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A Review is a report highlighting someone’s opinion about something, its ideas, the theme, and how it affects someone or something.

Key Takeaways

  1. A review evaluates or critiques a work or product, providing opinions and insights on its quality, effectiveness, or value. At the same time, a summary is a condensed version of a work presenting its main points or ideas without offering personal opinions or judgments.
  2. Reviews include personal assessments, recommendations, and comparisons to similar works or products. In contrast, summaries focus on accurately conveying the core content or message of the original work without inserting personal opinions.
  3. Both reviews and summaries can be useful for understanding the content or value of a work. Still, they serve different purposes: reviews inform potential consumers or readers about the quality of work, while summaries provide a quick and concise understanding of the original content.

Review vs Summary

The difference between Review and a Summary is that Review reflects what the partaker thinks about the narrative in all aspects. In contrast, a Summary is just a shortened or condensed version of an artefact that gives the gist of the whole body.

Review vs Summary

Review can also mean a revision or subsequent reading of a text or narrative. Whereas, Summary is a broad term which refers to the short restatement reflecting the critical points of any piece of literature, argument or lecture.


Comparison Table

Parameter of ComparisonReviewSummary
Basic ideaA report on the general idea of the narrative, along with the opinion and analysis of the reviewer.A concise report of the narrative highlighting its main points.
PersistenceIt does not necessarily include the exact points of the subject and extends to external aspects of the issue (like its effect on people).Holds on to the exact points of the subject, and no extra matter is to be added.
Opinion of the partakerThe reviewer’s opinion plays an essential part and can vary from reviewer to reviewer.Opinions of the summarizer are not to be included in the summary. It doesn’t matter how the summarizer perceives the subject.
ProceedingNo exact order needs to be maintained for presenting a review.A summary proceeds in the same order as that of the subject itself.
SizeIncludes assessment and critical analysis of the narrative in several aspects and can be lengthy.It can be pretty short, as it is just a gist of the narrative.


What is Review?

A review delineates the partaker’s opinion about the presented subject. It doesn’t require the exact points of the narrative but revolves around the ideas of it and the way it was presented.

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This is used in formal and informal contexts like “a movie review” or “review of a research paper” and can be applied to any subject that can be presented to an audience.

There will exist no final review as every individual contemplates the subject differently. However, the study can be generalized as good or bad.

These reviews don’t necessarily account for the reviewer’s opinions and are closely related to a summary. However, unlike resumes, these reviews don’t have to highlight all the subject’s main points in the same order.

This review is not presented to an audience but is for the use of the partaker himself. The need for this kind of review arises when the partaker needs to demonstrate their knowledge on the subject, like examinations.

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What is Summary?

A Summary is the concise report of any presented rendering or narrative used for a better and easier understanding. It covers all the text’s main points and gives the story’s essence in the exact order as the report does.

A summary sticks to the points of the subject and doesn’t deviate from them at all. It does not include the summarizer’s opinions or acknowledge any assessment of the issue.

Absoluteness is the backbone of a summary. Since the resume needs to hold on to the exact points of the subject, the summaries from different summarizers must be clear.

Summaries always proceed in the exact nature of the subject, starting from the introduction and terminating where the issue ends.

It is mainly used in academic contexts and for other narratives.


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By Emma Smith

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.