Redwood vs Sequoia: Difference and Comparison

Trees are the essence of our life. They sustain us and the rest of the living organisms. Just like there is diversity in humans, there is diversity in the world of trees as well.

Key Takeaways

  1. Redwood trees are taller and narrower than Sequoia trees.
  2. Redwood trees have a darker, more fibrous bark, while Sequoia trees have a reddish-brown, deeply furrowed bark.
  3. Redwood trees are found in coastal regions of California, while Sequoia trees are found in the Sierra Nevada mountain range.

Redwood vs Sequoia

The difference between Redwood and Sequoia is that the former is known to be the tallest tree of all, whereas the latter has the reputation of being the largest or widest tree in the world. The two different kinds of trees also vary in their place of availability, trunk size, structure, etc.

Redwood vs Sequoia

The redwoods are a part of the coniferous trees. These are found in areas that are near the coast, more specifically in the coastal areas of the USA.

Sequoia, or the giant sequoia, have earned the tag of being the largest tree in the world. They are known to have the widest trunk.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonRedwoodSequoia
DefinitionIt is the tallest tree in the world belonging to the subfamily of coniferous trees.It is a coniferous tree that is known to be the largest tree in the entire world.
HabitatTheir natural habitat is in coastal areas, specifically along the Pacific in California, USA. These are a variety of inland trees, found specifically in the western slopes of Sierra Nevada, USA.
Trunk shapeOwing to its splendid length, it has a trunk that is thin and slender.Since it is the largest tree in the world, it has a mammoth-sized trunk.
Wood textureThe texture of its wood is finer and comparatively softer.The texture of sequoia wood is a little rough and coarse.
UsageIt is known to have very valuable timber, which is used in lumbering industries.Since they are not good for construction purposes, they serve well in horticulture and tourism arenas.
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What is Redwood?

Belonging to the family of Cupressaceae, the Redwood trees fall into the category of coniferous trees. These trees are variously known as coastal redwoods or Californian redwoods.

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Redwood trees are also known for the longevity of their lives. The average life of these trees is approximately 2000 years, and their average height is said to be around 115 meters.

More specifically, they are found along the coast of the Pacific Ocean in California, USA. The color of the bark of redwood trees is faint chocolate brown.

It is deemed as one of the best species for timber and is highly valuable in lumbering industries. In earlier days, it was also used for the construction of railway tracks and lines.


What is Sequoia?

The Sequoia tree has its roots in the family of coniferous trees. Specifically called the giant sequoia, it falls under the broad category of redwoods.

These are also said to be one of the longest-living trees on the planet. Just like the coastal redwoods, they, too, are evergreen trees, but they differ from them in height and width.

They are naturally found in inland areas. The groves in the western slope of Sierra Nevada, USA, are abundant with Sequoia trees.

These trees are conferred with properties that make them fire resistant and, at the same time, do not allow their wood to decay easily.


Main Differences Between Redwood and Sequoia

  1. The redwood trees have a thin and slender trunk, whereas the sequoias have a massive and large trunk.
  2. The leaves of Sequoia trees have scales that make them easily distinguishable from the Redwoods.
Difference Between Redwood and Sequoia

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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.