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As the planet Earth is huge thus, we can not just rely on anyone’s timezone. Hence the need for more time zones come into play. The concept of a time zone has commercial, social, and legal implications. They differ for a certain area bounded by a fixed number of countries.

The distribution of time zones is determined by the Earth’s longitudinal axis. The time zone concept is quite practical, and frequent communication needs to maintain at the same time all over the world.

Key Takeaways

  1. PDT stands for Pacific Daylight Time and is observed in the Pacific Time Zone, while EDT stands for Eastern Daylight Time and is observed in the Eastern Time Zone.
  2. PDT is three hours behind EDT, which means that when it is 3:00 PM in PDT, it is 6:00 PM in EDT.
  3. PDT is used during the summer months, while EDT is used during the winter months.


The difference between PDT and EDT is that Pacific Daylight Time is the full version of PDT. However, on the other hand, Eastern Daylight Time is the full name of EDT. The Pacific Daylight Time differs from the Eastern Daylight Time by three hours. Both PDT and EDT are time zones that are concerned with western and eastern time zones and areas, respectively.


The Pacific Daylight Time is primarily concerned with Western portions of North America, such as the United States, Mexico, and Canada. The Pacific Daylight Time, or PDT, covers regions of western Mexico, the United States, and Canada. The Coordinated Universal Time is eight hours behind PDT.

For example, suppose it’s 8:00 a.m. EDT. Then, according to Pacific Daylight Time, it would be 5:00 a.m.

Eastern Daylight Time follows Pacific Daylight Time by three hours. As its name implies, Eastern Daylight Time is mostly focused on Eastern regions.

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Eastern Daylight Time, or EDT, covers 23 locations in total, including the Atlantic Islands, Caribbean, Western Brazil, Panama, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Ecuador, Eastern Canada, and the United States. The Coordinated Universal Time is just five hours behind EDT. If it’s 9:00 a.m. PDT, it’s noon EDT.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonPDTEDT
Full formPacific Daylight Time.Eastern Daylight Time.
PDT EDT DifferenceThree hours less than the Eastern Daylight Time.Three hours ahead of Pacific Daylight Time.
Direction concernedWestern parts.Eastern parts.
Countries/areas concernedUnited States, Mexico and Canada.Peru, Ecuador, eastern parts of Canada and United States, Atlantic islands, Caribbean, Western Brazil, Panama, Colombia, Mexico (23 in total).
Coordinated Universal TimeEight hours behind UTCFive hours behind UTC
Example08:00 AM in EDT, 05:00 AM in PDT.09:00 AM in PDT, then it would be noon in EDT.

What is PDT?

Pacific Daylight Time is the abbreviated form of PDT. The difference between PDT and EDT is exactly three hours. Pacific Daylight Time is mostly concerned with Western portions and areas of North America.

Areas such as western Mexico, the United States, and Canada are covered by Pacific Daylight Time or PDT.

The Coordinated Universal Time is eight hours ahead of PDT. Suppose it’s 8:00 a.m. EDT, for example. According to Pacific Daylight Time, it would be 5:00 a.m. This time zone is known by different names in different areas.

For example, PDT is known as “PST. In the continents and countries like Canada, Mexico and the U.S., this time zone PST is observed from November to March.

However, PDT comes into play from the middle of March to the beginning of November. The largest city or place where PST or Pacific Time Zone is used and observed is L.A (Los Angeles).

pacific daylight time

What is EDT?

Eastern Daylight Time is the full version of EDT. Eastern Daylight Time lags behind PDT or Pacific Daylight Time by exactly 3 hours. Eastern Daylight Time, as the name implies, is mostly concerned with Eastern areas.

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Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) covers 23 locations in total, including the Atlantic Islands, Caribbean, Western Brazil, Panama, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Ecuador, eastern sections of Canada, and the United States.

The Coordinated Universal Time is only five hours behind EDT. For example, if it is 9:00 a.m. in PDT, it is noon in EDT. Due to the reason that in 1938, ICC took over the time zone management, the Eastern daylight time or time zone boundaries have moved towards the West.

In the 1940s, for example, Kentucky’s eastern and northernmost counties were added to the zone, and by 1961, the majority of the state had moved to the east. Wayne County, Tennessee’s border county, changed from Central to Eastern in 2000.

eastern daylight time

Main Differences Between PDT and EDT

  1. The full form of PDT is Pacific Daylight Time. However, on the other hand, the full form of EDT is Eastern Daylight Time.
  2. The Pacific Daylight Time or PDT is observed 3 hours prior to the EDT or Eastern Daylight Time. On the other hand, Eastern Daylight Time runs 3 hours past the PDT/ Pacific Daylight Time.
  3. The Pacific Daylight Time is concerned with Western parts mainly, be it the United States or Mexico, Canada in North America. On the other hand, Eastern Daylight Time, as its name suggests, is concerned with Eastern parts mainly.
  4. The Pacific Daylight Time or PDT encompasses areas such as western parts of Mexico, the United States and Canada. On the other hand, the EDT or Eastern Daylight Time encompasses areas of Atlantic islands, the Caribbean, Western Brazil, Panama, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Ecuador, eastern parts of Canada and the United States, 23 in total.
  5. For example, if it’s 08:00 AM according to EDT. Then it would be 05:00 AM according to Pacific Daylight Time. On the other hand, For example, if it’s 09:00 AM according to PDT, then it would be noon according to EDT.
  6. PDT is eight hours behind the Coordinated Universal Time. However, on the other hand, EDT is only five hours behind the Coordinated Universal Time.

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By Emma Smith

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.