Ubuntu vs Kubuntu: Difference and Comparison

There are many operating systems growing in the world. Based on the user requirements, they are installing them and replacing them with their current operating system.

The two Linux operating systems which provide some amazing features for programmers and business people are Ubuntu and the other one is Kubuntu. Their installation process is also simple. 

Key Takeaways

  1. Ubuntu uses the GNOME desktop environment, whereas Kubuntu uses the KDE Plasma desktop environment.
  2. Kubuntu focuses on customization and a sleek user interface, while Ubuntu emphasizes user-friendliness and simplicity.
  3. Both operating systems are based on Debian, but Kubuntu has a more Windows-like appearance, making it an easier transition for Windows users.

Ubuntu vs Kubuntu

Ubuntu is a popular open-source Linux distribution based on Debian. It is known for its ease of use and community-driven development process. Kubuntu is a type of Ubuntu that uses the KDE Plasma desktop environment. KDE Plasma is a modern desktop environment that provides a wide range of features.

Ubuntu vs Kubuntu

Ubuntu is a Linux operating system. There is some software available in Ubuntu.

This software will help in many games and some other applications in the system. Most programs come with ubuntu for free.

You can use them the moment you install them. Ubuntu also helps with unemployment issues.

They provide skills and development for youth. You can completely remove windows and install ubuntu by following some basic steps.

Kubuntu is an operating system that many people prefer because of its GNOME and graphic technologies. Kubuntu is also supported by canonical, and it also provides security updates and provides the best support.

Kubuntu comes with a plasma version of KDE Plasma 5.1. This version is the default which will automatically come the moment you install Kubuntu. 

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonUbuntuKubuntu
Developed byDennis Ritchie and Ken ThompsonSponsored by blue systems
CustomizationsUbuntu provides very few customizationsKubuntu provides more customizations
Primary tool kitIt is provided by GTK+It is provided by QT.
DesktopIt is provided by the GNOME desktopIt is provided by KDE desktop
ThroughputIt has decent throughputIt has good throughput
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What is Ubuntu?

Ubuntu is an open-source Linux distribution. It is mainly designed for personal computers.

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It can also be used on servers. Many developers and testers use ubuntu because it has a good robust, fast and secure that can be used for programming.

Normal users who want to play games and also want to work with MS office and do designs using photoshop will not prefer ubuntu as it will not support the features that are in windows. 

This Linux operating system is freely available for professional and community support. It is committed to open-source development principles.

It encourages people interested in open source to improve it and pass it on to others. Ubuntu also helps the government in gaining support during emergencies.

Many people will switch to ubuntu over their windows 10 because of security concerns and issues.

People who use windows 10 have been complaining about security and hacking issues. They feel many threats and viruses like ransomware and malware.

Even though ubuntu is not completely malware-proof, it will protect your system from viruses and try to prevent it from malware. The moment you install ubuntu, it is very safe to use and will not raise any issues.

But ubuntu is not preferred by people in the corporate banking sector. 


What is Kubuntu?

Kubuntu is a free operating system that can be used instead of windows and mac os. Many people started to use Kubuntu because it was set up and administrated.

Business reviewers also prefer using Kubuntu because it helps them in running businesses easily. They feel that their business requirements are dealt well with Kubuntu than in windows 10.

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Many people confuse Kubuntu with ubuntu, but they are completely different.

For using Kubuntu, we need many requirements. The system should have at least 1GB of RAM.

Kubuntu is used for various works, and it is best for startups. Some of the works that are done with the help of Kubuntu are productivity, email, photography, office, graphics, and music applications.

Kubuntu is better than ubuntu. This is the review posted by people who tried both of them, as Kubuntu is very better for graphics which is not much supported by ubuntu. 

Kubuntu has a best future ability called card swapping. People who use the NVIDIA server are the most benefit by them.

The GNOME facilities of Kubuntu are the very best. Kubuntu is the best choice for someone who wants everything to get installed so that they can start working.

You cannot find these features in some other operating systems. There are many tutorials available for installing Kubuntu over windows 10.

Following them will help you in installing Kubuntu. 

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Main Differences Between Ubuntu and Kubuntu

  1. Ubuntu is a Linux operating system that Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson developed. On the other hand, Kubuntu is a Linux operating system that is sponsored by blue systems.
  2. Ubuntu has very few customizations. On the other hand, Kubuntu has good and many customizations for use.
  3. The primary tool kit used by Ubuntu is GTK+. On the other hand, the primary tool kit used by Kubuntu is QT.
  4. The desktop that Ubuntu uses is the GNOME desktop. On the other hand, Kubuntu’s desktop is the KDE desktop.
  5. Ubuntu provides some decent throughput. On the other hand, Kubuntu provides good throughput.
  1. http://identatron.co.uk/papers/morris_2010.pdf
  2. https://books.google.com/bookshl=en&lr=&id=uzp2AyXipNwC&oi=fnd&pg=PT24&dq=Difference+Between+Ubuntu+and+Kubuntu&ots=ySgDLaGR6v&sig=i8ZGVtZo394OUjd8_Y9g841zNlw
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Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.