Organic vs Inorganic Food: Difference and Comparison

These days every individual is becoming more and more conscious about their health. And for the purpose of achieving fitness goals, people are following different diets, lifestyle choices, habits, and also the latest trends.

The consumption of organic food has become trendy. And so has the debate between organic food and inorganic food. 

Key Takeaways

  1. Organic food is grown without synthetic pesticides, genetically modified organisms, or artificial fertilizers, leading to a lower risk of chemical residue consumption.
  2. Inorganic food, or conventionally grown food, utilizes synthetic chemicals and other technological advances in agriculture, resulting in higher crop yields.
  3. Organic food is considered more environmentally friendly due to sustainable farming practices, but it tends to be more expensive and less accessible than inorganic food.

Organic Food vs Inorganic Food

Organic food refers to food products that are cultivated through natural methods that exclude the use of synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides. Inorganic food is grown with the use of such chemicals in order to maximize crop yields and protect them from pests and diseases.

Organic Food vs Inorganic Food

Organic food refers to the type of food which is produced naturally. This process includes food production in farmlands without the use of any artificial chemicals, genesis, antibiotics, or pesticides.

These methods are environmentally friendly and sustainable. They also have better taste and more nutritional value, which add to the health benefits.

Inorganic food refers to the type of food which is produced artificially. This process includes food production with the use of any artificial chemicals, genesis, antibiotics, fertilizers, or pesticides.

When produced with caution, they are safe for the environment and consumption. Otherwise, they can cause adverse effects.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonOrganic FoodInorganic Food
AppearanceOrganic food appears more real. It has differences in shapes, sizes, and colors.Inorganic food appears rather artificial. It has the same shape, size, and colors.
TasteOrganic food tastes better in comparison.Inorganic food tastes inferior in comparison.
NutrientsOrganic food has more nutrients in comparison.Inorganic food has fewer nutrients in comparison.
EnvironmentOrganic food is more sustainable and environment-friendly.Inorganic food is less sustainable and environment-friendly due to the use of harmful chemicals.
Health It has more antioxidant compounds, which boost the immune system and also prevent premature aging.It can sometimes have ill effects on the health of an individual.
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What is Organic Food?

Organic food is produced naturally without the use of any harmful chemicals. The production process makes use of natural fertilizers like compost to enhance the quality of soil and plants.

Other methods like crop rotation and keeping buffer zones are also adopted. Organic food looks different from Inorganic food. Organic food looks more real. It has blemishes, imperfections, and differences in colors. 

As organic food is produced naturally, it has better nourishment and even better taste. They have a higher concentration of natural flavours. Also, there is no added artificial colors, preservatives, or fragrance.

The nutritional value of organic fruits and vegetables is more than inorganic food. These foods are richer in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants than artificially produced foods.

Generally, organic foods are said to provide 21% more iron, 27% more vitamin C, 29% more magnesium, and 13% more phosphorus. Consumption of organic foods has proved to boost immunity and prevent premature ageing.

The main reason for this is the adoption of sustainable practices. These practices reduce pollution, maintain soil integrity, and exercise water conservation. For water conservation, drip irrigation and rainwater harvesting are popularly adopted.

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People also prefer organic fruits and vegetables due to their environment-friendliness and sustainability. 

organic food

What is Inorganic Food? 

Inorganic food is produced artificially with the use of chemicals and synthetics. These popularly include pesticides, insecticides, and chemical fertilizers. The chemicals are used to increase production and avoid pests.

However, these synthetics, if not used carefully, can cause adverse effects on the environment and the health of an individual. Inorganic food looks perfect with the same shape, size, and colors. 

With the latest technology, we can make modifications as per our wish to the genes of the plants. This allows cross-breeding and the production of hybrid crops. The crops have multi-benefits at a lesser risk. This also allows production to be carried out on a larger scale.

Every country has departments regulating the production of Inorganic foods. There are also restrictions on the levels of chemicals used. Inorganic foods are considered to be harmful as they are made in a conventional way. 

However, some argue that human interference excludes the risk of contamination and toxins. And that the natural toxins in organic foods can be as harmful as the ones in inorganic food. The nutritional value of inorganic food is standardized.

Also, in comparison, inorganic foods are cheaper than organic food. Due to this, it provides average nutrients at an effective cost.

inorganic food

Main Differences Between Organic Food and Inorganic Food

  1. Organic food appears more real. It has differences in shapes, sizes, and colors. Inorganic food appears rather artificial. It has the same shape, size, and colors.
  2. Organic food tastes better in comparison. Inorganic food tastes inferior in comparison.
  3. Organic food has more nutrients in comparison. Inorganic food has fewer nutrients in comparison.
  4. Organic food is more sustainable and environment-friendly. Inorganic food is less sustainable and environment-friendly due to the use of harmful chemicals.
  5. Organic food has more antioxidant compounds, which boost the immune system and also prevent premature ageing. Inorganic food can sometimes have ill effects on the health of an individual.
Difference Between Organic Food and Inorganic Food

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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.