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Around the World, thousands of languages are spoken and written. Every country, region, state, village, etc., is believed to have its language. Still, the entire country is connected by a single language considered its national or official language.

Key Takeaways

  1. “Por” and “para” are both Spanish prepositions, but they convey distinct meanings: “por” indicates cause, reason, or motive, while para suggests purpose, destination, or intended recipient.
  2. To express time, duration, or a specific period, use “por” rather than “para”; for instance, “trabajo por ocho horas” means “I work for eight hours.”
  3. In expressing goals or objectives, use para over por; for example, “estudiar para ser médico” translates to “studying to become a doctor.”

Por vs. Para

The term ‘por’ can be used to define an activity performed by someone. For example, this house was painted by my father. In Spanish, the word ‘por’ will be used in the place of ‘by’ in the above example. It can also be used to define a given duration. The term ‘para’ is used to highlight a purpose. A deadline can also be mentioned using this word.

Por vs Para

It talks about the work’s duration and progress or how long something would last. It also refers to the reason something happened behind any action performed. Let us consider an example for simple understanding 

In English – I am taking French lessons because of my job.

In Spanish – Estoy tomando lecciones de francés por mi trabajo

It also focuses on the future set deadlines and commitments and highlights the embarking journey and the final destination in the statement. Let’s look at the example given below – 

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In English – I need to finish my homework by Wednesday.

In Spanish – Necesito terminar mi tarea para el miércoles

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonPorPara
GoalIt is used in the statement where any reason is given.It is used when any purpose is to be highlighted.
LocationIt is used when someone is said to be traveling.It is used when someone has reached their final destination.
TimeIt is used for a given duration.It is used for mentioning deadlines.
Used WhenIt is used ‘by someone.’It is used ‘for someone.’
ActionIncompleteAbout to occur

What is Por?

As discussed earlier, where and when the term Por is used, let’s briefly review some of the examples so far. The time is used in referencing four significant fields – 

  • Travel and Communication – For this, Por is used to refer to how someone traveled and the way someone communicates. Traveling can be either way, bus, train, airplane, etc., or the mode of communication may also vary telephonic, letters, etc. Consider the example given below – 

In English – I contacted him by phone.

In Spanish – Lo contacté por teléfono

  • Exchanging – The term also refers to the trades and exchanges around. For example –

In English – I will give you 100 bucks for the purse.

In Spanish – Te daré 100 dólares por el bolso 

  • Duration – It refers to how long the task has been performed. Given below is an example – 

In English – I slept for 5 hours in the evening.

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In Spanish – Dormí 5 horas por la noche

  • Motivation – It is used to refer to any reason behind the work done. Consider the following example –

In English – I wanted to learn German because it is essential for my job. 

In Spanish – Quería aprender alemán por que es importante para mi trabajo


What is Para?

As discussed above, the use of the term Para in the sentences. Given below are a brief description of the referred contexts and examples. Below are the four places where mainly the term Para is used – 

  • Goals – These refer to any purpose or intent for why the task is performed. For example – 

In English – I exercise to stay fit.

In Spanish – Hago ejercicio para mantenerme en forma

  • Recipients – It is used to dignify anything received as a gesture, like a gift. Below is the given an example –  

In English – This gift is for Andrew.

In Spanish – Este regalo es para Andrew.

  • Destination – It talks about the final destination of someone. Consider the following example – 

In English – I leave for my home tomorrow.

In Spanish – Me marcho para mi casa mañana.

  • Deadlines – It signifies any date or time for work or task to be completed. Consider the example – 

In English – I need the reports to be completed by Thursday.

In Spanish – Necesito que los informes estén completos para el jueves.


Main Differences Between Por and Para

  1. Por is majorly used in the statement refereeing ‘by someone’ while Para is used in the statement referring to ‘for someone.’
  2. Por talks about any incomplete action or tasks, whereas Para talks about the actions that will happen. 


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By Emma Smith

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.