Pillow Cover vs Pillow Protector: Difference and Comparison

Pillowcase and pillow covers are used to cover up a pillow that people use as head support while sleeping or resting. Both of them are essential in ensuring that the pillow is kept out of sight and is also kept clean.

The cleanliness of one’s pillow could be judged upon by the pillow cover or pillow protector.

Key Takeaways

  1. Pillow covers serve a decorative purpose and provide a barrier against dirt, whereas pillow protectors offer more protection by guarding against allergens, dust mites, and moisture.
  2. Pillow covers are easier to remove and clean, while pillow protectors have zippers and require a more thorough cleaning process.
  3. Pillow protectors are made of more durable and waterproof materials, making them more effective in preserving pillow quality.

Pillow Cover vs Pillow Protector

Pillow cover is a decorative item that slips over a pillow, and it is used primarily to enhance the appearance of the bedding. Pillow covers come in a variety of fabrics, colours, and patterns. A pillow protector is designed to protect the pillow from damage caused by spills, sweat, or dirt.

Pillow Cover vs Pillow Protector

Pillow cover is what people, in general, know as a sheath or covering for their pillows and keeps themselves from being directly in contact with the pillow.

This is the most common covering used for pillows and is known to be sold along with bed covers or bed sheets as a pair of one or two pillow covers.

Pillow protector is not commonly known to people as it is prescribed to individuals who have known allergies to dust and other such particles.

Hotels and resorts that have a certain level of ratings would certainly have enough hygienic practices to provide the guests with pillows properly encased in pillow protectors. It is not always used by individuals at home.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonPillow CoverPillow Protector
Has Zip LocksNoYes
Comes Along with Bed CoversYesNot always
Has a Smooth TextureAlmost alwaysNot really
Can Be Used Over One AnotherYes, can be used over a pillow protectorNo
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What is Pillow Cover?

Pillow covers would be present in all houses no matter what because it has become a generalized practice since the time civilization has started bringing in etiquettes to their livelihood.

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They come paired with bed covers in different shops and are available in a pair for a king or double-sized bedsheets and are available as a single cover for single bedsheets.

It also comes in varying sizes and shapes along with a multitude of colors and shades that could be chosen depending on the taste preferences of each user.

Their main purpose is to protect the pillows from external dust and many other external factors that surround the pillow.

These external factors can also include saliva that might come out in the form of drool which might have a hint of sugary taste or even other different flavors.

Pillow covers wouldn’t be able to cover a pillow completely as it might leave a small gap leaving the pillow open to infection or attack by foreign agents.

Such support in the form of protection enables the users to constantly change the pillow cover thereby ensuring hygienic practices for the user.

It is instrumental in preventing the spread of acne around the face of the user as well as in helping avoid the formation of pimples and pus-filled cysts.

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What is Pillow Protector?

Pillow protectors are used to create a physical barrier between the plain cloth of the pillow and the external environment.

It is not common for people to use pillow protectors at home as it is not much known to them.

On the other hand, resorts and hotels of some minimum standard would be known to add this additional support to their bedding as it would be perfect to ensure a safe and hygienic stay for their guests.

The major purpose of the pillow protector is to ensure that the user is kept away from allergens and from pathogens that might accumulate on the pillow from many sources such as the digestive tract.

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Pillow protectors completely cover the pillows leaving no space open to the outside world. This is achieved by using zip locks or velcro tapes.

Sometimes dust particles along with dead skin cells that might fall off when someone is sleeping can cause an increase in acne or pimple formation on the user.

This can lead to multiple skin issues for the user and is therefore advised by dermatologists to use pillow protectors for hygienic purposes.

Along with such acne issues, people also tend to be highly allergic to dust particles and oil particles which might form a layer over the pillow.

These types of allergy problems can be solved by the use of pillow protectors which are again advised by dermatologists for the safety of the user.

Main Differences Between Pillow Cover and Pillow Protector

  1. Pillow protectors are used to completely cover the pillows and therefore leave no gap for any external particles to enter whereas pillow covers might leave behind small open spaces.
  2. It is common for doctors and more specifically dermatologists to prescribe pillow protectors for their patients whereas pillow covers need not be prescribed by anyone as people tend to use them no matter what.
  3. Pillow covers are not seen with velcro tapes or zip locks but on the other hand, pillow protectors come along with zip locks and other such closures.
  4. People have to buy pillow protectors separately as they won’t come along with bed sheets and covers but pillow covers are always there when someone buys a bed cover.
  5. Pillow covers can always be used over a pillow protector but pillow protectors aren’t used over pillow covers.
Difference Between Pillow Cover and Pillow Protector
  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7434492/
  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6549433/
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About Author

Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.