Nikon VR vs VR ii: Difference and Comparison

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Nikon is one of the most well-known names in photography, and their CX line of optics is at the forefront in bringing consumers some of the best optical equipment for a relatively reasonable price.

Both Nikon VR and VR ii are well-liked cameras that are exceedingly similar, yet, they are tremendously different.

Key Takeaways

  1. VR (Vibration Reduction) and VR II are Nikon technologies that minimize camera shake and improve image stabilization.
  2. VR II offers improved performance and greater compensation for camera shake than the original VR technology.
  3. Both VR and VR II are available in various Nikon lenses, with VR II found in newer and more advanced lenses.

Nikon VR vs VR ii 

VR means Vibration Reduction and is a type of vibration reduction technology used in Nikon camera lenses to minimize the camera shake and to improve image stabilization. VR II is a newer version of VR that offers improved stabilization and reduced vibration when shooting hand-held.

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Nikon VR permits the shutter speed to be slower and exposures longer which can reduce the focus shift problem the user has when taking images at lesser-than-perfect shutter speeds.

This can drastically improve the sharpness of a photograph, making photos that look like they were taken with a prime lens.

The Nikon VR ii is an astounding, powerful, high-producing, and stupefying camera that has attributes of a high megapixel sensor for constant images and enormous resolution, magnified weatherproofing, upgraded battery life, and a smaller-scale form factor for better transportability.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonNikon VRNikon VR ii
HeavinessNikon VR is bulky with a weight of around 17.83 ounces.Nikon VR ii is handy with a weight of around 10.6 ounces.
Camera CategoryNikon VR is a dslr camera.Nikon VR ii is a dslr-c camera.
Lens Kit CompatibilityNikon VR camera approaches with a lens kit.Nikon VR ii approaches without a lens kit.
SizeBigger in size.Smaller in size.
CostIt is low-priced.It is high-priced.
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What is Nikon VR?

The Nikon VR, or vibration reduction, is an image stabilization system that can be found on select Nikon lenses. It reduces camera shake when capturing images handheld or without a tripod to keep many shots sharp.

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With Nikon VR with an AF-D lens mount that features Vibration Reduction, all the user needs to do is set their lens to VR mode and then turn on the VR feature on the camera by selecting one of three different modes Off, Normal or Active.

The Nikon VR, when set to Normal mode, VR function only comes into play when the user is holding the camera more than 5.6 inches away from the subject, and if the user wants to get a little closer, however, they can go with Active mode.

Moreover, similar to Normal mode, the vibration reduction feature will kick in when the user is holding the camera farther than 5.6 inches from the subject and less than 43.3 inches away from the subject, however, if the user wants it to activate anytime by using a tripod, then the lens can be set to Off and manually activate it whenever needed with a switch that’s built-in for the convenience.

The Nikon VR requires a few factors to determine just how much stabilization the user can get. However, for starters, know that the level of stability is directly related to the weight of the camera and lens, so as the weights go up, so does the effectiveness of the Nikon VR system.

nikon vr

What is Nikon VR ii?

Nikon VR ii is basically Nikon’s version of anti-vibration for their DSLR range. VR or “Vibration Reduction” systems have existed for all sorts of Nikon VR ii cameras, from entry-level to professional.

The goal of a camera stabilizer system is to give the user sharper and more steady shots, whether it’s from a handshake or from moving around too much while taking the footage.

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This is achieved by the active stabilization system included in the body.

The Nikon VR ii is equipped with two systems, a mirror or optical stabilizer and one or two motors, where a mirror has been used on square bodies.

However, Nikon VR ii of it’s pretty much obsolete, and the newest technology can be found on the Nikon VR ii, which is referred to as “In-body Stabilization”, where this technology is highly efficient and delivers stunning results even in low light conditions with higher ISO settings.

The major advantage of the Nikon VR ii system of the new Nikon technology is that it compensates for the vertical jello effect. The tremendous headline is that it compensates for uneven terrain, though even in both skiing and hand-held camerawork, the user will find this to be very useful as well.

The only thing the user needs to be aware of is Nikon VR ii is that the camera body and lens combination must be made by full-frame lenses.

nikon vr ii

Main Differences Between Nikon VR and VR ii

  1. The heaviness of Nikon VR is 3 pounds, whereas the heaviness of Nikon VR ii is 2 pounds.
  2. Nikon VR category is DSLR, whereas Nikon VR ii category is DSLR-c.
  3. Nikon VR camera makes an appearance with a lens toolkit, whereas Nikon VR camera makes an appearance without a lens toolkit.
  4. The proportions of Nikon VR are expanse, whereas the proportions of Nikon VR ii are minuscule.
  5. The Nikon VR is low-budgeted, whereas the Nikon VR ii is high-budgeted.


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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.