Monkey vs Lemur: Difference and Comparison

There are different types of animal species in this world, each with its own features and characteristics. Sometimes some animals look exactly like human beings.

It could be even more a confusing topic because two animals could look the same. Monkeys and lemurs are different and resemble different characteristics. It would be difficult sometimes to distinguish them when we see them at a particular place. 

Key Takeaways

  1. Monkeys have tails, while lemurs do not have tails very short ones.
  2. Monkeys have opposable thumbs on their hands and feet, while lemurs only on their feet.
  3. Monkeys are more closely related to apes and humans, while lemurs are unique to Madagascar.

Monkey vs Lemur

The difference between Monkeys and Lemurs is that Monkeys are found everywhere in the world, but lemurs are found only in the areas of Madagascar. Monkeys are very less threat, and we can fight them if we encounter them, but lemurs are extremely dangerous and will pose a very serious threat if we come across them anytime. 

Monkey vs Lemur

Monkeys take care of their little ones in a very respective way, like how humans take care of them. Small monkeys look cuter than adult monkeys.

They live in groups under the shade of trees and sometimes on the mountain tops. That is why Zoos create forest-like cages for them to survive.

Lemurs are very dangerous, and they can’t be trusted like other animals. They are extremely wild and will pose a serious threat to our family and other human beings.

The main reason we get to fear the moment when we see them is their eyes. Their eyes are very black, which will instantly send a shiver run to our spine.

When you see a Lemur, be careful and do not tease them, as they will get angry instantly.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonMonkeyLemur
Largest oneMandrillIndri
Smallest onePygmy MarmosetMouse Lemur
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What is Monkey?

Monkey is an animal that can be seen in villages and zoos. History says that humans came from monkeys.

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When you take a quick look at our history, our ancestors looked exactly like monkeys first. Then they gradually turned into human beings.

Even nowadays, there are many species of monkeys available in the world. Some look like human beings.

They could be even bigger than what you have anticipated.

Monkeys sometimes might be frightening. If they get angry, they can bite human beings as well.

We should not tease them, especially when we are alone. If you are going to the zoo, make sure you carry all your belongings safely.

Because when you go near the monkey, it will take everything from your hand, especially the food items and some rare belongings.

But there’s a trick to get back your valuable possessions. Ask them to give your valuables by handing some other food items to them.

It will automatically give them back to you. But, in zoos, they are strictly not allowing visitors to feed monkeys because of safety and control measures. Monkeys have a certain family called Family Cebidae.

They mostly like to live in trees and tall places apart from living in a certain area. Also, they cover them in a fully locked cage so that they won’t come outside.

Because if they step out, they could be a dangerous threat to humans. 


What is Lemur?

Lemur looks like monkeys, but they are not monkeys. They are called Primates.

But when we look at them, their eyes will be more frightening. Their eyes will be darker, which will make us fear.

They are first seen on the island of Madagascar. They have a very big tail which will be at least 5 meters long.

According to some recent surveys and news, it has been found that 32 different types of lemurs exist in this world.

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The average lifespan of a Lemur ranges from 16-19 years. It depends upon the type of Lemurs and their health condition.

An interesting fact is that they were in this world before monkeys evolution. So, it could be explained in another way, as monkeys look like Lemur.

But it is rare to find Lemur in common places. But we can find monkeys everywhere, so many people have a closer image of the monkeys than the lemurs.

They fall under the category of wild animals, so don’t imagine keeping and using them as your pet animals. It will become a dangerous threat to your life, especially if you have children in your house.

They can become extremely dangerous when you try to tease them. Even in Zoos, they are very difficult to handle and require proper practice to handle them. 


Main Differences Between Monkey and Lemur

  1. We can find many monkeys, especially in the areas of Africa and some other parts of the world. On the other hand, Lemurs can be found mainly in the areas of Madagascar.
  2. If monkeys face any food shortage, they will easily lose their energy, so they will start to eat dirty foods and sand to survive. But if lemurs face any food shortage, they will lose their energy faster than monkeys, so they won’t find any alternatives for food.
  3. Monkeys don’t have any different eye colors. On the other hand, lemurs will have blue eyes only if their whole body is black color.
  4. Monkeys are spread all over the world, so their population is very high. But lemurs are not spread everywhere, so their population is very low.
  5. The lifespan of a monkey ranges from 25-30 years. On the other hand, the lifespan of a lemur ranges from 16-19 years.
Difference Between Monkey and Lemur

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Piyush Yadav
Piyush Yadav

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.


  1. Reflecting on the evolutionary histories and ecological roles of monkeys and lemurs offers a compelling narrative of their place in the natural world. Their distinctiveness underscores the richness of primate life.

  2. The differences between monkeys and lemurs are striking both visually and in terms of their behavior and range. It’s interesting to note that primates and our ancestors looked quite similar to each other.

    • Indeed, their distinction and unique features are captivating. Their ecological niches in Madagascar and other regions also play an important role in understanding their behaviors and interactions.

    • The classification and geographical distribution of monkeys and lemurs are equally fascinating. Remarkable to see the evolution and adaptability of these species.

  3. The behavioral differences between monkeys and lemurs contribute to their distinct classifications and ecological roles. Their interactions within their respective ecosystems reveal fascinating dynamics.

  4. Exploring the evolutionary paths of lemurs and monkeys sheds light on the interconnectedness of primate species and the intricate patterns of life that have shaped our world.

    • Indeed, their evolutionary trajectories and the biological diversity they exemplify provide valuable perspectives on the shared heritage of life on Earth.

  5. The visual and behavioral contrasts between monkeys and lemurs offer valuable insights into primate diversity. Exploring their evolutionary history and their current status in nature enriches our knowledge of wildlife.

  6. The comparison table provides a clear overview of the differences between monkeys and lemurs. Their natural habitats and biological characteristics make them intriguing subjects for study.

  7. The distinctive characteristics of lemurs and monkeys, including their visual appearances and ecological niches, are essential for understanding the diversity of primate species.

  8. The historical connection of these species to human evolution is a thought-provoking aspect. It’s a reminder of our origins and the diversity of primate life on Earth.

    • Absolutely, the parallels between primate evolution and human history are both illuminating and humbling. The unique traits of lemurs and monkeys add depth to our understanding of biodiversity.

  9. The exceptional traits and habitats of monkeys and lemurs highlight the intricate web of life in various regions. Recognizing and respecting their place in nature is vital for biodiversity conservation.

  10. The complexities of primate ecology and the need for responsible observation and conservation are evident. Both monkeys and lemurs contribute to the rich tapestry of wildlife in their respective ecosystems.

    • The conservation of these species holds significant importance. It’s crucial to safeguard their habitats and ensure their survival for future generations.

    • Agreed, the preservation of these creatures and their habitats is a shared responsibility. Understanding their behaviors and environmental requirements is essential for conservation efforts.

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