Male vs Female Weed Seeds: Difference and Comparison

Plants, like mammals, come in both male and female types. Weed seeds are also classified as either male or female.

Male seeds generate pollen, which pollinates female plant buds. Pollinated flowers give birth to seeds.

It has been shown that 30-50% of weed seeds are male.

Key Takeaways

  1. Male weed seeds produce pollen, while female weed seeds produce flowers.
  2. Male weed plants are discarded, as they do not produce usable buds, while female plants are cultivated for their buds.
  3. Growing female weed plants from feminized seeds guarantees a 99% chance of producing female plants while growing male and female plants from regular seeds can result in a 50/50 ratio of male and female plants.

Male vs Female Weed Seeds

The difference between male weed seeds and female weed seeds is that the function of male weed seeds is to produce pollens, and the function of female weed seeds is to reproduce. The male weed seeds cannot produce buds and do not possess pistils. The female weed seeds possess several pistils and can produce buds.

Male vs Female Weed Seeds

The male weed seeds are more prevalent in terms of their growth. Most weed seeds are male more than female.

They grow naturally and produce pollens from their sacks to fertilize the female weed seeds. They do not have pistils attached to themselves and cannot produce buds.

The female weed seeds are less prevalent than the male weed seeds. They can be created artificially, too, to increase their numbers.

Female weed seeds receive pollens and get fertilized, and they can also produce buds. They possess a number of pistils that look like white and tiny hair-like structures.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonMale Weed SeedsFemale Weed Seeds
FunctionTo produce pollensTo receive pollens and reproduce
Presence of PistilsNo presence of pistilsThere are several pistils present
PrevalenceMore prevalentLess prevalent
Artificial CreationThey cannot be created artificially, they occur naturallyThey can be created artificially
Production of BudsThey are not capable of producing budsThey can produce a number of buds
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What are Male Weed Seeds?

Male weed seeds essentially generate pollen, which is required for female weed plants to reproduce organically. The presence of small pods on the internodes of the main stem distinguishes male weed seeds.

It does not have any white hair. When these pods mature, they open and release pollen.

Male plants are not only less appealing, but they also interfere with the quality and output of your female plant. Males generate pollen and develop pollen sacks.

Male weed seeds are more gangly than female weed seeds. They can grow tall and thin, with fewer fan leaves and wider spacing between branches (also known as larger inter-nodal spacing).

Male seeds begin to generate pollen between mid-July and mid-September, depending on the hemisphere. Male weed seeds and plants grow vertically and have fewer branches and leaves than female weed seeds and plants.

As a result, they appear fragile and sickly.

Male plants are tall with robust stalks; they have fewer leaves and scattered stems. They are utilized in the harvesting process.

Several plants utilized for breeding are pollinated to pollinate the female plant.

Male plants are harvested before they begin pollinating and shake as little as possible to minimize inadvertent pollination of female plants if they are in close proximity.

What are Female Weed Seeds?

Female marijuana seeds are marijuana plants with tiny, white hair. They emerge in pairs, internodes, and branches at the apex of the stem.

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During the flowering process, these hairs increase in quantity and thickness, eventually becoming orange.

The plant’s sexual identification may be identified by the end of July in the Northern Hemisphere and the end of January in the Southern Hemisphere.

Female seeds are easily distinguished from male seeds once the plant shows the “v” shaped structure known as the pistils. The pistils protrude from the third to fourth internodes of the stem.

Female weed seeds are more compact and bushier than males.

Female weed seeds that have not been pollinated are referred to as “sinsemilla,” which translates as “without seeds.”

The blossoms are left to grow and mature, so the psychoactive ingredient tetrahydrocannabinol may be produced (THC). When a neighbouring male pollinates a female plant, her energy switches to seed production.

Marijuana is generated by the female marijuana plant’s resinous blooms. They become delicate in flavour if they are not pollinated.

Thus gardeners aim to maintain the female and male plants at a safe enough distance so that the female plant does not be pollinated.

Main Differences Between Male and Female Weed Seeds

  1. Male weed seeds produce pollen, whereas the primary function of female weed seeds is to receive pollen or reproduce.
  2. Male weed seeds don’t have any pistils. Female weed seeds do have several seeds.
  3. Male weed seeds are more prevalent, and female weed seeds are less prevalent.
  4. Male weed seeds cannot be artificially created and only tend to occur naturally. On the other hand, female weed seeds do occur naturally, but they can also be created artificially.
  5. Male weed seeds are not capable of producing buds, whereas female weed seeds are capable of producing a number of buds.
Difference Between Male and Female Weed Seeds

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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.