WandaVision vs the Mandalorian: Difference and Comparison

WandaVision mad The Mandalorian are two television series published in weekly episode format, launched and powered by the platform Disney+.

These are two series launched from two multi-million dollar franchises, which are Marvel Cinematic Universe and Star Wars Franchises, both of which are now owned by Disney+.

Key Takeaways

  1. Wandavision is a superhero television series based on Marvel Comics, while The Mandalorian is a space Western television series based on the Star Wars franchise.
  2. Wandavision follows the story of Wanda Maximoff and Vision, while The Mandalorian follows the story of a lone bounty hunter.
  3. Wandavision has a more surreal and experimental approach to storytelling, while The Mandalorian has a more traditional narrative structure.

WandaVision vs Mandalorian

WandaVision is a superhero television series based on Marvel Comics. It tells the story of the grief and powers of Wanda Maximoff to alter or change reality. The Mandalorian is a Star Wars television series that tells the story of a lone bounty hunter’s adventures in the galaxy far, far away.

WandaVision vs Mandalorian

WandaVision is a mini-television series. It is television series with only nine-episode comprising one season of the show. It was launched as a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe by Marvel Studios.

The platform of release is Disney+. The plot of this series revolves around the two celebrated characters, Vision and Scarlet Witch.

The Mandalorian is a television and web series. It is a series with two seasons as of yet and has sixteen episodes in total. It was launched as a part of the Star Wars franchise.

The platform of release is Disney+. The plot of this series revolves around the struggle of Din Djarin or Mando, and Grogu.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonWandaVisionMandalorian
Story ofWandaVision focuses on the backstory of Hex.The Mandalorian focuses on the story of Din Djarin.
UniverseWandaVision is a part of the MCU.The Mandalorian is a part of the Star Wars Universe.
CharactersThe main characters of this series are Scarlet Witch and Vision.The main characters of this series are Mando and Baby Yoda.
VillainThe villain in this series is Agatha Harkness.The main villain in this series is Moff Gideon.
CameoA surprise cameo is seen from Quicksilver.Luke Skywalker sees a surprise cameo.
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What is WandaVision?

WandaVision is a miniseries of television episodes released weekly by the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It was launched on the Disney plus or Disney+ platform in the form of one weekly episode format of release.

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The timeline of this series fits after the end of the Avengers Infinity War, during which we see that Vision is dead after the extraction of the Mind Stone.

This series follows the backstory of the Scarlet Witch and her becoming.

The plot follows that after the War, in a state of grief and pain, Wanda generates another Vision with the powers bestowed upon her due to the experiments conducted on her with the Mind Stone, as seen previously in the Marvel comics.

She creates an alternative reality in which Wanda and Vision lead a normal happy life and have kids, much like how she had seen in rom-coms in her childhood.

However, this alternative reality doesn’t last long when she encounters disturbances from S. W. O. R. D. and a disguised witch, namely Agatha Harkness.

The story ends by showing how the Scarlet Witch was formed and how she got her full powers. The season leaves a message on the importance of making a good choice for the greater good rather than personal happiness.

Quicksilver has made a surprise appearance. It is a popular television series released by MCU.

What is the Mandalorian?

The Mandalorian is also a television series that was released by the Star Wars Franchise. It premiered on the Disney plus platform and consisted of 16 chapters in total, divided into two seasons.

An upcoming season has also been announced for The Mandalorian series.

Through this series, we uncover the adventures of Mando. The timeline of this series is placed after the Star Wars Return of the Jedi.

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We come across a Mandalorian who has been assigned to collect the bounty of The Child. The child here is shown to be Baby Yoda. It is not the Yoda the adult Yoda sees in the Star Wars movies but one of a similar species.

Namely, this baby Yoda is called Grogu, who has amazing telekinesis and healing power under the influence of the Force.

Baby Yoda is then seen to develop a father-son relationship with Mando, who eventually has to give him up to our social appearance star Luke Skywalker for further training and upbringing.

The villain in this series is shown to be the Mandalore commander Moff Gideon who, along with the Imperials, wants to get The Child destroyed.

The series leaves the message of humane relationships, gives us an insight into the life of Mandalorians, and shows us the early training periods of Luke Skywalker.

Main Differences Between WandaVision and the Mandalorian

  1. WandaVision tells us the story of the Scarlet Witch and Vision, while The Mandalorian tells us the story of Mando and the Child.
  2. WandaVision is a trajectory story of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, while the Mandalorian is part of the Star Wars Universe.
  3. WandaVision shows the becoming of the Scarlet witch after the death of Vision, which is in the recent times after the Infinity War, whereas the Mandalorian is based on a past timeline after the Return of the Jedis when the Empire was struggling.
  4. WandaVision focuses on the story of the main character and their background, while The Mandalorian tells us very little about the past life of Mando or originally Din Djarin.
  5. WandaVision gained more popularity as a series in comparison to The Mandalorian.
  1. https://www.popmatters.com/wandavision
  2. https://www.ingentaconnect.com/contentone/intellect/ajpc/2020/00000009/00000002/art00007
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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.