Lime vs Key Lime: Difference and Comparison

Lime and key limes are citrus fruits that are tiny, rounded, and delicious. They are popular all around the world and are eaten practically every day as part of a balanced diet.

They’re also abundant in vitamin C and citric acid, both of which are extremely good for health.

Key Takeaways

  1. Limes are larger, darker green citrus fruits, while key limes are smaller, rounder, and more yellow-green.
  2. Key limes have a more intense, tart flavor than regular limes’ milder taste.
  3. Regular limes are more widely available, but key limes are prized in certain recipes, such as key lime pie.

Lime vs Key Lime

Limes are larger, oval-shaped citrus fruits with bright green skin and an acidic, tangy flavour. They are commonly used in cooking and baking, as well as in drinks such as margaritas and mojitos. Key limes, also known as Mexican limes or West Indian limes, are smaller and more round-shaped than regular limes. They have thin, yellow-green skin and a more acidic, floral flavour than regular limes.

Lime vs Key Lime

Limes are rectangular and less rounded than other citrus fruits. The limes are larger, with a diameter of approximately 2 cm.

Limes have a sour and bitter flavour that is less fragrant than key limes. Limes are noted for having a milder flavour and scent.

Limes are believed to have originated in Persia, India, and China. On the Asian continent, limes are commonly farmed in large quantities.

A key lime’s shape is rounded. The primary lines appear to be smaller, with a diameter of about 1.5cm.

Key limes have a distinct aroma and are acidic and sweet at the same time. The aroma and flavour of key limes are likewise distinct and tart.

Key limes can be traced back to Mexico and the Florida Keys. Key limes are regularly farmed in huge quantities in Africa, America, and the Caribbean.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonLimeKey Lime
Also known asPersian limesFlorida key limes
ColourRipe- yellow, unripe- bright green Ripe- dark green, unripe- yellowish green
ShapesLess rounded, oblong.Fully round
Aroma, tasteLess aromatic, tangy, bitter.More aromatic, sweet, tangy.
OriginChinese, Persian, Indian originMexico and Florida keys origin.
Alkalinity and nutritionLess alkaline, low nutritionMore alkaline, more nutrition
UseOccasional dishesDeodorants, key lime pie
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What is Lime?

Persian limes and normal limes are two more names for lime. When ripe, limes are yellow, and when unripe, they are bright green with rough skin. Limes are oblong, with less rounded edges.

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The limes are larger, with a diameter of roughly 2cm.

In comparison to key limes, limes are less fragrant and have an acidic, bitter flavour. Limes are recognised for having a less zesty flavour or scent.

Limes are believed to have originated in Persian, Indian, and Chinese cultures. Limes are commonly farmed in large quantities throughout Asia.

Limes are commonly grown throughout the year, are widely available, and are also easier to locate. Limes are less basic or alkaline than other fruits and have a low nutritional value.

Limes are commonly employed in meals that are prepared only once in a while.


What is Key Lime?

Other names for key limes include Florida key limes and key limes. When mature, key limes are yellowish-green in colour, and when unripe, they are dark green.

They do, however, have smoother skin. The form of key lime is completely rounded.

The major lines appear to be smaller, measuring roughly 1.5cm in diameter.

Key limes have a strong scent and are both tart and sweet. The perfume and flavour of key limes are also tangy and distinctive.

The origins of key limes can be traced back to Mexico and the Florida Keys. In Africa, America, and the Caribbean, key limes are commonly farmed in large quantities.

Key limes are only available during certain times of the year. As a result, they’re more difficult to come by.

Key limes have high alkaline content and are highly basic. Key limes are nutrient-dense and alkaline, with high basicity.

The deodorants in the key lime pie are made with key limes.

key lime

Main Differences Between Lime and Key Lime

  1. The other names of lime are Persian limes and regular limes. On the other hand, key limes are also called by other names, such as Florida key limes.
  2. Limes appear yellow when they ripen, and they are bright green when unripe with rough skin. On the other hand, key limes appear yellowish-green in colour when they are ripe and dark green when they are unripe. However, they possess smoother skin.
  3. Limes are found in oblong shapes. They are less rounded. On the other hand, key limes are fully rounded in shape.
  4. The size of the limes is bigger, about 2cm in diameter. On the other hand, the size of the key lines is smaller in appearance, about 1.5cm in diameter.
  5. Limes are less aromatic in comparison to key limes and possess a tangy and bitter taste. On the other hand, key limes possess an intense aroma and are tangy and sweet.
  6. The flavour or aroma of limes is known to be less zesty. On the other hand, the aroma and flavour of the key limes are zesty and distinctive as well.
  7. The origin of the limes can be traced back to Persian, Indian and Chinese origin. On the other hand, key limes can be traced back to Mexico and Florida keys origin.
  8. Limes are grown extensively in areas of the Asian continent. On the other hand, key limes are grown extensively in areas of Africa, America and the Caribbean.
  9. Limes are grown in all seasons of the year. They are readily available and are easier to find as well. On the other hand, key limes are seasonal. Thus, they are harder to find.
  10. Limes are less basic or alkaline, and they are also low in nutrition. On the other hand, key limes are highly basic and alkaline, containing more nutrition.
  11. Limes are used in dishes that are cooked occasionally. On the other hand, key limes are used for the preparation of deodorants for key lime pie.
Difference Between Lime and Key Lime
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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.