Ophthalmologist vs Optician: Difference and Comparison

The eye is one of our most important organs and is even more important than the brain. It is vital for our daily life, and if something goes wrong with it, we can’t imagine our life without our eyes.

Eye doctors are one of the most important and profitable professions, and you will see most people will visit an eye doctor at least once in their life.

Key Takeaways

  1. Ophthalmologists are medical doctors who diagnose and treat eye diseases, perform surgery, and prescribe medications, while opticians specialize in fitting and dispensing eyeglasses and contact lenses.
  2. Ophthalmologists complete medical school and specialized training in ophthalmology, while opticians have a diploma or associate degree.
  3. Opticians do not perform eye exams, or diagnose or treat eye conditions, while ophthalmologists provide comprehensive eye care.

Ophthalmologist vs Optician

Ophthalmologist is a medical doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases. An optician is a healthcare professional who specializes in the fitting and dispensing of eyeglasses, contact lenses, and other optical aids. Opticians are not medical doctors and do not perform eye exams or diagnose diseases.

Ophthalmologist vs Optician

An ophthalmologist is a doctor who specializes in medical and surgical eye problems; he is also called an eye doctor.

He is an expert in the anatomy and physiology of the eye, diagnostics and medical and surgical treatment of eye diseases and injuries. Thus he not she is a type of specialist in eyes.

An optician is a highly trained individual who helps people with many eye-related problems concerning glasses, contact lenses, and vision therapy.

Most opticians specialize in one or two categories. He or she is not versed in the treatment of the eye or performing any eye surgery.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonOphthalmologistOptician
Field of ExpertiseThe field of expertise of an ophthalmologist in ophthalmology.The field of expertise of an optician is both ophthalmology and optics.
Handling LensAn ophthalmologist does not deal with lenses.An optician specializes in lenses.
SurgeryAn ophthalmologist is trained to perform eye surgeries.An optician is not trained to perform eye surgeries.
MedicationAn ophthalmologist prescribed medications for the treatment of eye diseases.An optician prescribes medicines to improve or adjust to optical fibres provided to patients.
SalaryAn ophthalmologist earns more than an optician.An optician earns less than an ophthalmologist.
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What is Ophthalmologist?

An ophthalmologist is a medical professional specialising in diagnosing and treating eye diseases, visual defects, and trauma.

Ophthalmologists are medical doctors who are trained in treating these vision problems and in the basic medical and surgical care of the cornea, the eye’s outermost layer.

Ophthalmologists are certified by the Board of Ophthalmology, and they must complete a minimum of four years of undergraduate and four years of medical school before applying and beginning a residency and, finally, a fellowship in ophthalmology.

After four years of medical school, on average, an ophthalmologist has to take three years of further specialized training.

An ophthalmologist also has to deal with other parts of the body when the eye is afflicted, for instance, when the nose or the ear is affected by certain eye diseases or when the eye is affected in general by any other disease.

A particularly important part of an ophthalmologist’s work is the examination of the eyes.

He examines the eyes of the children at their schools, controls the eyes of prospective drivers, tests the eyes of soldiers in times of peace and performs eye operations. An ophthalmologist, however, has nothing to do with corrective lenses or frames.


What is Optician?

An optician is a tradesperson who makes and fits eyeglasses and contact lenses. An optician might work in a specialized optical store, a retail outlet, a hospital, or a laboratory.

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They purchase their products from wholesale optical companies. They purchase frames, lenses and other supplies from wholesale optical companies.

Opticians must be familiar with the various technologies of glasses, including thin lenses, anti-reflective, photochromic, varifocals, low vision, sports glasses, bifocals, transition lenses, digital lenses, etc.

An optician is a healthcare professional who performs eye examinations and prescribes corrective lenses.

Opticians have a broad knowledge of all areas of health care, especially with the eyes. They have a good eye for detail and a talent for understanding the needs of patients.

Opticians work with a wide range of eye issues, from prescribing glasses to glaucoma. They also perform contact lens exams and sell a range of lenses.

Opticians need to have a bright personality, a passion for customer service, and the patience to work with people from all walks of life.

However, opticians are not trained to perform corrective measures like surgeries. Their way of treatment of the eye quite differs from an ophthalmologist.


Main Differences Between Ophthalmologists and Opticians

  1. An ophthalmologist does not have intricate knowledge of optics, although he has to be familiar with new and advanced optic tools; however, an optician is also called an optometrist, especially desks with lenses and frames to help patients improve their eyesight.
  2. An ophthalmologist is trained to perform eye surgeries, whereas an optician is not.
  3. An ophthalmologist has to complete an MBBS course to become an eye doctor, whereas an optician can specialize in optometry even after normal graduation in a relevant field.
  4. An ophthalmologist earns more than an optician as the grade of an ophthalmologist is higher than an optician.
  5. An ophthalmologist can prescribe medicines to patients, whereas an optician can only prescribe lenses and have them be custom-made, fitting to your needs.
Difference Between Ophthalmologist and Optician
  1. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=SOR1DwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA13&dq=optician&ots=O0agsTdT4F&sig=u7EviN7i9LiAdD_tjM_D0aOeMqk
  2. https://bjo.bmj.com/content/86/5/587.short
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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.