Pentium vs Core i3: Difference and Comparison

A small chip fitted with millions of transistors placed on the motherboard of a computer system or other electronic devices is known as a processor. Processors are the primary component of a computer. Since its invention, it has been said that it is the computer’s brain.

The processors work by accepting the instructions given as input, reading and processing them and obtaining output accordingly. The processors read the instructions in the binary form (0) or (1).

Here (0) means off, and (1) means on. The speed of a processor defines its quality; that is, the more instructions are accepted per second by it, the better the processor is.

In the series of powerful microprocessors, Intel has given a breakthrough by launching its Pentium and Core processors. Pentium is a 7th-generation processor, and Core i3 is a 9th-generation processor.

Key Takeaways

  1. Pentium is an Intel processor family aimed at budget-friendly computers, offering basic performance and features for everyday tasks and light applications.
  2. Core i3 is another Intel processor family, positioned as entry-level in the Core series, providing better performance, energy efficiency, and additional features than Pentium processors.
  3. Both Pentium and Core i3 are Intel processor families. Still, the Pentium targets budget-friendly devices with basic performance, while the Core i3 offers improved performance and features as an entry-level option in the Core series.

Pentium vs Core i3

Pentium is a seventh-generation microprocessor designed by Intel, and it can be used for primary functions like image editing, internet browsing, and also for school projects. Core i3 is a ninth-generation microprocessor that is used for programming and mobile application development.

Pentium vs Core i3

Comparison Table

Parameter of ComparisonPentiumCore i3
GenerationIt is the 7th generation processor.It is the 9th generation processor.
Cache memoryHas less cache memory.Has more cache memory.
FeaturesFeatures like hyperthreading, turbo boost, etc., are lacking.Has features like hyperthreading, turbo boost, virtual support, and HD video support.
FunctionsDesigned for general functions like browsing, basic image editing, doing school projects, etc.Designed to perform high-end functions like computer programming, web development, game and application development, etc
CostPentium is available in a low range.Core i3 is available in mid and high ranges.
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What is Pentium?

Intel launched its Pentium processor in 1993. It combined two processors on a single chip with 3.1 million transistors.

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Based on CISC (complex instruction set computer) structure, it has features like a 32-bit address bus, 64-bit data bus, built-in floating-point and memory management units.

They were the first dual-core processors and gained popularity in a short time. They became the most widely used processors for personal computers.

But Pentium has only 3MB cache memory. The Graphics controller in Pentium runs at 533Mhz. Memory controllers and graphic controllers were slow. Hyperthreading, turbo boost, and virtual support are lacking in the Pentium processor.

Pentium does not support HD video technology and gaming technologies. It also lacks multitasking support. Pentium processor is a low-end version of core processors.

Due to its lack of significant features, Pentium was primarily used in personal computers.

pentium 1

What is Core i3?

Intel developed and manufactured dual-core i3 processors. It is the first processor in the I series of Intel.

It is manufactured in various speed ranges from 1.30GHz to 3.50GHz depending on the requirement. It is available both in 3MB and 4MB cache memory.

Core i3 is a dual-core processor but is also available in the quad-core variant.

The graphic controller of Core i3 runs at 733 Mhz. The memory controller of Core i3 runs faster. Core i3 supports hyperthreading, turbo boost, virtual support, and efficient multitasking. Core i3 has more memory channels.

Core i3 was specially designed to support HD video and gaming technologies. It also supports integrated graphics and advanced gaming.

Core i3 was designed for web, game, and application development to perform high-end tasks. These are primarily used in offices to develop and serve specific purposes.

core i3

Main Differences Between Pentium and Core i3

  1. Pentium is a 7th-generation processor, whereas Core i3 is a 9th-generation processor.
  2. Pentium processors have less cache memory as compared to the Core i3 processor.
  3. The core processor has more memory channels, while Pentium has fewer.
  4. Core i3 is equipped with hyperthreading, turbo boost and virtual support, while these features are lacking in Pentium.
  5. Compared to the memory controller, Pentium performs slower than Core i3.
  6. The Graphics controller of Pentium is slower than that of Core i3. The core i3 graphic controller runs at 733Mhz, and that of Pentium runs at 533Mhz.
  7. Integrated graphic support is present in Core i3 while lacking in Pentium.
  8. The Pentium processor was designed to perform essential functions, while the Core i3 was designed for high-end purposes.
  9. Pentium processors cost less than Core i3 processors.
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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.