Lenovo Chromebook vs Microsoft Surface: Difference and Comparison

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The operating system is the first and most obvious difference between a Surface and a Chromebook.

Chromebooks run the Chrome OS, which features a smooth interface with great simplicity.

On the other end, there is Microsoft Surface, which runs Windows and has an interactive design as well as a slew of user-centric programs.

Lenovo Chromebooks are powered by the highly developed Chrome OS, which features a slick interface.

You’re continuously using your device in a web-based environment where a connection with the Google Play Store and the Linux operating system enhances the device’s performance.

Chromebooks have been connected to the Google Play Store, and every Android app has made its way to Chrome OS.

Furthermore, the high-end Lenovo Chromebook models include a fingerprint sensor.

Lenovo Chromebook, especially the cheap models, aren’t exactly top-tier in terms of build quality and style.

Microsoft Surface is powered by Windows, a well-liked operating system with an active interface and a ton of user-focused apps.

 When the Surface first launched, Windows 8 was preinstalled on it.

The Surface performs far better in this regard.

The Surface Go, the basic model of Microsoft Surface, costs $399, and even though it has top-notch build quality, it is still regarded as being within the affordable price range.

The Surface Go has a durable hold and a stunning design.

Key Takeaways

  1. Lenovo Chromebooks are affordable, lightweight laptops that run on Chrome OS, whereas Microsoft Surface devices are premium, versatile tablets and laptops running on Windows 10.
  2. Chromebooks rely on internet connectivity and cloud-based storage, whereas Surface devices offer more robust offline functionality and storage options.
  3. Lenovo Chromebooks are better suited for basic tasks and online activities, whereas Microsoft Surface devices cater to professional and creative users.
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Lenovo Chromebook vs Microsoft Surface

The operating system of Lenovo Chromebook is Chrome OS. It has good build quality. Its battery can work for 10 hours. Its starting price is $200. Google Play Store can be accessed using Chromebook. The operating system of Microsoft Surface is Windows. Its build quality is average. Its battery can work for 9 hours. Its starting price is $399.

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Comparison Table

Parameter of ComparisonLenovo ChromebookMicrosoft Surface
Operating systemChrome OSWindows
Build qualityVery goodaverage
Battery life10 hours9 hours
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What is Lenovo Chromebook?

Lenovo Chromebooks are powered by the highly developed Chrome OS, which features a slick interface.

You’re continuously using your device in a web-based environment where a connection with the Google Play Store and the Linux operating system enhances the device’s performance.

Since everything is web-based, only a small amount of data is saved on your computer, and the rest gets transferred directly to the cloud.

Chromebooks have been connected to the Google Play Store, and every Android app has made its way to Chrome OS.

Due to this direct connectivity, Chromebooks now have access to over a million apps, many of which are great alternatives for desktop-based apps.

Furthermore, the high-end Lenovo Chromebook models include a fingerprint sensor.

Lenovo Chromebook, especially the cheap models, aren’t exactly top-tier in terms of build quality and style.

Because one of Chrome OS’s key advantages is its low cost, the manufacturers opted to compromise one or two aspects, one of which is a high-quality build.

Chrome OS can run for more than 10 hours on a single battery.

You can purchase high-performing Chromebook models for around $200.

Since Chrome OS was created with affordability in mind, many people have chosen to use them instead of an expensive traditional laptop since they entered the market.

lenovo chromebook

What is Microsoft Surface?

Microsoft Surface is powered by Windows, a well-liked operating system with an active interface and a ton of user-focused apps.

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When the Surface first launched, Windows 8 was preinstalled on it. Surface devices began to be released with Windows 10 S, a lighter version of Windows 10, as time went on and more advanced versions entered the market.

It makes way for many apps more suitable for a desktop than a mobile platform. The Surface performs far better in this regard.

The Surface Go, the basic model of Microsoft Surface, costs $399, and even though it has top-notch build quality, it is still regarded as being within the affordable price range.

The Surface Go has a durable hold and a stunning design.

An average Surface will last you around 9 hours of battery.

microsoft surface

Main Differences Between Lenovo Chromebook and Microsoft Surface

  1. Chromebooks are powered by the advanced Chrome OS, which features a smooth user interface and exceptional simplicity. However, there is the Windows-based Microsoft Surface.
  2. Even though the Microsoft Surface is of the highest build quality, it is regarded as being within the budget category. On the other hand, Chromebooks—especially the more affordable ones—don’t exactly have the best build quality and design.
  3. On average, Lenovo Chromebook has up to 10 hours of battery life however, Microsoft Surface runs up to 9 hours on a single charge.
  4. Chrome OS was designed with budget in mind, For sub $200, you can get high-performing Chromebooks. Microsoft Surface’s base model price, the Surface Go, starts at $399.
Lenovo Chromebook and Microsoft Surface
  1. https://search.proquest.com/openview/c9e97db9ef9beac9855d41868179cc26/1.pdf?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=182
  2. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9781315537245-11/personal-computers-chris-roberts

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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.