Solid vs Liquid: Difference and Comparison

Usually, people talk as a matter of fact, but today’s discussion is about the matter of state in the essence of solid and Liquid. In general, there are three different states of matter: Solid, Liquid, and Gas.

But if we go deeper into the context of States of Matter, there are 4 states of matter: Solid, Liquid, Gas, and Plasma. Without states of matter, our life is incomplete.

Key Takeaways

  1. Solids have a definite shape and volume and cannot be compressed, whereas liquids take the shape of their container and have a definite volume.
  2. Solids have strong intermolecular forces and are characterized by their rigidity and density, whereas liquids have weaker intermolecular forces and are characterized by their viscosity and fluidity.
  3. Solids have a higher melting point than liquids and can exist in various crystal structures. In comparison, liquids have a lower melting point and can exist in different states of matter.

Solid vs Liquid

The difference between a Solid and a Liquid is that a Solid has a definite shape, and a Liquid has no shape, whereas a solid is rigid, and a Liquid tends to flow. Solid is incompressible, whereas Liquid is compressible.

Solid vs Liquid

Especially if we talk about Solids and liquids, they both can’t live without each other because before turning or moulding something into a solid state, initially, it is heated in a liquid state, and to hold any liquid state, we need help of a solid state.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonSolidLiquid
ShapeThe solid-state has a definite shape.The liquid state has no definite shape.
VolumeThe solid-state has a definite volume.The liquid state has less volume compared to the solid state.
Intermolecular SpaceThere is no intermolecular space between solid-states.The intermolecular space is somewhat present between the liquid state.
CompressionThe solid state is incompressible.The liquid state can be compressed.
Force of AttractionThe solid-state molecules have a high force of attraction.The liquid state molecules have comparatively less force of attraction.
FluidityThe solid-state has no such feature of fluidity.The liquid state fluidity works from a higher level to a lower level.
FeaturesThe solid-state has strong ductility, elasticity, toughness, and flexibility features.The solid-state can be turned into a liquid state by heating the solid-state material. E.g., The melting of Wax.  (not every solid can be turned into liquid, only a few can be turned)
Change of FormThe liquid state can be turned into a solid-state by freezing the liquid-state material. E.g., Water can be turned into Ice Cubes.The kinetic energy of the solid state is low.
Rate of DiffusionThe diffusion rate of the solid-state is very low compared to the liquid state of matter.The liquid state’s diffusion rate is very high compared to the solid state of matter.
Kinetic EnergyThe kinetic energy of the solid-state is low.The kinetic energy of the liquid state is medium.
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What is Solid?

Generally, a solid-state is the state of matte-thatch that is resistant to any changes and has a definite shape and volume whose atoms are strongly bound together and incompressible.

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Though, the solid-state of matter can only be changed if they are broken or are have been cut into pieces by a certain force.

The solid state of matter has different types, such as ceramics, metals, minerals, organic solids, woods, nanomaterials, semiconductors, composite materials, and biomaterials.

The solid-state of matter in physical strength is pliable, elastic, strong and tough with certain kinds of flexibility.

Even the soli-state of matter has properties like thermal, optical, optoelectric, electrical, and electromechanical.

Examples of Solids are –

  1. Brick
  2. Coin
  3. Iron bar
  4. Building
  5. Mobile
  6. House
  7. Pencil
  8. Eraser
  9. Door
  10. Shoes
  11. Bag
  12. Clothes etc.

3 Basic Properties of Solid are –

  1. The solid-state of matter is destined to have a definite shape.
  2. The solid-state of matter is destined to have a definite volume.
  3. The particles of solid-state can be moved according to their fixed axes.

What is Liquid?

In a general sense, a Liquid state is the state of matter with a definite volume but no definite shape and whose atoms are tightly bound together but temporarily and are compressible and free of any changes.

The density of the liquid state of matter is constant.

The liquid state of matter is used as a solvent to dissolve many other solids and liquids. Lubricants such as oils measure temperature-related terms such as gravity, air pressure, etc.

Examples of Liquids are –

  1. Honey
  2. Water
  3. Wine
  4. Blood
  5. Oil
  6. Milk
  7. Acetone
  8. Alcohol
  9. Rain etc.

3 Basic Properties of Liquid are –

  1. The liquid state of matter is destined to have no definite shape.
  2. The liquid state of matter is destined to have a definite volume.
  3. The liquid state particles are free to move over but are somehow attracted to each other.

Main Differences Between Solid and Liquid

  1. The solid-state has a definite volume and shape, whereas the liquid state has only a definite volume but no definite shape.
  2. The solid-state has its shape, whereas the liquid state adapts the shape of the container or any other solid-state of matter where it is poured.
  3. The atomic bond of the solid-state is permanently strong, whereas the atomic bond of the liquid state is temporarily strong.
  4. The solid state of matter is more elastic, hard, strong, tough, and flexible than matter’s liquid states.
  5. The density of the solid-state is more compared to the liquid state.
  6. The solid-state of matter cannot be compressed, whereas the liquid state of matter can be compressed.
Difference Between Solid and Liquid
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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.