Server vs Desktop: Difference and Comparison

Most of the time it is believed that a server is not different from a desktop.

But any of the computer servers which is capable of meeting the minimum requirements of hardware is capable of running a complete operating system which can not be expected from a normal desktop.

Let us discuss the major differences between a server and a desktop in detail.

Key Takeaways

  1. Servers are designed to handle multiple tasks simultaneously and serve multiple users, while desktops cater to individual users’ needs.
  2. Servers require greater processing power, memory, and storage capacity than desktops.
  3. Desktop computers are built for everyday tasks and personal use, whereas servers are optimized for network and data management.

Server vs Desktop

The difference between a server and a desktop is that both are engineered for a separate purpose.

If a server and a desktop tend to have similar speeds of processing or equal amount of memory and storage still can not be compared or fulfil each other’s requirements.

Server vs Desktop

A server is a framework or hardware which is indistinguishable from any desktop or say for example a laptop computer, but with a lot of RAM, CPU and major capacity. Each brand has a different type of server available for its users.

The desktop computer system implements user-friendly operating systems and applications that help to fulfil all desktop-based tasks.

The most important part of a desktop is its processor which includes a motherboard and circuit board in order to run a computer efficiently.

Comparison Table

Parameters of Comparison  ServerDesktop
 Operating system It’s OS has the potential to handle multiple connections at the same time If you want to have changes in the OS of a desktop you must restart it again
 FeaturesProcessing power, storage and memory are very highProcessing power, storage and memory are low
 CostDue to its inter compatibility with others it is extravagant A desktop can be placed on a single desk and thus it is not very lavish
 File storageIn a server, the stored files are extremely securedThe files are present on individual desktop screen
 Power supplyMore than one supply for power is required for a serverSingle power supply is enough for a desktop
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What is a Server ?

A devoted server is designed as a file server that includes many features and deployment options not available on desktop computers is one of the best options for small businesses.

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Some of the server hardware decisions you need to make include processor, memory, and storage. If you want to choose an operating system for a server then you must remember that it is not an easy task at all.

The specific operating system you use depends primarily on what the server is used for. Small business employees should choose the operating system that is most convenient for the basic file servers.

The common function of a server is high processing tasks which include database hosting or sharing of files for data sharing.

They are used to share devices or resources such as printers and copiers. Servers also run wireless scanners to detect and remove viruses introduced by the user on any computer.

Most servers also have built-in high-capacity backup drives to protect against data loss. Servers are also designed to expand as network rules on demand.


What is a Desktop ?

A desktop is a personal computer that a person uses for personal or office work. It is on your office desk at work. It is a combination of physical hardware that runs a desktop computer.

You have a monitor, keyboard and mouse as input devices. Desktop computers are not only purchased and used by an individual but are also used in enterprise companies that designate desktops for employees.

More than one employee cannot work on one desktop, but the employee can be assigned multiple desktops depending on the task he or she has.

Although a desktop computer has the same processor speed, memory and storage capacity as a server, it is not a substitute for a real server.

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The technologies behind them are designed for a variety of purposes. Today’s children also have their separate desktop computer, which is used to play games. Desktop support is available for office computers.

dell desktop

Main Difference Between Server and Desktop

  1. A server is more protected from viruses but a desktop is very prone to viruses.
  2. Server support is more active than desktop support. In server support, the service provider helps to operate, manage and monitor the server remotely.
  3. The server operating system has the ability to update software and hardware without having to restart, but on a desktop operating system, you need to restart it for the changes to take effect.
  4. Any computer server that meets the minimum hardware requirements can run an operating system that does not turn a desktop computer into a real server.
  5. The files which are stored in a server are secured and those on a desktop are present on an individual screen.
Difference Between Server and Desktop

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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.