Time Zone is a few hours ahead in some places time zones in the Western USA, Western Canada and Western Mexico, and it is also behind a few hours in some places time zones in the Western USA, Western Canada and Western Mexico.

Similar to such sorts, the Pacific Time Zone has independent divergences depending on the place, city, or state. Los Angeles city of the USA is the most prominent place in the Pacific Time Zone.


Main Differences Between UTC and PDT

  1. UTC, or the Coordinated Universal Time, is used for operating time worldwide. On the other hand, the Pacific Time Zone is used only in some countries.
  2. The Coordinated Universal Time has been in effect since 1920. On the other hand, the Pacific Time Zone has been in effect since 2007 in the USA.
  3. The Coordinated Universal Time does not fluctuate with change in months. On the other hand, the Pacific Time Zone fluctuates with changes in months.
  4. The Coordinated Time Zone has several applications worldwide. On the contrary, the Pacific Time Zone has uses in limited places worldwide.
  5. The largest city that follows the Pacific Time Zone is the city of Los Angeles in the USA and the country with the most time zones in the world, which follows the Coordinated Universal Time in France.
  1. https://academic.oup.com/plankt/article-abstract/16/6/707/1511916
  2. https://asistdl.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/pra2.2018.14505501018

Last Updated : 14 October, 2023

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26 thoughts on “UTC vs PDT: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The article adeptly elucidates the technical nuances of UTC and PDT, providing a robust foundation for readers to engage with the complexities of time measurement.

    • Absolutely, Kelly. The article’s detailed exploration of time standards equips readers with the knowledge necessary to comprehend the intricate dynamics of global timekeeping.

  2. The article’s presentation of UTC and PDT facilitates a clearer understanding of these time standards, contributing to the dissemination of knowledge on global timekeeping practices.

    • I concur with your assessment, William. The article’s lucid explanation of UTC and PDT fosters an informed discourse on time measurement, fostering a broader understanding of this essential aspect of modern society.

    • Well said, William. The article’s contribution to enhancing public awareness of time standards is commendable, as it promotes a deeper appreciation of the mechanisms underlying global timekeeping.

  3. This article serves as an invaluable reference for understanding the foundations of time measurement and the practical implications of UTC and PDT in different regions across the globe.

    • I wholeheartedly agree, Hknight. The article’s thorough exploration of UTC and PDT offers a comprehensive perspective that is beneficial for readers seeking clarity on time standards.

  4. While the article effectively outlines the differences between UTC and PDT, it could benefit from a more critical approach to discussing the limitations of these time standards in certain contexts.

    • I share your view, Olivia. A critical examination of the constraints and challenges associated with UTC and PDT would add depth to the article, offering a more holistic perspective.

    • I respectfully disagree. The article’s focus on the practical applications of UTC and PDT serves as an appropriate introduction to the topic, catering to readers seeking foundational knowledge on time standards.

  5. The emphasis on technological applications of UTC, such as its use in radio operations and the aviation industry, underscores its significance as a global time standard in modern contexts.

    • You make an excellent point, Jackson. The article effectively highlights the pivotal role of UTC in various technological domains, providing relevance for contemporary readers.

  6. This article provides a comprehensive explanation of the difference between UTC and PDT, shedding light on fundamental concepts of time zones and how they are utilized globally. It’s an enlightening read for anyone interested in understanding time standards.

    • I agree, it’s an insightful piece that delves into the historical aspects of UTC and PDT, as well as their practical applications in various fields such as aviation, navigation, and weather forecasting.

  7. The article’s elucidation of the difference between UTC and PDT is both comprehensive and engaging, presenting a complex subject with clarity and precision.

    • The article adeptly conveys the intricate concepts of time zones in a palatable manner, which is commendable given the complexity of the subject matter.

    • Indeed, Roberts. The article skillfully navigates through technical details while maintaining readability, making it an enjoyable and enlightening read for those interested in time standards.

  8. The comparison table and detailed descriptions make it easy to grasp the differences between UTC and PDT, offering a valuable resource for those seeking to deepen their understanding of time standards.

    • I found the historical context provided about the establishment of UTC and Sir Sandford Flemming’s contributions particularly fascinating. It adds depth to the discussion of time measurement.

    • Absolutely, this article provides a wealth of information in a well-organized format, making it accessible for readers with varying levels of expertise in the subject.

  9. While the article is informative, the historical aspects of UTC and PDT could have been more deeply explored, offering a richer understanding of their evolution over time.

    • I respectfully disagree. The article provides a comprehensive overview of UTC and PDT, striking a balance between historical insights and practical applications, which is suitable for a broad audience.

    • I see your point, Kirsten. A more in-depth analysis of the historical context could enhance the article’s depth and appeal to readers with a particular interest in the origins of time standards.

  10. The article’s synthesis of historical contexts and practical applications of UTC and PDT creates a well-rounded perspective that enriches the discourse on time standards.

    • The integration of historical and functional aspects of UTC and PDT in the article fosters an engaging exploration of time standards, offering readers a comprehensive view of global timekeeping practices.

    • I couldn’t agree more, Amanda. The article’s comprehensive approach to analyzing UTC and PDT contributes to a nuanced understanding of time zones, catering to a wide audience of readers.


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