Urology vs Nephrology: Difference and Comparison

Urology and Nephrology are two broad scientific studies of different branches, as Urology studies the urinary system, whereas Nephrology studies the kidney and its related functions. But, the definitions, etymological meanings, fields, specialists, etc., of both terms are different from each other.

Urology and Nephrology are also related studies, as the urinary system and kidneys are interlinked. Generally, a human body is constituted of two kidneys, but sometimes due to some serious issues, people also survive one kidney.

The main function of the kidney is to excrete the excess dirt and water from the blood, and it further that dirt and water are excreted from the urinary tract in the form of urine. Therefore, Urology and Nephrology are interrelated.

And one more point that is to be noted is that one should drink lots of water to keep their blood clean and to run a smooth assessment of the urinary tract and kidneys.

Key Takeaways

  1. Urology treats diseases related to the urinary tract system, while Nephrology treats kidney diseases.
  2. Urology focuses on surgical and medical diseases, while Nephrology focuses on medical diseases only.
  3. Urology deals with conditions like urinary incontinence, prostate cancer, and bladder cancer, while Nephrology deals with conditions like kidney failure, high blood pressure, and kidney stones.

Urology vs Nephrology

Urology is a field of specialization which deals with the surgical and medical treatment of the male and female urinary tract. Nephrology focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of kidney diseases, including the management of chronic kidney disease, hypertension, and kidney transplantation.

Urology vs Nephrology

Urology is the scientific study of the field of medicine associated with diagnosing, treating, and managing diseases related to the urinary tract in males and females. The specialist who looks after the department of Urology is commonly known as a Urologist.

One should seek help from the Urologist when he/she finds problems such as urinary tract infection, urinary incontinence, difficulty while urinating, bladder stones, prostate cancer, testicular cancer, etc.

On the other hand, Nephrology is the scientific study of the field of medicine that is only associated with treating and diagnosing diseases related to the kidney of both males and females. The specialist who looks after the department of Nephrology is commonly known as a Neurologist.

One should seek help or guidance from a Nephrologist when he/she finds problems such as diabetes, kidney infection, chronic kidney disease, kidney stone, kidney failure, etc.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonUrologyNephrology
DefinitionUrology refers to the study of the urinary tract and its related parts, such as the urinary bladder, uterus, prostate, kidney, etc., of both males and females.Nephrology refers to the study of the kidney and its related parts of the human body.
The etymology of the termsUrology is constituted with two terms: ‘ uro’, which was derived from the Greek term ‘urine’, meaning the urine system. And the other term is ‘logy’, derived from the Greek term ‘logos’, meaning ‘study of’.The term Nephrology is constituted with two terms, and they are ‘nephro’ that was derived from the Greek term ‘nephros’, meaning kidney. And the other term is ‘logy’ that was derived from the term ‘logos’, meaning ‘study of’.
SpecialistThe specialist who looks after the department of Urology is termed a Urologist.The specialist who looks after the department of Nephrology is termed a Nephrologist.
Deals WithThe Urologist deals with the problems such as urinary tract infections, urinary incontinence, if there’s difficulty while urinating, bladder stones, prostate cancer, testicular cancer, etc.The Nephrologist deals with the problems such as diabetes, chronic kidney disease, kidney infection, kidney stones, kidney failure, etc.
Main Job of the SpecialistThe Urologist directly aims at the problems or diseases related to the urinary tract of both males and females.The Nephrologist directly aims at the problems or diseases related to the kidney.
Type of SpecialistUrology falls under the categorial speciality of surgery.Nephrology falls under the categorial speciality of medicine.
Related Sub FieldsUrology also deals with the subfields of Urology such as Urology Oncology, Minimally Invasive, Prosthetics and Genitourinary Reconstruction, Endourology and Stone Diseases, etc.Nephrology also deals with the subfields of Nephrology such as Onconephorology, Uro-Nephrology, Home-Based Dialysis, Cardio-Nephrology, etc.
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What is Urology?

The study of the urinary system of the human body and its related parts is known as Urology. Urology is only associated with treating problems in the urinary tract, urinary bladder, prostate, etc.

Urology falls under the categorial speciality of surgery. Urology also gives special interest to both male and female reproductive systems as well.

Since we know the kidney generates the urine and through the urinary tract, it connects to the bladder, and therefore it is further extricated in the form of urine. Therefore, the study of urology also requires the study of kidneys, uterus, urethra, etc.

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The term Urology is constituted with two terms, and they are ‘uro’ that was derived from the Greek term ‘urine’, meaning the urine system. And the other term is ‘logy’ that was derived from the Greek term ‘logos’, meaning ‘study of’.

Therefore, the term concludes that it is the study of the urinary system. Also, the person or specialist who deals with the Department of Urology is termed a Urologist.

Urology has several sub-branches. It is divided into various branches, such as the doctor specializing in the specific sub-branch such as Urology Oncology, Minimally Invasive, Prosthetics and Genitourinary Reconstruction, Endourology and Stone Diseases, etc.

Also, it specifically studies surgery as its speciality.


What is Nephrology?

Nephrology directly studies the importance of the kidney and its functions. Its main job is to know about the kidney and its related parts.

Two terms constitute nephrology, and they are ‘nephro’ that was derived from the Greek term ‘nephros’ meaning kidney. And the other term is ‘logy’ that was derived from the term ‘logos’, meaning ‘study of’.

Here, the term indicates the study of kidneys. The kidney is a very important part of the human body, as it purifies dirt and excess water, and the extra water drains out from the body in the form of urine.

It is said to be the body’s first step to supply water with the help of blood vessels.

The study of Nephrology deals with the problems such as diabetes, chronic kidney disease, kidney infection, kidney stones, kidney failure, etc. And the person who specializes in the field of Nephrology is known as a Nephrologist.

The main job of the Nephrologist is to look after the kidney and its related parts that cause any dysfunction of the kidney.

Even though Nephrology is concluded as the main branch but at the same time, it has several sub-branches or specializing categories such as Onconephorology, Uro-Nephrology, Home-Based Dialysis, Cardio-Nephrology, etc. And it specifically categorizes in the medicinal field.

Main Differences Between Urology and Nephrology

  1. Urology refers to the study of the urinary tract and its related parts, such as the urinary bladder, uterus, prostate, kidney, etc, of both males and females. On the other hand, Nephrology refers to the study of the kidney and its related parts of the human body.
  2. The term Urology is constituted with two terms, and they are ‘uro’ that was derived from the Greek term ‘urine’, meaning the urine system. And the other term is ‘logy’ that was derived from the Greek term ‘logos’, meaning ‘study of’. On the other hand, the term Nephrology is constituted with two terms, and they are ‘nephro’ that was derived from the Greek term ‘nephros’, meaning kidney. And the other term is ‘logy’ that was derived from the term ‘logos’, meaning ‘study of’.
  3. The specialist who looks after the department of Urology is termed a Urologist. On the other hand, the specialist who looks after the department of Nephrology is termed a Nephrologist.
  4. The Urologist deals with the problems such as urinary tract infections, urinary incontinence, if there’s difficulty while urinating, bladder stones, prostate cancer, testicular cancer, etc. On the other hand, the Nephrologist deals with the problems such as diabetes, chronic kidney disease, kidney infection, kidney stones, kidney failure, etc.
  5. The Urologist directly aims at the problems or diseases related to the urinary tract of both males and females. On the other hand, the Nephrologist directly aims at the problems or diseases related to the kidney.
  6. Urology falls under the categorial speciality of surgery. On the other hand, Nephrology falls under the categorial speciality of medicine.
  7. Urology also deals with the subfields of Urology such as Urology Oncology, Minimally Invasive, Prosthetics and Genitourinary Reconstruction, Endourology and Stone Diseases, etc. On the other hand, Nephrology also deals with the subfields of Nephrology such as Onconephorology, Uro-Nephrology, Home-Based Dialysis, Cardio-Nephrology, etc.
Difference Between Urology and Nephrology
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Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.