Now vs Know: Difference and Comparison

Many changes and evolutions occur over time. It is not incorrect to assert that the only constant is evolution or change. The English language is widely spoken all over the world. It is one of the most ancient worldwide languages, with unrivalled dominance.

The primary goal of learning English is to facilitate communication between countries around the world.

There are several sorts of terms in the English language that have similar pronunciations. There are two of them: now and know.

However, it is more crucial to grasp how these two terms differ from one another to comprehend each of the words fully. Despite their similarity in sound, they differ in meaning and application in a sentence.

Key Takeaways

  1. “Now” refers to the present moment or time, while “know” means to have knowledge or understanding of something.
  2. “Now” indicates the time at which something is happening, while “know” indicates understanding or awareness of a fact or information.
  3. “Now” is an adverb, while “know” is a verb that can be used in various tenses and forms.

Now vs Know

The term ‘now’ shows time at the moment. It is used to define the present time or activity that the person is going to do. For example, he is going to the park now. The term ‘know’ is used to identify knowledge or understanding of something. For example, she knows how to paint. It shows that she has knowledge about paint and has the skills to paint.

Now vs Know

The phrase “now” denotes the current or current period. It can now be used as both an adjective and an adverb. It’s now pronounced “now.”

Now is derived from an old English word, nú, and an Indo-European root shared by the Greek nun and Latin Nunc. The following sentences can now be used: “We can’t wait much longer now! We must take the required steps.”

The term “know” denotes being aware of or comprehending a certain piece of information. The bulk of the time, knowledge is used as a verb. The word “know” is pronounced “now.”

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Know is derived from the old English word cnāwan, which was previously known as a gecnāwan. It’s also Germanic and Indo-European in origin. Know can be used in a sentence as “My mother knows how naughty I am”.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonNowKnow
MeaningRefers to the current or present time.Refers to being aware of or having an understanding of a certain piece of information.
Parts of speechAdjective and adverb.Used as a verb.
Pronunciation“Naw.” “Now.”
EtymologyOld English word nū, an Indo-European root which is shared by Greek nun and Latin Nunc.The old English word, cnāwan( gecnāwan earlier), Germanic and Indo-European origin.
Use in SentenceIt’s high time now. She needs to move on.Bella knows everything about her sudden splits in personality.

What is Now?

The word “now” can be used as an adverb, adjective, conjunction or noun. It refers to the present moment as an adverb (excluding everything in the past and the future). Another use of the word “now” is in the line “Let’s answer this question now!”

A sense of urgency can be well spotted in action. And that must be completed immediately. When you say, “We can’t do anything right now,” the message is more about the present circumstance than about the present time.

“Now” can be used in a single phrase with certain time markers as well. Such as “…for twelve days now.” This signifies that an event or action has been taking place for some time up to the present. This word can also be used as remarks or statements and to gain somebody else’s attention.

“Now, what will the girl be planning to do?” This word is also used informally. When someone shows hesitation, it can be shown in a sentence such as, “So, where are we now?”.

“Now” is also used as a conjunction. Its use is similar to that of the word “since”. It can be used in a sentence as “Sheela can afford an expensive sports car now that she has joined the most luxurious firm”.

Now can also be used as a noun. However, “now” as a noun, the same as “now”, is used to denote time as an adverb.


What is Know?

Know is used as a verb. It can be used as both forms of verb, transitive or intransitive forms. Her mother knows she can achieve that!”, In this particular sentence, a sense of conviction or belief of something happening for sure is present.

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As in another example, “Hritik knows about all the geographical epithets of the world”. It strongly determines that the guy is fully aware of the knowledge, and the answers to that particular field are engraved in his memory.

When someone knows something, it means he or she has a good grasp of certain knowledge. “Know” is widely used in day-to-day conversations, and the most common usage can be considered as “I know”.

This simple and short sentence can fit into any situation, no matter how rude, formal, sweet or informal the situation is.


Main Differences Between Now and Know

  1. The term “now” refers to the current or present time. However, the term “know” refers to being aware of or having an understanding of a certain piece of information.
  2. Now can be used both as an adjective and an adverb as well. On the other hand, knowledge is used as a verb the majority of the time.
  3. Now it is pronounced as “new”. On the other hand, knowledge is pronounced as “now”.
  4. The origin of now is from an old English word, nū, and from the Indo-European root, which is shared by the Greek nun and Latin Nunc. Whereas, know originated from an old English word, cnāwan, which was known as gecnāwan earlier. It also has Germanic and Indo-European origin as well.
  5. Now can be used in a sentence as “Now we can not wait anymore! We need to take necessary actions.” On the other hand, knowledge can be used in a sentence as, “Edward knows everything about her girlfriend cheating on her.
Difference Between Now and Know

Last Updated : 24 June, 2023

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26 thoughts on “Now vs Know: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The various uses and forms of ‘now’ demonstrate the versatility and complexity of the English language.

  2. The examples provided for the usage of ‘know’ and ‘now’ demonstrate their practical applications in conveying meaning and intent.

  3. I find it remarkable how language has evolved over time, and the importance of English in global communication cannot be overstated.

  4. The use of ‘now’ as a conjunction illustrates the dynamic nature of language and its ability to adapt to convey different meanings.

  5. The historical roots of these English words unveil the cultural and linguistic influences that have shaped the language over time.

  6. The difference between ‘now’ and ‘know’ highlights the subtle nuances of the English language that learners must be attentive to.

  7. The distinct roles of ‘now’ as an adverb, conjunction, and noun illuminate the multifunctional nature of language in expression and communication.

  8. The English language is truly fascinating and intricate, isn’t it? These distinctions between words like ‘now’ and ‘know’ are what make mastering this language so challenging.


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