Mobile Home vs Manufactured Home: Difference and Comparison

A home is a safe space and place for people, regardless of the house type.

When it comes to non-mobile places or residency, there seems to be a lot of confusion about them. The definition used to describe mobile homes, and other portable homes, can cause confusion among people.

Key Takeaways

  1. Mobile homes refer to residences built before June 15, 1976, while manufactured homes are constructed after this date according to HUD standards.
  2. Manufactured homes adhere to stricter construction and safety regulations than mobile homes.
  3. Manufactured homes have a higher resale value and more customizable options than mobile homes.

Mobile Home vs Manufactured Home

Mobile homes were constructed before 1976. Wheels were attached to these homes. These homes were manufactured in factories. There is no need to follow HUD laws to manufacture these homes. Homes constructed after 1976 are manufactured homes. HUD laws need to be followed to construct these homes. In these homes, customization of floors and design is easy.

Mobile Home vs Manufactured Home

Mobile Homes is a prefabricated structure that is built in a factory, and then they are moved to the site. It was constructed before 1976. After 1976 they are only for reselling purposes. They were earlier called doublewides. But after the law of 1976, they have renamed manufactured homes.

Manufactured Homes are a type of prefabricated home that is assembled in a factory, and then it is transported to the site. They come under the HUD law of 1976 and are manufactured under all the regulations and guidelines of the law.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonMobile HomeManufactured Home
Manufacturing yearIt was manufactured before 1976.It was manufactured after 1976.
Formerly calledThe mobile homes were called double wides.The manufactured homes were called mobile homes formerly but after the HUD law, they were renamed.
HUD LawThese homes do not come under the HUD law.These homes do regulate and come under the HUD law.
ConstructedThese prefabricated homes were largely constructed in factories with wheels.These prefabricated homes are largely constructed in factories then are relocated at the site.
Effect of HUD Lawafter 1976, these homes were not constructed and were only for resale.They came into existence after the HUD law, replaced mobile homes.
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What is Mobile Home?

A mobile home is a type of prefabricated home that was produced before 1976. They are largely constructed in factories and then transported to the site where they will reside.

They are factory-built houses that came under the HUD law, which regulates many things about homes, like fire safety and insulation. According to this law, standards were put for the design and construction of these homes.

These homes became so popular that the US Department of Housing and urban development established a HUD law in 1976.

They can be located inside a home park or private land. These homes have steel beams as the foundation of the home. These beams rest on concrete blocks, wooden pillars, or a permanent concrete foundation for its stability. 

Before 1976, manufactured homes were called mobile homes. There haven’t been any mobile homes constructed since 1976. They are only available in the resale market.

The trailers were manufactured with two separate units and were called Doublewides. Later these double wides were renamed mobile homes.

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These are mainly built on wheels, just like caravans, for easy relocation. These differ in their designs but can fit anyone’s standard lifetime.

The HUD law of 1976 mainly focused on house safety. But they are no anymore constructed in the USA anymore. They are only available in the resale market.

mobile home

What is Manufactured Home?

A manufactured home is a type of prefabricated home that was produced in or after 1976. They also come under the HUD law. The manufacturers must follow strict guidelines laid out by the HUD.

They are manufactured on flatbeds around 16-foot sections and then relocated to the site where they will reside temporarily or permanently. They are constructed in a proper climate-controlled building facility.

These homes can be easily customized in terms of flooring, design, etc. 

After some changes were made to the mobile homes, they officially renamed manufactured homes.

All the prefabricated homes that were manufactured after 1976 adhere to the regulations of the manufactured home under the law of HUD.  

manufactured home

Main Differences Between Mobile Home and Manufactured Home

  1. A mobile home was built and constructed only before 1976, whereas manufactured homes were built and constructed after 1976 and come under the regulations of HUD law.
  2. Mobile homes were called doublewides, whereas manufactured homes were called mobile homes, but after the HUD law, they were renamed to manufactured homes.
  3. Mobile homes are prefabricated homes that were constructed in factories, whereas manufactured homes are also constructed in factories and then are relocated to their site temporarily or permanently.
  4. Mobile homes do not come under the appearance of traditional homes, whereas manufactured homes come under the appearance of traditional homes.
  5. A mobile home is treated like financing a car. That is why it does not come under the HUD law, whereas manufactured homes come under the regulations of the HUD law.
Difference Between Mobile Home and Manufactured Home

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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.