Ottoman Empire vs Roman Empire: Difference and Comparison

The Ottoman and Roman Empires were the most recognized after the 14th Century. Although pretty strong emperors ruled both these empires, they still had a lot of indifference between them.

Key Takeaways

  1. The Ottoman Empire and the Roman Empire existed in different periods.
  2. The Ottoman Empire was a Muslim empire that emerged in the 14th century, while the Roman Empire was a pre-Christian empire that emerged in the 1st century BC.
  3. The Ottoman Empire was centered in Turkey and lasted until the early 20th century, while the Roman Empire was centered in Italy and lasted until the 5th century AD.

Ottoman Empire vs Roman Empire

The Roman Empire was one of the most powerful and influential empires in history, spanning from 27 BC to 476 AD in Europe, Africa, and Asia. The empire was characterized by a strong central government. The Ottoman Empire was a powerful Islamic state that lasted from 1299 to 1922 in Asia, Europe, and Africa. A strong military characterized the empire.

Ottoman Empire vs Roman Empire 1

Ottoman Empire was a Turkish Empire whose establishment was laid down by Osman 1 in Northern Anatolia. The expansion of this Empire started majorly during the 14th and 15th Centuries.

Roman Empire saw an establishment of more than 500 years from 27BC to 476AD after the post-republican period. The first two centuries of the Roman Empire came to be known as the period of Roman Peace.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonOttoman EmpireRoman Empire
Beginning of their reignThe establishment of the Ottoman Empire was laid by Osman 1 in the 13th Century.The Roman Empire saw its beginning in 27BC, much before that of the Ottoman Empire.
Existence PeriodIt existed for 600 years and saw its major expansion in the 14th and 15th Centuries.The Roman Empire existed for 550 years, from 27 BC to 476 AD.
Country of OriginThe Ottoman Empire was a Turkish Empire with Istanbul as its capital.Rome, the present capital of Italy, stood as the capital of the Roman Empire at that time.
Rulers chosenOnly the people with royal blood(sons of the former ruler) were chosen as the emperor.Members of the local government body chose the ruler.
End of the EraThe Ottoman Empire ended in 1908 with the Committee of Union and Progress establishing a constitutional monarchy.After a lot of ups and downs, the Roman Empire saw its end in 476 AD.
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What is Ottoman Empire?

Ottoman Empire was a Turkish Empire that lasted for 600 years. Its establishment was laid down by Osman 1 in Northern Anatolia. The expansion of this Empire started majorly during the 14th and 15th Centuries.

The Capital of the Turkish Empire was Istanbul. Ottoman Empire was always ruled by someone with royal blood (the son of the former ruler). Women used to live under the protection of men during this period.

The Ottoman Empire maintained its economic and social health till the start of the 18th Century, but the military faced heavy losses against European forces till the 19th century. Despite these territorial downfalls, the Empire grew throughout the 19th century.

ottoman empire 1

What is Roman Empire?

Roman Empire saw an establishment of more than 500 years from 27BC to 476AD after the post-republican period. The first two centuries of the Roman Empire came to be known as the period of Roman Peace.

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There wasn’t any specific protocol that the ruler of the Roman Empire must belong from the background of its former ruler. The local government body elected the ruler and was known as Caeser.

The Roman Empire lacked firearms as it wasn’t available 2000 years ago. When it comes down to the life of women under the Roman Empire, they were all directed by fathers or husbands.

roman empire

Main Differences Between Ottoman Empire and Roman Empire

  1. Only the people with royal blood(sons of the former ruler) were chosen as an emperor in the Ottoman Empire. On the other hand, The ruler of the Roman Empire was chosen by members of the local government body.
  2. The Ottoman Empire ended in 1908, with the Committee of Union and Progress establishing a constitutional monarchy. After many ups and downs, the Roman Empire ended in 476 AD.
Difference Between Ottoman Empire and Roman Empire
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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.