PS2 vs PS3: Difference and Comparison

PS2 and PS3 are updated versions of Sony’s PlayStation gaming console. In terms of specifications, the PS3 is the latest and best of the two.

As a result of its better processor and GPU, graphics and fluidity have significantly improved. Despite some significant similarities, PS2 and PS3 have some significant differences. 

Key Takeaways

  1. PS2 is a gaming console released by Sony in 2000, while PS3 was released in 2006.
  2. PS2 uses DVD-based games, while PS3 uses Blu-ray-based games.
  3. PS3 has more advanced graphics and processing capabilities than PS2.

PS2 vs PS3 

The PS3 includes a Blu-ray player, which allows you to watch high-definition, while the PS2 does not. The PS3 also has built-in WiFi capabilities, which allow you to connect to the internet, while the PS2 requires a separate network adapter. The PS3 is a more advanced gaming console than the PS2.

PS2 vs PS3

Sony Computer Entertainment produces the most popular and appreciated video game console, the PlayStation 2. It is a short form for the PS2 console.

Despite being the sixth-generation console, it can still compete with seventh-generation consoles in terms of popularity. The console was launched first in Japan on March 4, 2000.

The game was, at the time, one of the best-selling video games. Since its launch more than 3,800 games have been released since its launch, with 1.5 billion copies sold. 

PS3 is the upgraded and most advanced of the two in terms of specifications. In contrast, this advanced and upgraded console has far superior features, such as onboard Wi-Fi, Blu-ray support, high-definition graphics, and digital entertainment.

However, it is still more expensive than the PS2, and hence many people still see the PS2 as a good choice, even though it lacks a lot of upgraded features. PS2 games cannot be played using the upgraded console. 

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Comparison Table

  Parameters of Comparison    PS2   PS3 
 Version   The older one   The latest and upgraded version.  
 Features   Less advanced features.  More advanced features 
 Graphics   The graphics are not as good as the upgraded version.    Has much better graphics. 
 On-board Wi-Fi   Does not have this feature.  Has this feature. 
 Backwards compatible   Is backwards compatible.  Cannot be considered as backwards compatible. 
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What is PS2? 

Sony Computer Entertainment produces the most popular and appreciated video game console, the PlayStation 2. It is a short form for the PS2 console.

Both CD-ROMs and DVD-ROMs are used to categorise PlayStation 2 software. Both are backwards compatible. Memory cards and controllers can also be used on the console. 

Despite being the sixth-generation console, it can still compete with seventh-generation consoles in terms of popularity.  

Furthermore, non-Sony manufactured memory cards are also available for the device, enabling more considerable memory retention.

It also features USB and IEEE 1394 expansion ports and includes the DualShock 2 controller, which is responsible for controlling the games.

Additional hardware consists of a DVD remote control, an internal or external hard disk drive, a network adapter, horizontal and vertical stands, memory cards, and more.  

The older console has better graphics quality, but they lose the game when it comes to graphics than the PS3. It also lacks a lot of features like onboard Wi-Fi, online play via wireless connections and more.

The GPU is also better for the upgraded version. Even though PS2 lacks many features, it is still preferred because of its lower and affordable price. 


What is PS3? 

PS3 is the upgraded and most advanced of the two in terms of specifications. With the latest technology and updated hardware, the PlayStation 3 is designed and developed. It is compatible with all digital entertainment.

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It has far superior features, such as onboard Wi-Fi, Blu-ray support, high-definition graphics, and digital entertainment.  

Several of its upgraded accessories are also available, including the wireless Six-axis controller, Dual Shock 3 controller, the Logitech Cordless Precision Controller, the PlayStation Eye camera, and more.

It supports a Graphical User Interface primarily developed by Sony. Users can connect to the console store through PlayStation connectivity. Sony’s PlayStation 3 (PS3) users access the PlayStation Store, an online virtual market.  

Among other unified features on the upgraded console are the online wireless gaming service, PlayStation Network, associative connectivity with the Portable and Vita versions and more.

The PS3 is elevated and has better features. However, it is still more expensive than the PS2, and hence many people still see the PS2 as a good choice, even though it lacks a lot of upgraded features.

PS2 games cannot be played using the upgraded console. 


Main Differences Between PS2 and PS3 

  1. The former is basically the older version, whereas the latter is the new, upgraded and advanced version.  
  2. The PS2 console lacks many advanced features like onboard Wi-Fi, online play via wireless connections and more. On the other hand, the PS3 console has all these superior features. 
  3. The former has better graphics quality, but they lose the game when it comes to graphics than the PS3. On the other hand, the latter has primarily advanced graphics.  
  4. The older console is backwards compatible, whereas the upgraded console cannot be considered backwards compatible.  
  5. Even though PS2 lacks many features, it is still preferred because of its lower and affordable price. On the other hand, even though PSR has elevated features, it is still more expensive than its older version.   
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Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.