QWERTY vs DVORAK: Difference and Comparison

QWERTY is a really popular keyboard design, and most people worldwide are comfortable with it. It was named after the first six letters just on the top left of the alphabet.

It was developed in the mid-1800s as a typewriter design. August Dvorak invented the Dvorak design in 1936 to confront a few of the problems with QWERTY that he felt needed changing.

Excluding the setup of the letters, there is no noticeable difference between such a QWERTY keyboard & a Dvorak keyboard.

Key Takeaways

  1. QWERTY and Dvorak are two different keyboard layouts designed for typing in English.
  2. The QWERTY layout is the most common keyboard arrangement, featuring a specific order of letters that dates back to the early days of typewriters. In contrast, the Dvorak layout is designed to optimize typing speed and efficiency.
  3. Dvorak places the most frequently used letters in English on the home row, allowing for faster typing and less finger movement than the QWERTY layout.


The difference between Qwerty and Dvorak is based on the acceptance of the keyboards worldwide. QWERTY and DVORAK are developed at different times, but QWERTY is accepted worldwide, and most people use it. In contrast, DVORAK is not received by the people but is used by a specific group.


In the mid-eighteenth Century, Chris Latham Sholes, a newspaper columnist and printer from Kenosha, Wisconsin, conceived and constructed the QWERTY keyboard design.

Sholes submitted a patent for his pre-writing machine in October 1867, with the assistance of pals Carlos Glidden and Samuel W. In a keyboard layout, typing with both hands is the desired quality.

In 1936, August Dvorak and his brother-in-law William Dealey filed a patent for the Dvorak keyboard layout for Language as a speedier and more ergonomic alternative to the QWERTY layout.

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Supporters of Dvorak believe it involves less touch motion, which boosts typing speed, minimizes overuse injuries and is more pleasant than QWERTY.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonQWERTYDVORAK
Founded18th CenturyThe year 1936
PopularityFamousNot everybody has heard of this layout
DifferenceIt has a DVORAK arrangement of letterIt’s not easy to get a DVORAK keyboard
OriginIt’s an old keyboardIt’s a new design
StandardThis keyboard has been accepted as standardIt’s not easy to get a DVORAK keyboard
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What is QWERTY?

Chris Latham Sholes, a newspaper columnist & printer from Kenosha, Wisconsin, invented and created the QWERTY keyboard design in the mid-18th Century.

Sholes filed a patent in Oct. 1867 for his pre-writing machine, which he developed with the help of friends Carlos Glidden & Samuel W.

Typing with both hands is indeed a desirable feature in a keyboard layout. While one hand is typing a letter, the other arm can start preparing to type the next note, speeding up and streamlining the process.

Several more words could be managed to spell using just the left hand as in QWERTY layout than using just the right hand.

Vast numbers of Words in English can be spelled with only one hand, whereas only a few hundred can be typed with only one hand.

Furthermore, as in the QWERTY layout, many typing strokes are performed with the left hand. This is beneficial to left individuals but detrimental to right-handed individuals.

The first computer terminals, like the Teletype, have been typewriters that might generate and regulate computer codes.

Some used QWERTY keyboard design and layout and additional keys like the escape (ESC) that had specific significance to computers.

Feature keys & arrow keys were later added to keyboards. These full-sized computer keypads have accompanied this standard since the standardization of PC-compatible computer systems.


What is DVORAK?

August Dvorak and his brother-in-law, William Dealey, filed a patent for the Dvorak keyboard layout for Language in 1936 as just a faster and more ergonomic option to a QWERTY floor plan.

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Dvorak supporters argue that this requires less touch motion, which increases reliability, increases typing pace, reduces overuse injuries, and is more pleasant than QWERTY.

Dvorak hasn’t overtaken QWERTY as the most popular standard keyboard even though QWERTY was introduced 60 years prior, and Dvorak’s benefits over QWERTY were inadequate.

Often these major modern operating systems even so, allow users to change to the Dvorak design.

Even though iOS does not include a framework, touchpad Dvorak keyboard, 3rd software could add the layout to iOS, and the design can be selected to be used with any hardware keypad, irrespective of printed characters on the keypad.

Even though the Dvorak layout seems to be the only other ANSI-registered keypad design included with all operating systems, attempts to convert to a Dvorak layout widely have failed.

A few studies have been conducted to investigate Dvorak’s inability to expel QWERTY. Consultants will sometimes use a conversation about the Dvorak layout as an exercise to demonstrate the problems of the shift.

Although the Dvorak layout has been criticized, it is commonly used in textbooks as a standard instance of network effects.


Main Differences Between QWERTY and DVORAK

  1. The distinction between Qwerty and Dvorak is based on the keyboards’ global adoption. QWERTY and DVORAK were invented at different times. Still, QWERTY is widely acknowledged and utilized, but DVORAK is not widely recognized and is only used by a few individuals.
  2. The era when QWERTY was founded was the 18th Century, whereas DVORAK was founded in 1936.
  3. The arrangement of the keyboard of the qwerty keyboard is based upon the QWERTY arrangement, whereas the DVORAK keyboard is based on the DVORAK arrangement of letters.
  4. The style of both of these keyboards is different. Qwerty is old fashioned whereas DVORAK is based on new fashion.
  5. The range of known population of qwerty keyboards is broad, whereas Dvorak is not so popular.
  1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0020737383800108
  2. https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/2047196.2047257
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Sandeep Bhandari
Sandeep Bhandari

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.


  1. This is an article about something we use every day without thinking about the differences, QWERTY and DVORAK are two types of keyboard designs that we take for granted, I must say I learned a lot from this post

  2. I believe the Dvorak keyboard layout has some advantages over QWERTY, In the future, perhaps we will see a shift towards this other design

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