Personal Area Network vs Storage Area Network: Difference and Comparison

A computer is the result of several devices assembled together. But there are devices that are not in-built but have to be connected to a computer.

That’s when computer networks come in handy. A computer network, based on the type, can connect several devices at a time with and without wires and cables. Personal Area Network and Storage Area Network are two such types of computer networks.

Key Takeaways

  1. Personal Area Networks (PANs) enable communication between devices in a small area, whereas Storage Area Networks (SANs) provide dedicated high-speed data storage and retrieval networks.
  2. PANs use short-range wireless technologies like Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, while SANs use Fibre Channels or iSCSI protocols for data transmission.
  3. PANs are ideal for individual users and home networks, while SANs are designed for large-scale organizations with massive data storage needs.

Personal Area Network vs Storage Area Network

The difference between Personal Area Network and Storage Area Network is that Personal Area Network transmits a signal to interconnect several devices to the network. On the other hand, Storage Area Network, as the name suggests, offers block-level connectivity to the network storage. Both Personal Area Network and Storage Area Network are essential types of computer networks used IT sector.

Personal Area Network vs Storage Area Network

Personal Area Network is one of the types of computer networks that appertain a person’s workspace to electronic devices. It is shortly known as PAN and is used to transmit data among devices like smartphones, tablets, desktops, laptops, etc.

Personal Area Network is wireless, so no extra bucks need to be spent on wires and cables.

Storage Area Network is another type of computer network that facilitates people to get access to integrated data storage. Storage Area Network is known as SAN.

It offers protocols to be followed by people and helps to locate data storage devices. These data storage devices can be tape libraries of servers, disk arrays, etc. Storage Area Network is ultimately high-speed.

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Comparison Table

Parameters Of ComparisonPersonal Area NetworkStorage Area Network
InventionPersonal Area Network was developed and introduced by Thomas Zimmerman and his fellow assistants at MIT’s lab.There is no single person who developed a storage area network, while the concept was introduced in 1993.
Full nameThe personal area network is the full name of the widely famous term PAN.The storage area network is the full name of the widely famous term SAN.
Area spanThe area that can be covered by the personal area network is about 10 meters.The area that can be covered by the storage area network is about 10 kilometers.
SpeedThe data transferring speed of a personal area network can go approximately 10 to 50 Mbps.The data transferring speed of a personal area network can go approximately 100 Gbps.
MaintenanceThe maintenance procedure of a personal area network is easy because it is limited to a person or an office.The maintenance procedure of the storage area network is complex because it involves multiple servers and devices.
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What is Personal Area Network?

Personal Area Networks are designed and developed to be operated by people in a particular or limited area. They are quite the opposite of a Wide area network.

Personal area networks are used to transfer and receive an application, data, and other resources. Hence, a Personal area network is a computer network that interconnects the devices found in a classified area.

This classified area can range up to 33 feet. Personal area networks include personal digital devices such as laptops, video game consoles, tablets, smartphones, speakers, etc.

The person who invented the Personal area network is known to be Thomas Zimmerman. He developed these computer networks with the help of other researchers at the Media Lab of MIT.

The main aim of the personal area network was to provide a computer network suitable for personal workspace. Personal area networks are subdivided into two divisions: wireless personal area networks and wired personal area networks.

Wireless PAN makes connections using signals such as ultra-wideband, infrared, Bluetooth, ZigBee, etc.

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In contrast, wired PAN depends on cables and wires. Some of the significant examples of personal area networks are offline networks, body area networks, Home offices, etc.

The personal area network is used in hospitals, the business sector, military and defense, school and college, etc. Personal Area Network is portable, but the wireless PAN is expensive to afford.

What is Storage Area Network?

Storage Area Network, also known as a storage network, is a block-level provider of merged data storage. It is used as a connector between shared pools between various servers and devices.

Servers are allowed to utilize shared storage like their personal disk attached to their system.

These storage devices can be tape libraries and disk arrays, and through a storage area network, they are treated as DAS (direct-attached devices) by the operating system.

LAN can not access storage area networks. In the business industry, storage area networks are the most common type of network being used.

Because enterprises need to deliver files and applications in a limited time, and that’s how storage area networks become the most suitable network.

The storage area network is divided into four subcategories: FC-NVMe, FC-NVMe, FCP, and iSCSI. Similarly, it is based on four protocols: Fibre Channel Protocol, iSCSI, Fibre Channel over Ethernet, and FC-NVMe.

Storage area networks have become the first choice of small businesses. It pushes traffic forward from LAN and helps LAN to minimize the pressure. Storage area network provides high security because it is easier for hackers to breach into LAN network.

But it stores the data in separate servers, and it is safer that way. Storage area network offers better options when it comes to backing up the data because it uses multiple servers and locations.

Main Differences Between Personal Area Network and Storage Area Network

  1. A storage area network is costly to set up because it includes multiple numbers of a server. On the other hand, a personal area network can be afforded by anyone.
  2. Storage area network requires a considerable place to establish the data center. On the other hand, a personal area network can be set up in a room of the house.
  3. The maintenance procedure of the storage area network is very complex and pricey. On the other hand, personal area networks do not require heavy maintenance proses.
  4. Storage area network requires skilled people to operate it, or a person should have adequate technical knowledge. On the other hand, anyone can access a personal area network in a few steps.
  5. Storage area network offers a higher speed of data transferring that is about 100 Gbps. On the other hand, the personal area network is comparatively slower.
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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.