TN vs IPS: Difference and Comparison

There are many things to remember while shopping for a monitor, including size, colour, budget, video inputs, ultrasonic sounds, refresh rates, contrast ratios, pixel response times, and building qualities. But you may not know that all these factors are affected by the type of panel used by these monitors.

Key Takeaways

  1. TN (Twisted Nematic) panels are cheaper and offer faster response times than IPS (In-Plane Switching) panels.
  2. IPS panels have better color accuracy, wider viewing angles, and more consistent brightness than TN panels.
  3. TN panels are suitable for gaming and fast-paced activities, while IPS panels are more suitable for tasks that require accurate color reproduction and wider viewing angles.


TN (Twisted Nematic) panels are more affordable and offer faster response times, making them popular for gaming and other fast-paced applications. IPS (In-Plane Switching) panels have much better colour accuracy, and wider viewing angles, are more expensive than TN panels, and are slower.


A TN panel works by the fundamental principle of that of polarized light.TN panels are unique, even though they have become skinny on the ground (rare) these days.

An IPS panel was invented and developed to improve all the drawbacks seen in a TN. Unlike TN, IPS panels are designed by shifting patterns of their liquid crystals.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonTN PanelIPS Panel
Power consumedThe power consumed is meagrePower consumed is very high
Response timeLow response timesLower response time as
compared to TN
ColourNot that eye catchyVery good colour
Refresh ratesRefresh rates are very highRefresh rates are low compared
to TN panels
BrightnessThe brightness is not that goodBrightness is really good compared
to TN panel
CalibrationVery easyVery complex
Word consistencyNot good compared to IPS
PriceCheapest among all panelsVery costly among all panels
Best useBest useful for gaming and
Best useful for Professionals and

What is TN?

TN is the short form for (Twisted- Nematic). This gives the highest refresh rates and lowest response time, stated as the best-performing panel.

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TN panels take advantage of an “active 3D shutter”, which allows them to display twice as much information as other panels, making speed its main advantage. It also should be noted that very few TN panels support HDR, and those that support it do not bear the kind of contrast necessary for making full use of it.

The larger the monitor, the larger you can see and notice the colour shift on the left, right, top and bottom. The major fallback of TN panels is that they lack 100 per cent accuracy in the reproduction of colour.


What is IPS?

IPS is short-termed for In-plane switching. This screen technology is used for liquid-crystal displays(LCDs), which were mainly designed to solve the main limitations of the TN(Twisted Nematic) panel.

IPS is definitely a better choice than a TN for showing superb visuals, excellent colour, and amazing viewing angles. They involve arranging and switching the orientation of molecules of the LCD layer between the glass substrates, which are essentially parallel to these glass plates.

The drawback of this panel is that they have backlight bleed issues. Also, if you are adamant about buying an IPS, you would have to spend a little extra, as 144Hz monitors start a bit higher than their TN counterparts.


Main Differences Between TN and IPS

  1. TN is vastly used for gaming and animation, whereas IPS is used gradually for professional purposes and multimedia.
  2. IPS panels cost relatively more than compared to TN panels to produce.
  3. TN has high refresh rates and fast response times.
  4. IPS has vivid colours and accuracy compared to TN, making it efficient enough for use despite its high price.
  5. TN have the lowest input tag, around 1 millisecond. And if you prefer low latency over colour reproduction, then a TN panel is all you need.
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Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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20 thoughts on “TN vs IPS: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The article effectively outlines the primary differences between TN and IPS panels, presenting the material in an organized and accessible manner. It’s an excellent source of knowledge for those exploring monitor options.

    • I couldn’t agree more. The comparison of TN and IPS panels is informative and well-structured, enhancing reader comprehension of the complex technical aspects involved.

    • This article provides all the necessary information to make an informed decision about monitor choices. It’s a valuable resource for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of TN and IPS panels.

  2. The article effectively sheds light on the intricacies of TN and IPS panels, allowing readers to grasp the technological disparities between the two. It’s an eye-opening read that provides valuable insights.

  3. This is a wonderful piece of writing that addresses the fundamental differences between TN and IPS panels. The in-depth analysis provides valuable knowledge for those interested in monitor technologies.

    • The insightful explanations and comparisons between TN and IPS panels make this article a must-read for anyone seeking to purchase a new monitor. It clears up many misconceptions and dilemmas.

    • Absolutely, the comprehensive comparison table makes it easier to comprehend technical specifications that impact monitor performance. This article is a gem.

  4. This article is very informative and helpful for my next monitor purchase. I appreciate the detailed comparison and explanation of the TN and IPS panels. Now I know which one to choose based on my needs and preferences.

    • I found the comparison table to be particularly useful. It’s good to know the advantages and disadvantages of each panel type to make an informed decision.

  5. Amazing article, I appreciate the detailed explanation of TN and IPS panels and the comparison of their features. It offers a well-rounded view of the essential differences between the two.

  6. The in-depth analysis of TN and IPS panels presented in this article is enlightening. The nuanced explanations and comparisons are highly beneficial for consumers in need of a new monitor.

    • Absolutely, the scientific knowledge shared here makes the selection process for a new monitor much more transparent. I feel more informed after reading this article.

  7. The details about the drawbacks and strengths of TN and IPS panels are well articulated in this article. It’s an eye-opener for consumers who are considering purchasing a new monitor.

    • Certainly, this article gives me clear insights about the pros and cons of TN and IPS panels. The comparison is spot-on.

  8. I never knew TN panels have low input lag. This post has enlightened me about the advantages that TN offers for gaming and fast-paced activities. The information provided here is incredibly valuable.

    • Yes, the distinction between the best use of TN and IPS panels is well elucidated. It allows readers to make informed decisions based on their specific requirements.

    • The technical details provided in this article are commendable. It addresses monitor panel characteristics with great depth, providing immense clarity to readers.

  9. This article is a wealth of knowledge for those seeking to understand the differences between TN and IPS panels. The clear explanations and detailed comparisons make it an invaluable resource.

  10. It’s interesting to know about the power consumption differences between TN and IPS panels. This post has helped me understand the technical aspects of monitor panels in a clear and concise manner.

    • Exactly, the scientific explanations behind TN and IPS panels are enlightening. It’s great to understand the underlying mechanisms that influence monitor performance.


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