Rice Vinegar vs Regular Vinegar: Difference and Comparison

Vinegar is an edible ingredient which is used as a seasoning in different countries. Vinegar is the diluted form of acetic acid and water.

Key Takeaways

  1. Rice vinegar is a type of vinegar made from fermented rice, while regular vinegar can be made from various ingredients, such as grapes or apples.
  2. Rice vinegar has a milder, sweeter taste than regular vinegar, making it a popular ingredient in Asian cuisine, while regular vinegar is used more widely in Western cuisine.
  3. Rice vinegar is used in marinades, dressings, and sauces, while regular vinegar is commonly used in pickling and preserving.

Rice Vinegar vs Regular Vinegar

The difference between Rice Vinegar and Regular Vinegar is that rice vinegar is a vinegar that is made up of the process of the fermentation of rice. It is used by the people of East Asia and Vietnam in Southeast Asia. The taste of rice vinegar is on the sweeter side. On the other hand, Regular Vinegar is also commonly known as white vinegar. Regular vinegar is also made up of the process of fermentation, which possesses alcoholic things by the small microorganisms. The taste of regular vinegar is sour.

Rice Vinegar vs Regular Vinegar

Rice vinegar is a kind of vinegar that is made up of the process of fermentation of rice. The main key ingredient of rice vinegar is rice. It is used by the people of East Asia and Vietnam in Southeast Asia.

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On the other hand, Regular vinegar is also made up of the process of fermentation, and it possesses alcoholic things by the small microorganisms.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonRice VinegarRegular Vinegar
Rice Vinegar is a type of vinegar that is made up of the process of fermentation of rice.
Regular Vinegar is a type of vinegar that is made up of the process of fermentation of grains.
TasteThe rice vinegar is on the sweeter side of taste.The taste of Regular vinegar is sour.
ColourRice vinegar is a slightly yellowish transparent color.Regular vinegar has whitish transparent color.
Base IngredientsThe base ingredient of rice vinegar is rice.The base ingredient of regular vinegar varies. It can be made up of grains such as corn or other wheat-based substances.
UsageRice vinegar is only used for cooking.Regular vinegar is used for both cooking and cleaning purposes.
Cuisine that uses its Respective VinegarThe cuisines that use rice vinegar are Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese.Regular vinegar is commonly used in Western cuisine.
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What is Rice Vinegar?

Rice vinegar is made up of the process of fermentation of rice. The rice is fermented for many days, and hence vinegar is produced.

The base ingredient of rice vinegar is rice. In other words, the key ingredient of rice vinegar is rice, and therefore it tastes sweet.

The cuisines that use Rice vinegar are Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese. Rice vinegar is used as an important ingredient in many cuisines which enhances its taste.

rice vinegar

What is Regular Vinegar?

Regular vinegar is also made up of the process of fermentation, and it possesses alcoholic things by the small microorganisms. Regular vinegar is also commonly known as White Vinegar.

The taste of Regular vinegar is sour. The taste of regular vinegar is not sweet as rice vinegar. Regular vinegar has whitish transparent color.

Regular vinegar is used for both cooking and cleaning purposes. Some regular white vinegar concentrates 20% of acetic acid, and it is strictly used for agriculture and cleaning purposes.

regular vinegar

Main Differences Between Rice Vinegar and Regular Vinegar

  1. Rice vinegar is only used for cooking. On the other hand, Regular vinegar is used for both cooking and cleaning purposes.
  2. The cuisines that use Rice vinegar are Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese. On the other hand, Regular vinegar is commonly used in Western cuisine.
Difference Between Rice Vinegar and Regular Vinegar
  1. https://journals.asm.org/doi/abs/10.1128/AEM.67.2.986-990.2001
  2. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00592-010-0184-6

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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.